I trust you saw the result of the Parliamentary by-election in Wythenshaw in Greater Manchester yesterday. Labour won with 55% of the vote on a 28% turnout. What this means is that an MP has just been elected into the most important law making and decision-making forum in the country with 15.4% of the possible votes in that constituency. Now the turnout is not the fault of the winning candidate, but it does go to show the appalling disconnect that now exists between Westminster and the British people. These are the same people that are demanding that unions must have an absolute majority in a vote before they can take any form of industrial action, they are absolutely shameless.
What we will now witness is this person purporting to speak for the British people, and claiming that he has a mandate for how he votes and the measures he supports once he reaches Westminster. What this result highlights is the dreadful state of British politics and the nonsense of what we claim to be a democratic country. With all that is going on in this country, with cuts, unemployment, foodbanks, austerity, the bedroom tax etc. 72 voters out of every hundred in this constituency couldn't even be bothered to vote, and a man has just been returned to represent those people with only 15 out of every hundred possible votes. Even before he has taken his seat he lives down to all my expectations. After the vote he told the press that
"voters had 'sent a very clear message' to the Government. "They have rejected the failed policies of the out-of-touch Tories, they have rejected the isolationism and scaremongering of Ukip," He added. "It's a result which emphatically demonstrates that people here know the NHS is not safe in David Cameron's hands, and that we've had enough of his utterly out-of-touch government."
Good luck to him in his parliamentary career, but he will not need it as by this type of utterance he will fit right into Westminster. The very clear message that the voters sent was that they cannot be bothered with any of them. How out of touch can anyone be who has just been elected with 15 out of every hundred votes, a little humility would have been more appropriate because he has been rejected just as surely as the rest of the gang. We now have a man in our Parliament who believes that 28% of voters emphatically demonstrate something, you genuinely couldn't make up nonsense like this, it is like an ongoing pantomime. This type of development in the British system is quite genuinely dangerous as the electorate are quite simply allowing people like this to do what they want with no form of accountability.
However, what I want you to take from this result is a warning of what the general election will be like in 2015. Scotland must disassociate itself from this chaotic mess as a matter of priority, because if you vote Better Together in September, it is your future you are committing to people like this and to the system that supports and sustains them. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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