I have written here before that if I was asked at what point did Britain become a civilised society I would point to the introduction of council housing. With the NHS this was the central core of Britain's welfare state. Both these initiatives are now in deep crisis because successive governments have abandoned them to legalised gangsterism. Right-wing ignoramuses label initiatives like the NHS and council housing as examples of socialism which is of course utter nonsense and demonstrates that they don't know what socialism is. Such initiatives are primary examples of a response to pressing needs, indeed the only logical responses available, particularly at that moment in British history, and, as I have also noted here before, the great expansion in British council house building was under Conservative governments before the rot set in under the Blessed Margaret and her poisonous free market filth. The only objections to such initiatives are ideological and indeed at this point in our history there is an urgent need to return to such policies because their crisis has been caused by an ideology and an ideology that has demonstrably failed. Such right-wing responses are similar to the halfwitted criticisms of publicly funded health care in America. What on earth is socialist about such measures no-one ever seems to explain, it is enough to level such an accusation to make your average right-wing ideologue froth at the mouth. This is the result of nation states becoming dominated by the fraudulent concepts of individualism and the free market.
We have the same poisonous phenomenon becoming dominant in the political sphere in Britain and Europe, the stupid, but dangerous notion of nationalism and patriotism. I frequently ask people what they mean by Britishness? I would ask the same of the Agent Orange, what does he mean by Americanism? I was watching people openly admitting to being fascists in the Italian election campaign lamenting the fact that native Italians are in danger of becoming a minority. What on earth, I thought, is a native Italian? At the height of the Roman Empire the city of Rome numbered over a million people. It was the policy of Rome to grant citizenship to anyone who gave loyal service to Rome and even grant them land and property holdings. The bulk of the Roman army in Britain were Gauls, Germanic and even Polish, even the officer class were non-Italian. Many of these soldiers settled here and married into the population. This was later followed by Vikings, Normans et al. The great Scottish hero Robert the Bruce was a Norman, his name being Robert De Bruys. It was the same in Rome itself. Soldiers, slaves given their freedom, gladiators, traders, craftsmen etc. from all over the Roman Empire, settled in Rome and the wider Italian community, married into and integrated with the Roman population and Rome gradually became a mongrel state in the sense that it was the result of its own conquests and the importation of peoples from all over the Empire.
Agent Orange wants to make America great again, but what made it great in the first place? It was the massive cultural mix that came from its immigration policies and the recognition that they were utilising talents and skills from every corner of the world, blending them into the production of a modern superstate just as Rome did. Orange's parents were German and Scottish and two of his wives have been Czech and Slovenian. I mean you couldn't make it up, a man like that objecting to immigrants and pandering to, and drawing his support from, right-wing anti-immigrants and racists. Rome could never have conquered the world if it had restricted its armies to Romans. It would never have produced its great architectural and artistic achievements had it not utilised the talents and skills of a multitude of diverse cultures in the same way America did. My point is that the rubbish spouted by right-wingers and Brexiteers about foreigners and immigrants, is exactly that, rubbish. Of course any nation can take too many immigrants to the point that it cannot afford them in economic and social terms, but to object to foreigners on racial grounds is simply idiotic in exactly the same manner as objecting to anything promoted and funded by the state on the grounds that this is socialism. That is why this blog refuses to recognise race as a legitimate political term. Patriotism is indeed the last refuge of the scoundrel. We are all descended from foreigners at some point in our history. Australia was built on British immigration, even if the originals were convicts. Countries are geographical and political structures, they are not racial. The world is descending into a barbarism fuelled by xenophobia and racism, blinded by the false doctrines of individualism. It is underpinned by a vicious and sick political and economic ideology. That ideology is in its death throes but is like a cornered rat, lashing out in hate and venom. We must challenge such attitudes and reject the ideology that supports and fosters them. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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