Since I started this blog I have been warning that the Tories are determined to destroy the NHS in Britain and privatise it for profit. The dispute between the doctors and the government, culminating in the government imposing the new contract against the wishes of the medical profession is no accident. This dispute has been deliberately created by the government who had all along the intention of forcing a new contract on doctors for the purpose of driving as many doctors out of the NHS as possible. This is what the Tories want. They want the NHS to collapse in order that they can then claim that they are forced to turn to the private sector to save it. It has been their policy all along.
The thing that characterises this strike is the barefaced lying of the government through its spokesperson the sinister Jeremy Hunt. In announcing that he was imposing the contract he claimed to have the support of the top 20 CEOs in the NHS in England in a letter he had received supporting him. This was immediately denied by the named CEOs and is the front story in today's press. Tories lie, that is what they do, and they are totally barefaced and shameless about it. If anyone reads this from outside the UK we had the spectacle yesterday of Prime Minister Cameron's own mother and his aunt signing a petition against the cuts he is imposing on Oxfordshire council where he and his family live. His mother and aunt have told him enough is enough. British politics has the stamp of PG Wodehouse at times, you really couldn't make it up. Doctors are educated people. They can read and understand the offer that is being given to them, they don't need it to be explained to them When Hunt continually tells us that they doctors are being misled by their union, the BMA, as one the doctors tell us that this is just nonsense and that they are insulted and demeaned by the suggestion that they cannot understand the offer without external help. All doctors interviewed by the media say the same thing, Hunt is a liar. He has lied persistently and consistently about the offer, the negotiations, the conditions within hospitals at weekends and the necessity for a seven-day week. What we are being asked to believe by the Tories is that Hunt is the victim of 53,000 lying medical professionals and their representatives. He is the only one telling the truth.
But this is all part of the game for the Tories. The greater the crisis in the NHS the more they are happy and content, as they see the rewards of their labour coming to fruition with the conditions being created that will allow them to destroy the hated NHS and bring it to an end. This dispute is not over because now that the junior doctors have new terms and conditions, the rest of the staff in the NHS will have to follow suit to accommodate the new doctors working conditions. So, now the government will go for the consultants, nurses and ancillary staff. That is a certainty. Tories are evil and driven by one motivation only, to make as much money as is possible. In pursuit of this they will destroy anyone who gets in their way or seeks to challenge them. To this end they have been applying the shock doctrine to the NHS for many years now and this dispute is the latest chapter in this process. However, revolutions always come from the middle classes and, having effectively broken the working classes they are now turning on their natural supporters. In addition, doctors now have the example of the Scottish NHS to look to. Rather than leaving the NHS they should stay and launch all-out war against this government and a Prime Minister who has even disgusted his own mother. There are alternatives, there are choices. I do not wish to appear arrogant, but everything I have been telling you since I started this blog has been accurate so far. The support for an Independent Scotland has now reached a clear majority of 58%, and, if the larger British picture continues to become ever more unequal and unfair this majority will continue to grow. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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