I apologise profusely for neglecting you for too long. I have been working hard getting my book ready for publication, and must apologise again for such blatant publicity seeking. However, if you live in the West of Scotland, I would love to meet you at the launch of the book which you are all of course invited to. I will give you all the details when they are finalised.
I hope you are keeping up with the events unfolding in Brazil. Over a million people have taken to the streets in protest at the avarice and greed of their ruling elite, sound familiar? They have been met with unprincipled brutality by the police with the support of the government, sound familiar? They have been ignored by the government and the parliament who of course claim a democratic mandate for their austerity measures, because, wait for it, there is no alternative, sound familiar? We now have Brazil joining Greece, Portugal, Turkey etc in telling their authorities that enough is enough, and being totally ignored. Yet all these countries, like the United Kingdom, claim to be representative democracies.
I have been warning for some time that all this is coming here. The worst of the government's measures are still to come and a backlash is inevitable as people increasingly find that they cannot make ends meet and see their rulers and the managerial classes continuing to enrich themselves at their expense. We now have over half a million people being fed every day from foodbanks whilst Parliament is poised to award themselves a 15% increase. Our leaders now inhabit an alternative universe, but they will be brought to reality before too long. As Abe Lincoln said, you can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. There are good reasons for the British predicament, and they revolve around the fact that the dominant ideas that exist in our society and that govern our policy making agenda are fraudulent. The fundamentals of free market economic and political theory are simply wrong. I will address these issues, and trust that you will find them interesting, even if you disagree with me.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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