Saturday, 22 June 2013

Ed Milliband, the workers' friend, eh?

I am  returning to a theme I spoke about on the 4th of June. I warned you that Labour were going to commit themselves to honour the government's spending commitments if they win the next election. I trust you have seen that Milliband has now made that official Labour policy. Thus, Labour has promised to hold to the government's economic policies, have promised to maintain the spending cuts, and have promised to cap all benefits if they come to power. So, what difference will they make, answer, nothing! Today, Nick Clegg also reveals that the Liberals are taking exactly the same path.

Labour are now firmly revealed as a Tory party mark two, a neoliberal free market party who are posing as the party of ordinary people, and that in reality, we are being given the choice between three Tory parties all trying to convince us that they are the best placed to make the free market economy work best.

As a result, Labour and the Liberals are telling us that they are abandoning the unemployed, the sick, the disabled and people on benefits. They are abandoning the health service, education etc. to the tyranny of the market. They are in fact telling us that the Tories have actually got it spot on. So, why vote Labour? I sincerely ask someone out there to come on and tell me an answer to that if they are able.

Now, when the Better Together campaign in Scotland attempt to convince us that we are indeed better together, I will be most interested to hear their reasons as Milliband has just pulled the carpet from under their feet. They have been left with no arguments. The case for Scottish Independence is now overwhelming and in fact unanswerable. It is very possible that I am missing something in the debate for or against Independence, and I genuinely want to hear from anyone who thinks I am wrong. All we are getting from the three major parties is smoke and mirrors and I have not yet heard anything substantive from them. It's the same old patriotic garbage, personal attacks on anyone from the opposition, and how the Scots are too thick to go it alone. At least the Tories are honest, they hate the Scots and working people, they hate anyone who is disadvantaged and don't bother hiding it. Labour however, are the most hypocritical and loathsome bunch imaginable, they are a genuine disgrace. I will remind you here that when I speak of the Scots, I speak of the people who live in Scotland, and who are a wide mixture of diverse ethnic and cultural groups, and when you are listening to all the propaganda from the better together campaign, remember that Scotland has a wide range of cultures and talents, a genuine multicultural and sophisticated society.

Now before anyone accuses me of being an SNP stooge, I belong to no political party. The biggest lie from the better together group is that anyone who supports the Yes campaign is SNP. It never occurs to them that some people possess a modicum of decency and are more intelligent than vote for the obscenity that passes for the Westminster system of government. When the unionists are attempting to convince you of the benefits of staying within the UK, you MUST DEMAND that they explain to you how we are going to benefit under the agreed aims of policies of the Westminster parties. What on earth is going to be different from the misery and confusion that is modern Britain?

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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