Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Gordon Brown, as the Scots say, a complete numpty!

The No campaign in Scotland are making wildly exciting noises about the intervention of Gordon Brown in the independence debate. I find this very strange given that this was the man who presided over the financial collapse, the man who was one of the key players in the New Labour disaster and who will go down as the worst Prime minister in living memory. Brown is demonstrably incompetent, completely untrustworthy and who sold out the working people of this country without a pang of conscience.

Since Thatcher entered Downing Street, Britain has been cursed with a quite appalling political class who represent no-one but themselves, and nobody embodies that more than Brown. He was Mad Tony's most loyal lieutenant and the champion of deregulation, Private Finance Initiatives, war and the demonization of the disadvantaged. I genuinely find it difficult to believe that anyone with a shred of intelligence can take anything this person says seriously.

The legacy of the Blair governments is plain to see in the slow death of the Labour Party which will most certainly never be missed, and nightly on our screens in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why Blair, Brown and their cohorts are not all serving lengthy prison sentences for their crimes is a mystery. But the most important effect should be the lessons for us of these people's stupidity, arrogance and recklessness. What has been achieved in both Iraq and Afghanistan is the exact opposite of what they set out to achieve. They are quite simply useless. Thus, the leading figures in the No and Better together campaigns are demonstrably incompetent both politically and economically. It is beyond dispute. Why on earth does anyone listen to such people?

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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