When I speak of the people, I am speaking of the majority of the British population who have to work for a living, plus those who cannot, or are unable, to work, the people who depend on a wage or benefits to live on, who depend on a publicly funded health and education system or a state pension in their old age, who cannot afford to buy their home and have to either depend on social housing, or place themselves at the mercy of the gangster elite who rent houses. These are the people that those leading the Brexit campaign have in their sights, because that is what this is all about, attacking the people at the lower end of the class system, lowering their wages, destroying their rights, removing their terms and conditions of service, and reducing the benefits system to levels not seen since the Victorian age. Yesterday I actually listened to one of Britain's foremost political commentators, the appalling Andrew Neil, whom, I am ashamed to admit, is a Scot, a millionaire and a man whose knowledge of politics is lower than my Yorkshire Terrier's, ask why, if it is the will of the majority, workers rights should not be removed by Parliament. This does not affect this loathsome creature of course, because he is a cosseted millionaire working for the BBC. I forget which philosopher it was (although I am sure many of you could tell me), who remarked that just as one person has no right to oppress one million, neither have one million the right to oppress the one. I would also like to remind you that British governments never rule by a majority, so a majority of seats in the Westminster pigsty does not equate to a democratic mandate for anything. For example, in last years general election, the Tories won 36.9% of the votes cast in a 66% turnout which means Camoron's government are ruling this country with 24.4% of all possible votes. Over three-quarters of the electorate did not vote for this government, and they call this a democracy?
What the EU 'outers' are always banging on about is the amount of regulation we suffer from with respect to our membership of the EU. But what this really means is that the EU is limiting their ability to make obscene profit by imposing regulations that are actually for the benefit of the vast majority of the population and they are determined that this will stop. Our health, welfare and security are of no importance if it affects their ability to loot as much of the national treasury as possible. Most of these regulations are for our own good and designed to prevent immoral gangsters from harming and exploiting us as much as they can. For example the EU provides 57% of British trade at this time of writing and give us back a great deal of structural funding for the regeneration of areas of deprivation, but, the EU also determines how this money is spent. This is seen by the neoliberal free marketer as unnecessary regulation, that the EU should have a say in making sure that this money is spent for the purpose for which it is given. For our protection and security the EU has ensured that we must have clean rivers and beaches, that we have lead free petrol, that we have restrictions on landfill dumping, that we have a recycling culture, that we have consumer protection and food labelling, that we have a ban on growth hormones and food additives, that we have better product safety, that we have workers rights and a greater level of social welfare provisions, that we have a minimum wage and holiday entitlement, that we have directives on working hours with the right not to be forced to work more than 48 hours per week without overtime (I had that right in the 1960's by the way because of union bargaining, but my right was no more than 40 hours per week without overtime), that we have freedom to work and travel throughout the EU.
That list I have just given you is only a small flavour of what the free marketer calls unnecessary regulation, I could go on but do not wish to bore you. The important part of this post is to alert you that all those measures and many more are what we stand to lose if the EU 'outers' led by Nigel Farage and Boris the Spider get their way. These are two men who make no secret of their hatred of working people and their union movement and of all such regulation that is designed for our safety and protection. This is the 'red tape' that they speak of and have successfully convinced a significant section of the British public is actually harming us. These are the same people who make their hatred of the benefit system plain for all to see and cannot wait to let Britain's Eichmann loose on what remains of the benefit system. But most importantly, regardless of how often they may deny it, they are the most frightful racists.
The EU has its faults and is in need of reform and an end to its obsession with free market economics, but at the moment it is all that stands between us and the slavery and poverty that surely awaits us if we place our faith in those who want us to leave. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat