Friday, 29 May 2015

None so Blind as those who will not see

I've just watched an interview on Channel Four News with Andy Burnham who's standing for election to be the next leader of the Labour Party. This man is reputed to be the most left-wing of the candidates so far standing for the Labour leadership and at the end of the interview, Krishnan Guru Murthy asked him why, given what he had just said during the interview, he did not simply join the Conservative Party? Now I'm sure people reading this blog may think I am a bit hard on Labour at times and that they cannot be as bad as I say they are, but I rest my case. That was the conclusion of Guru Murthy, that Burnham is in fact a Tory and is promoting a Tory agenda for a future Labour government. As Labour will support the lowering of the benefit cap we learn today that this will affect a further 90,000 households, placing a further 40,000 children into poverty. If that's left-wing then the English language has lost all meaning and I shudder to think what the rest of Labour's candidates will come up with, particularly the appalling Liz Kendall and the grotesque Yvette Cooper. If that is the best trio Labour can come up with, the party in Scotland will not recover
for the foreseeable future. The Scots will never tolerate such cretins.

You see Britain's crisis is not only economic and political, its also moral and ethical. To a Westminster politician, economic considerations are paramount and no other considerations are allowed to deflect them from pursuing wealth. Free marketeers claim that they take inspiration from Adam Smith, but that is just nonsense. Smith was adamant (if you'll excuse the pun) that economics must be guided by moral and ethical considerations and he would be disgusted by the Westminster hatred of the poor and disadvantaged and of the naked greed displayed by the British elite. For Smith economics had to take account of the whole of society and he was scathing of policies that simply focused on the economic, on profit and loss. In addition, for Adam Smith, the true wealth creator in society was the working man, not some economic gangster working in a bank or the City of London.. As he states, the property that every person has in their own labour is the foundation of all property and that property he calls the most sacred and inviolable. Wealth is not money according to Smith, it is the amount of goods and services produced through the labour of working people driven by an advanced division of that labour. Money is the product of wealth, but it is not wealth itself, it is labour, as Smith tells us that is "the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities". As a result, the ferocious exploitation of zero-hours contracts is a violation and a hideous distortion of a property that is sacred and inviolable.

What Britain must find, as a matter of priority, is an alternative economic and political model, and that is the real thrust behind the Scottish rejection of Westminster and its personnel. The Scots may not articulate it like that, but it is because they have a real and concrete alternative available and they have accepted it willingly. It is not the SNP they are voting for as a great many people voting nationalist are not nationalists, it is a vision and the SNP are the immediate recipients of that desire for real change as they are the only alternative available at the moment. That is what Labour simply refuse to accept, and, if they continue with their refusal to see reality they will cease to be a major party as they are genuinely irrelevant just now and will eventually cease to have any relevance whatever. Labour must ditch free market neoliberalism if they are to survive. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat. 

The United Kingdom is finished

A constant theme of this blog has been the contention that the Tories have had two outstanding goals since Thatcher took office, the transfer of as much money as possible from British society in general to the elite at the top, and the gradual introduction of a modern form of slavery for British workers. I know many people over the years have dismissed my thesis as extreme and unbelievable, but I feel that the evidence is now too graphic and overwhelming to be ignored any more, or to be passed off as an eccentric characteristic of my paranoia.

As to the charge of slavery, following the almost complete removal of employment rights by successive legislation, the Tories hit the jackpot by the gradual acceptance of zero-hours contracts by the British people. Zero-hours contracts remove all employment rights from a worker at a stroke without the tedious business of passing legislation. As I have said here before, when I talk of the English people I am talking about the people who live in England, and I conclude that the English have absorbed all the vicious and hateful propaganda by the Tories about the poor, the disadvantaged, the disabled and people on benefits and that a significant number of them have developed a genuine hatred and contempt for such people. Despite all the evidence, they happily blame them for the country's ills. It is the scapegoat mentality. As I explain in my book, Human Rights in a Big Yellow Taxi, benefits are a right, they are not a handout or a privilege. Bankers bonuses are not a right, and as Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize winning economist has explained, the financial crash that led to the austerity we are experiencing was caused by outright and prolonged criminality by the financial class with the open and direct collusion of our political class, both here and the USA.

No-one has ever been punished for this criminality unless you consider being dismissed from your job with a million pound bonus and a million pounds a year pension for life as punishment. This is because what the bankers and financiers were doing was opening the doors for the transference of wealth upwards that has been the long-term goal of all neoliberals, but especially the British Conservative Party. Yesterday we had the spectacle of the Labour Party supporting the Tories plan to lower the benefit cap further, thus ensuring the continuing poverty of large section of the population, and they still don't understand why they got such a hammering in Scotland? Unfortunately for Britain as a whole, it is only by becoming harder sand crueller towards the poor that Labour will begin to recover in England. That is why the whole concept of a United Kingdom is finished and the Scots will have to become independent. Britain has become two different nations with very little in common. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

