Friday, 1 March 2013

Lessons from Eastleigh

If anyone wants a definitive reason for voting for Scottish Independence, then they only need to look at the byelection result from Eastleigh today.The good, and supposedly intelligent, electorate in Eastleigh have just voted for a party that have broken every promise they made to them at the general election, and have adopted the neoliberal working class hating, people on benefit hating, disabled hating and immigrant hating agenda with a gusto. They have supported the bankers, supported the privatisation and dismantling of the health service, tax cuts for the richest in our society and benefit cuts for the most disadvantaged. I could go on but you must all be familiar with this party's crimes. This is the party that is currently trying to protect one of its Lords on charges of repeated sexual harassment (after their leader was caught out lying through his teeth about having any knowledge of it) on the grounds that what he is accused of is 'quite mild.' So you just remember that, you ladies out there, if anyone touches you up, strokes your bum or your leg or brushes against your breasts, you have no business complaining because it is, after all, quite mild, and the Lib Dems will certainly not go out of their way to protect you (on second thoughts I think I may join the Lib Dems).

In addition, the good people of Eastleigh voted the quasi-fascist UKIP into second place. This is the party that openly peddles hatred for foreigners, wants to withdraw us from the EU, the only organisation that is concerned with our civil and political rights, and wishes to ditch our attempts to implement green policies to tackle global warming. This is a party of cranks, xenophobes and loonies. It says everything about them that they sent Neil Hamilton to represent them on Question Time last night.  

I trust you will watch with interest what this result will do to the Tories. They will now take a step further to the right (if that is possible) in order to try to recapture the voters who deserted them last night. They are led by the most incompetent Prime Minister and Chancellor in living memory who appear completely oblivious to the fact that their economic policies are both disastrous and ruinous. They have failed to meet every one of the targets that they themselves set as the benchmark for their government, yet their recipe for success will not be to review their failures, but to insist on more of the same, more cuts to the public services, more privatisation etc. On Wednesday they were the only leaders in the entire EU to object to the cap on banker's bonuses. They in fact applauded the £600million bonuses that I spoke of earlier this week being awarded by RBS. In other words, a bank that is so incompetent and criminal that it ran up a loss of £5.2billion in one year, is to be rewarded with performance related bonuses. You simply could not make that up. These are people whose salaries are the equivalent of winning the lottery every year, and they are demonstrably useless, but, according to the Prime Minister, they deserve their bonus. The head of RBS actually told a Commons Committee a few weeks ago that his £8million pound a year salary was 'quite modest.'

As I have said before, the Westminster system is so broken and corrupt that it is quite possibly beyond repair, and it is no good looking to the Labour Party because they are actually the authors of this mess. Whilst approximately half a million people in this country are being fed by handouts from food banks, the Westminister elite are applauding people who cannot possibly spend what they earn in one year, let alone in their working life, and telling the poor it is all their own fault. Watch this space.

As an addendum, I would simply ask if anyone can explain to me why bankers get bonuses at all? The vast majority of people work their whole lives, doing a good job, meeting all the criteria expected of them, but never ever get a bonus. Bankers bonuses are a complete mystery to me!

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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