Thursday, 13 February 2014

Will the floods make a difference? Think again!

If you will forgive me using a terrible pun, I believe that the flooding that we are seeing throughout southern England will mark a watershed in British politics. There can no longer be any argument as to the necessity of the state and for state activity on a national scale. Now, when I talk about the state I include our systems of local government. As I said the last time, successive governments have systematically destroyed local government and privatised all of its essential functions, those functions that should be getting utilised right now to deal with this catastrophe. However, they cannot be utilised as they no longer exist, they have all been privatised or centralised out of local government control. Fire, ambulance, police, direct labour, buildings and works departments would all, in the past, have been actively coordinating relief. Local councillors in partnership with local voluntary organisations would have been active from the first day of flooding to mitigate the worst effects of the weather, people who know their community and who know its priorities.

The systematic atomisation of civil society has to be reversed as a matter of priority. Given the finances, local governments throughout the country could utilise our 3 million unemployed people, working under the direction of local planners to restore communities and rebuild the damaged infrastructure. We have a national emergency and it requires national priorities. The £1.7million bonus being awarded to the chairman of Lloyds bank should be confiscated along with the £1.4billion in bonuses that the banking sector in London is due to pay their managers. Those people don't need that money, the flood victims do. By the way, I trust you noticed that the chairman of Lloyds bank told the press that his bonus was in the national interest. He should get a bonus for sheer affrontery.

The relentless de-regulation of the economy, the privatisation of its essential services and the relentless centralisation of political power and decision-making must be stopped and reversed. However, despite the blindingly obvious evidence for this, it will not happen. None of the Westminster political parties and their personnel have either the intelligence or the vision necessary to accomplish what is necessary, and none of the people who are suffering from this situation will be prepared to vote for it to happen. The Tories are still daily denying climate change and so are not willing to make concessions as to the necessary measures to protect our society in the future. Labour are too scared to take the first necessary steps, which requires a radical change in the distribution of resources and of our system of taxation. The measures that are necessary will require money, and these people think that the money belongs to them by right. How on earth can such people justify paying such obscene bonuses otherwise? Never underestimate the Westminster hatred of and contempt for, the UK outside the south-east of England. Never underestimate their hatred of the working class, and never underestimate their hatred of the Scots. Most importantly, never underestimate their intention to loot the national treasury as much as they can. I ask you to think - for the past five years we have been told that we are in a period of extreme austerity. We are constantly being told that there is no money left. There is no money for health, for caring services, for the disabled, for social security. All of those areas must suffer cuts which are absolutely necessary for recovery, but yesterday Cameron told us that money is no object because the playing fields of his beloved Eton were flooded. He told the House of Commons this is because we are a rich country, oh really? Money is no object because we are a rich country, but half a million people are dependent on food banks, and half of all benefit claimants are in work! I genuinely must be missing something. There is not one single persuasive reason for the Scots to remain in union with these type of people, but its your choice, you have been warned. If you vote for more of this political criminality you will deserve all you get.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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