Saturday, 19 May 2018

The 45 a know-nothing ignoramus and the most dangerous person on the planet

After listening to Senator Joe Biden telling the American people that decency has finally hit rock bottom, whilst Whoopie Goldberg described America's system of government as rotting from the head down, we have Rex Tillerson warning America that its democratic freedoms and system of government are under threat because of the dominant narrative established by the 45 that lying, bullying and attacking everyone and everything that you don't agree with, whilst branding them enemies and morally deficient is acceptable behaviour. I wonder when the American people are going to say enough is enough, but don't hold out any hope when polls show that America's 61 million white evangelical Christians simply don't care what this creature does. Their hypocrisy is truly nauseating and reveals the true nature of Christianity in its everday manifestations.
In the UK we have the Foreign Secretary, a self-evident imbecile, describing the Prime Minister's policy options on Europe as crazy. I am tired of people telling me how intelligent the Spider is, he most certainly is anything but intelligent. Intelligent people do not speak and purport themselves in the manner he habitually does; he is simply an upper class imbecile who trades on a privileged background and Britain's cap doffing lickspittles lap up every word he says because they are as ignorant as he is. He is the prototype of the end product of political neoliberalism, a walking lie, a fraud and dangerous. However, he pales into insignificance beside the cretin in the White House. What the people occupying the top political posts on both sides of the Atlantic are proving is the complete lack of integrity, decency and absence of any form of commitment to public service that characterises the modern Western politician whose only commitment is to furthering their own bank balance and who will do and say anything to support that cause.

Every day since the 45 took office has been a scandal, his administration has been an unmitigated disaster bringing politics and the reputation of the American people into the gutter. The latest scandal involving outrageous comments from his entourage about John McCain is indicative of the climate of governance the 45 has installed in the White House, bullying, indecency, hatred for any and every one who opposes them, persistent and consistent lying and outrageous demonisation of individuals and collectives who are deemed worthy of the administrations bile. The 45 is an ignoramus, he knows nothing, and for that reason he will now be known on this blog as The Know-Nothing. Even granting the designation of the 45 is too respectful for who must be the most repellant creature on earth. I have watched him quite carefully and watched the rally addressed in Indiana when I decided that for this blog at least, enough is enough. It is no longer acceptable to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is a rabble-rouser of the worst kind, a ferocious bully, devoid of any form of moral centre, a preacher of hate and division. Carefully monitoring his conduct and behaviour,The Washington Post revealed that in his first year in office he told a deliberate lie an average of 5.6 times per day. That he is devoid of decency, dignity, honesty, self-respect and any form of charity towards others, has been evident for a long time before he was elected, and as he is a disgrace, so too are the people who support him. The audience at a Know-Nothing rally are just as odious as he is.

I have difficulty believing that anyone with a scintilla of intelligence could seriously think that this creature was in any way or form responsible for creating a peaceful environment anywhere on earth, let alone on the Korean peninsula. I will stick my neck out here and will probably be proven wrong, but I am almost certain that all of the pressure that has led to North Korea entering talks and agreeing to meet Know-Nothing has come from the Chinese. That the Know-Nothing is getting the credit astonishes me, but, I am also quite sure that will be entering a very well-prepared ambush if he meets with Kim Jong-un. Know-Nothing is nuts, but Kim most certainly is not. He knows exactly what he is doing and I feel sure that Know-Nothing is going to get well and truly shafted. But then again, what do I know? The major difference between me and Know-Nothing is that I am fully aware of the depth of my own ignorance.

Both the US and the UK are entering a period in their history where they have quite freely abandoned civilised conduct and discourse. We are being led by politicians of the worst possible kind; as I said earlier both of our nations have become kakistocracies. In the UK our political class are truly enemies of the people led by a Prime Minister who is staggeringly incompetent and stupid. What we share with America is that we are both led by persons who are impenetrable to reason and whose response to every decision is to think about the most obvious and rational solution and promptly support the opposite. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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