Thursday, 7 June 2018

Destitution by Design - The Kommirat has been telling you this for years

Since the very start of this blog I have been warning you that the ultimate policy goal of the Tories is to reduce the bulk of the British population to a state of modern slavery. I have been accused of hyperbole and other forms of exaggeration (although never by any of the readers of this blog, who are, by definition, the more intelligent and thoughtful arm of the populations of their respective countries), but today, once again, the Kommirat has been vindicated.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, in partnership with Heriot Watt University (which is of course a Scottish institution and therefore much more trustworthy and honourable than any of its Southern counterparts) has produced a Report cataloguing the manner by which the Tories are quite deliberately producing what they term 'destitution by design.' In other words, the impoverishment of large parts of the British population is official Tory government policy with the goal of quite deliberately reducing whole sections of the seventh richest nation on earth to a state of destitution. At this time the Report claims that there are over one and a half million people in a state of destitution in the UK, 360,000 of whom are children. The Report is produced within the strict definition of destitution endorsed by the general public which accepts that people are destitute if they have lacked two or more of these six essentials over the past month, because they cannot afford them:
 shelter (have slept rough for one or more nights)
 food (have had fewer than two meals a day for two or more days)
 heating their home (have been unable to do this for five or more days)
 lighting their home (have been unable to do this for five or more days)
 clothing and footwear (appropriate for weather)
 basic toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush).

Campbell Robb, chief executive of the Joseph Rountree Foundation, said: “Many of us rely on public services such as social security when hit with unexpected circumstances like job loss, relationship breakdown or ill health....Yet actions by government, local authorities and utility companies are leading to ‘destitution by design’: forcing people into a corner when they are penniless and have nowhere to turn. This is shameful,” 

The same day that this Report was published, research conducted for the Independent newspaper revealed that there are now over four million people in the UK relying on foodbanks. Should anyone wish to consult this Report it is available online at the Rountree Foundation website and so I will not go into it in any more detail. What I want to impress on you is the continuing cruelty and callousness of the British Conservative Party and their fundamentally fascist nature. They are a group of heartless barbarians driven by hatred. Their hatreds are too numerous to mention but include, workers, immigrants, the poor, the unemployed, the disabled and foreigners. 

However, the Tories are not alone in this, they are only the worst. This is a Westminster problem and has been developing for a long time by a group of unimaginative intellectual imbeciles who are shackled to the vile poison that is the free market. We have just witnessed the Tories, and indeed Westminster's, complete indifference to the plight of those who were the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire. A year after Grenfell hardly any of its survivors have been rehoused and the inquiry has only just begun following the Tories stubborn refusal to listen to the survivors pleas for justice. That the pigsty is racist to its very core is borne out by its treatment of these poor people and has been further demonstrated by what we in the UK call the Windrush scandal. If you have been following this scandal you will know that on the subject of racism and hatred of immigrants, the Tories and the Labour Party are now without excuse. Add to that the Brexit nightmare and the catalogue of cruelty and inhumanity shown to people on benefits and we can have no doubts whatever as to the real nature of the majority of the British people. As I said earlier, those personnel who work in the Home Office and in Britain's Department of Work and Pensions would be just as happy working to make sure that Eichmann's trains ran on time. An aggressive, heartless, inhuman, and barbarian dominant ideology, promoted and supported by an aggressive, heartless, inhuman political class of barbarians, is indeed producing an aggressive, heartless, inhuman population of barbarians. 

But at least some people are beginning to catch up with Doktor Kommirat. I have been reading an article by David Marquand, Principal of Mansfield College Oxford University who tells us that Britain's problem is not with Europe, it is with England. The English are going through a very reactionary nationalistic phase fuelled by the xenophobia created by the Brexiteers. The Leavers are impenetrable, like the followers of the Know Nothing they are impervious to facts and to reason, indeed they remind me of Bertrand Russell's observation that
“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”

The British are going to have to suffer trial and tribulation before they are ready to admit that they have been conned by a set of unscrupulous gangsters. You get what you vote for. Hopefully Scotland will be independent by that time, but if we are not, then we will also get what we deserve. You have been warned 

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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