Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Labour to the rescue of the Scots, Aye Right!

I was reflecting today on the welcome retirement from British politics of the war criminal and supporter of torture, David Milliband, and got to thinking how the people who are most in league with the Tories to prevent Scotland's self-realisation are the Labour Party who have given us the leadership of ex-Chancellor Alistair Darling to promote the Better Together campaign. I actually prefer to call Darling a Chancer, as opposed to a Chancellor as he was one of the prime architects of the financial crisis.

However, for those who may be persuaded that Labour may provide us with credible arguments, let me remind you of some of the achievements of these people whilst in office.

In their 13 years in office up to May 2010, the New Labour governments of Blair and Brown created 4,300 criminal offences, that is almost one new criminal offence for every day in office. This was not their output of legislation, merely the criminal legislation they passed. On average they created 28 offences every month but that conceals that under Brown's leadership they created an average of 33 every month. This compares with the 494 offences created between 1988 and 1996 by the Tories. From 1945 till the end of the 1980's, Parliament produced one major criminal justice bill every ten years, but from 1997 to 2010, Labour passed over 50.

This type of activity displays a madness. It is pathological, a compulsion. This government actually created an offence, punishable with life imprisonment, for causing a nuclear explosion. This is similar to the law that can see you get life in prison for committing suicide. I have tried to imagine who would be left to charge you with such an offence (assuming you survived the resulting explosion), then try you (if they can find 12 people left to form a jury) then find a building left standing in which to imprison you. It’s an interesting exercise. Yet, how many hours did intelligent civil servants and law officers spend in the drafting of such a measure? Well I presume they were intelligent.

Some other beauties, just to give you a flavour of this government’s priorities whilst in office, were the creation of an offence of swimming in the wrecked hull of the Titanic, (can you imagine such insanity, I often wonder if they have placed a policeman in an office on the bed of the Atlantic Ocean to monitor who is actually swimming in the hull), disturbing a pack of eggs when instructed not to do so by an officer, and selling, or offering for sale a bird of game killed on a Sunday or Christmas Day. Can you imagine how any government could get into such a pathological state as to dream all this stuff up, and actually believe that it had any importance? This is just an example of some of the crazier measures introduced into Britain by people we are supposed to believe are rational and sane. That folks is the modern Labour Party, so, if you vote for them, don't blame me. I will leave you with a reminder that both Millibands served in these administrations.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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