Monday, 18 May 2015

By today's standards the 1950's Tories were communists

Why is it that anything that is proposed today to alleviate the worst excesses of neoliberalism is immediately attacked and denounced as 'left-wing' as if that was some kind of terminal disease? This is the manner by which both Labour and the Tories have corrupted politics and the English language. Being labelled left-wing is likened to being an enemy of the state, in fact it is similar to being a terrorist. Today the Tory party that I grew up with would be labelled communist and its Prime Minister, Harold McMillan a dangerous Marxist. During the 1950's the Tories built 300,000 council houses every year for about five years. They implemented most of the great nationalisations of our public utilities, it wasn't Labour, it was the Tories under Harold McMillan. They created 14 new universities and polytechnics and introduced free further and higher education with student grants and travelling expenses. Labour created the welfare state, but it was the Tories who expanded and consolidated it. That is why McMillan accused Thatcher of selling off the family silver when she embarked on her privatisation programme. As I say in my title, the Labour Party today make the 1950's and '60's Tories look like communists, never mind Cameron's Tories. I ask again, how are such measures left-wing. Doing the right thing, that disreputable mantra parroted by all Westminster politicians, means absolutely nothing in this modern world, it is merely a short hand to justify anything that they want, including what most intelligent people would regard as criminal and immoral. That is the extent to which political discourse has degenerated today and we must not accept it. Today's politics must be challenged at an ideological and ethical level. For example, most of our infrastructure today has been financed by the EU. They financed most of our motorways and trunk roads, most of our hospital and school expansions. Is the EU a left-wing conspiracy? It is according to the Tories! What is deeply wrong about today's politics is that all narratives are centred on economics, there is no social dimension, there are no moral or ethical standards, and, as I continually tell you, their economics are bankrupt. The economics that govern this country are a fraud and deeply corrupt.

That is why London Labour are doomed. They are part and parcel of this scandalous narrative that seeks to demonise everything within the public sector whilst lionising the private. They have totally bought into the free market fraud. The Scots have seen through this fraud and want no more part in it. This is not to say they have abandoned a market approach, it means that they want no more part in the neoliberal model that is a charter for gangsterism and theft on a truly massive scale. If Labour in Scotland cannot bring themselves to adopt a new ideological and policy approach, one that requires the economic model to be founded on a social responsibility then they are doomed and deserve to be consigned to the dustbin of history. We must act, as a matter of national priority, to redistribute wealth from the elite down to the people. There is an overwhelming necessity to renationalise the public sector without compensation. We must begin a massive council house building programme. Banks must be fully regulated and people must go to jail for financial criminality. I have told you before, and repeat it without apology, we must re-establish a dynamic and vibrant system of local government; that is the beginning of the way forward. Labour in Scotland must make a complete break with Westminster and ditch the current Scottish Labour clique, The prospect of Labour in Scotland being led by Kezia Dugdale is enough to make you weep. In the SNP's case, they will be weeping with mirth. For those of us who desire a dynamic democratic system we will be weeping with despair. The United Kingdom is in terminal decline and it is the result of an obsession with a criminal economic model that has corrupted all parts of society. There is no realistic sign of any relief from this model from Westminster or from the so-called people's party. Every one of the candidates for the Labour leadership are the products of the Oxbridge education system. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 15 May 2015

London Labour live in a parallel universe

I've been listening to extended interviews with the main candidates for the Labour leadership. I've heard Liz Kendall, Yvette Cooper, Tristam Hunt, Chuka Umanna and Andy Burnham and I can truly say that if you could combine the five of them you wouldn't manage to get a decent level of incompetence. They are all genuinely pathetic. The interview with Liz Kendall on Newsnight was completely embarrassing, and I'm sorry to say, showed this person to be clueless and completely useless. Labour is in serious trouble if these are the only available personnel to succeed to the Labour leadership. Not one of them made even one attempt to answer any of the questions put to them, they just did what all Labour politicians do and spoke for about ten minutes each without saying anything. Each of them were asked about Ed Miliband's leadership, about what they would do on immigration, Europe and austerity and we did not get one answer, just a lot of gibberish. One of the principal reasons why people are deserting the Westminster parties is their refusal to answer questions or to take a specific stance on anything and if we learned anything about Labour it is that they have learned nothing and will tell us nothing. I would remind you that all of these people were prominent in past Labour governments, all of them are committed rightwingers and all of them endorse austerity, spending cuts and the continued pauperisation of the working and non-working people in this sorry country.

Yvette Cooper is the person who introduced ATOS into Britain with its fascist style work assessments. These are the people who decided, and were endorsed by Ms Cooper, that if you were terminally ill with cancer but were given over six months to live, then you were fit for work. Andy Burnham was the person who initiated over 240 personal finance initiatives and is probably more responsible than any other person for the dreadful state of NHS finances. I have spoken about my dear friend Chuka before and will not repeat except to remind you that he is a privately educated millionaire who is on record as regarding his fellow citizens as trash. Chuka's pitch to be regarded as a serious candidate for the Labour leadership included telling us that he wants to side with the rich, he "wants to be on the side of those doing well". His mate, Tristam Hunt tells us that he wants to represent the families who shop in John Lewis. I trust you have been in a John Lewis shop where a t-shirt will set you back about £30.

