Wednesday, 22 November 2017

If you think a Tory cannot get any lower than he/she already is, think again

If you think a Tory cannot get any lower than he/she already is, think again. In an insight into what life will be like in the UK after Brexit, the Tories mustered a majority to vote down an amendment to their legislation for withdrawing from the EU that denies the status of animals as sentient beings. In other words, the Tories are putting legislation in place that denies that animals feel either pain or emotion. The Green MP Caroline Lucas had tabled an amendment seeking to preserve an EU clause in British law following Brexit that protected animals by declaring them sentient beings and the Tories whipped their MPs into voting it down. This of course is a precursor to abolishing animal protections embodied in European legislation, allowing for torture and experimentation on animals, the reintroduction of foxhunting and stag hunting etc. at the UK's convenience and sport. Humans will be next. Workers rights, animal rights, legal protections, the Tories are clearing the decks for their long-term strategy of imposing a Tory dominated authoritarian state. This is, as I always remind you, the long-term policy strategy of the Blessed Margaret. It is also the logical outcome of free market economics.

People often wonder if I exaggerate concerning the Tories and their agenda, which, as I always tell you, is quite deliberate. A study this week, published by the British Medical Journal, accuses the Tories of 'economic murder' stating that their policies of austerity since 2010 have been responsible for over 120,000 avoidable deaths, an average of about 100 per day. The authors conclude that without a radical change of direction the death total will reach 200,000 by 2020. From 2001 to 2010 mortality rates in the UK had fallen steadily but have risen sharply since the Tories took office - coincidence? I think not. You see, to the free marketeer, competition, as I persistently tell you, is the only legitimate motivator of human activity, and that includes competition for all forms of resource, whether monetary, medical, housing or even food. It is a winners and losers mentality and if you have no bargaining power then you take what the neoliberal is prepared to give you or you die, simples! However, more importantly, not only will you have to accept a slave like status or perish, but in the modern free market narrative, you deserve to. If you have no market value then you have no value as a human being, because your market value is your definitive value to these people. You are, as I am sure you are fed up with me reminding you, untermenschen, and you may be fed up with me reminding you, but I will never get fed up telling you. Remember the Blessed Margaret, there is no such thing as society. Well just as she was determined to destroy society, so her disciples are determined to destroy civilisation, and the 45 and his equivalent imbeciles in British government is a good reminder that they are winning. If you disagree with me please explain the Tories voting that animals are not sentient beings. I will also remind you that to the Nazis untermenshen were not considered as sentient beings either.

It may seem rather dramatic, but the survival of the human race is dependent on abandoning, and destroying, the entire concept of free market economics. It is the driver behind Brexit, behind global warming and the entire consequences of climate change. It has no values, no moral or ethical compass. People are of no value, they are simply consumption units, economic actors with no social or political dimension outside the free market narrative. Britain and America are doomed and cannot survive as meaningful nation states unless they change course dramatically. Should America descend into a race war it will be as a result of their economic structure and ideological commitment to the free market. Britain's obsession with neoliberalism has given us Brexit and a bitterly divided nation. I fear it will reinvigorate conflict in Ireland. I am confident it will lead to Scottish independence. We cannot continue on this trajectory, but I see no meaningful prospect of change as we have no politicians who even seem to be aware of the problems never mind the solutions. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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