Everything these people tell us show that they have learned nothing from Labour's defeat and I doubt if any of them have ever heard of Scotland let alone visited it. None of them even begin to understand the chasm that has grown between Scotland and the North of England and the rest of the UK. If I were in the SNP I would genuinely advocate putting up candidates in some parts of England to test how they would fare.

However, in Scotland Labour still has a constituency it can call on if it gets its act together. If I were in Labour I would advise them to embrace independence as a policy option. It is also essential that they endorse meaningful electoral reform. As a quick aside, the Alternative Vote, which you will remember was the option we voted on in a referendum two years ago, is not proportional representation, it is another form of first-past-the-post and is quite unacceptable (I would be happy to explain why if anyone is interested). I would advise them to completely sever their links with London and contemplate changing their name, whilst still retaining the label of labour. I would advise them to ditch all of their candidates and start afresh, because if they think they can win any converts with Kezia Dugdale they are seriously deluded. They will decide Jim Murphy's fate on Saturday but it beggars belief that they would consider retaining him as leader in Scotland. If they do the SNP will hold another party. Murphy is truly awful. Unless Labour is truly radical they are finished forever and that has no chance of happening in England. I loath Labour, but Scotland needs a meaningful and competitive polity, it needs discussion, debate and a vibrant exchange of ideas. The only thing it doesn't need are the Tories. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


Thursday, 14 May 2015

It will soon be a criminal offence to be an employee

I have been attempting to post for several days now but I keep getting distracted. I trust you will be patient with me. If I may continue the narrative on the Tories determination to reduce British workers to a state of modern slavery they have lost no time in announcing an all out war against unions and the strike action. I also must remind you that this is what the English electorate voted for. I told you the other day how they have announced that they are going to repeal the Human Rights Act and today they tell us that they are going to reform employment law. This tells you everything you need to know about the Tories priorities, regardless of all the problems within the UK, or around the world, top of the list is the systematic removal of fundamental human rights. Top of that list are workers, workers are to have no rights and the campaign to persistently remove them until they are completely gone will be pursued relentlessly.

Under this Conservative government core public sector workers in health, education, transport and fire services will be unable to go on strike without the support of 40 per cent of those entitled to vote.
The Conservatives would also lift a ban on the use of agency workers during industrial action, enabling, for example, schools to draft in thousands of supply teachers instead of closing, thus rendering the strike powerless. This would also apply to hospitals and any other so-called essential service. You will note that the service is deemed essential but the people who operate the service are not. They are expendable. According to the Tories, closing a school for any form of industrial action is evil, unjustified and a serious disruption of a child's education, never mind the disruption to parents who have to make arrangements for their children. However, closing that same school for the election that put them into government is good, necessary and part of the democratic process. Similarly closing the school for any royal activity, such as a wedding, or a visit from one of this family of parasitic benefit scroungers is also good and justified, it is a patriotic celebration. What about the parents? They must be prepared to sacrifice and accommodate to such necessary and patriotic events, I mean who do they think they are if they challenge such decisions? But what about the people who work in the school and who have a fundamental human right to remove their labour if they are being exploited and oppressed? That is of course a completely different story as workers have no rights, especially to go on strike, and any of the artificial rights they still possess will soon be removed for the good of society! They must uncomplainingly close the school and demand that parents accommodate such a closure for state events, but never in the cause of justice, fairness or as protest against exploitation and discrimination.

Under the Tories proposals, in addition to the requirement of 40% of all those eligible to vote supporting any proposed action, a vote for industrial action will be deemed illegal if there is not at least 50% of those who are eligible to vote participating. This means that if 50% of the workforce actually cast a vote, then the proposed action will have to supported by 80% of those voting for it to be deemed legal in order to satisfy the 40% minimum proposal. In last week's election there was a turnout of 66.1% of all possible voters, so, if the Tories proposals for industrial action were applied to this election, then 60.60% of votes on a 66.1% turnout would be necessary to secure the 40% of possible votes necessary to make such an election legal. In last weeks election the Tories won 36.9% of votes cast from turnout of 66.1% meaning that they won 24.4% of possible votes. Therefore by the Tories own standards, this government is illegal and the election will have to be run again. You genuinely couldn't make up such bare faced hypocrisy and affrontery to common sense, to fairness and to outright discrimination against the weakest sections of the population. We are getting closer to a fascist state. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 10 May 2015

The UK is definitely finished

The reaction of the Westminster political class and the English dominated media to the result of the general election in Scotland demonstrate quite clearly that there is no real hope for the continuance of the United Kingdom and that Scottish independence has assumed the status of a necessity. The good news for the Scottish people is that Mad Tony and all his right-wing quasi-fascist henchmen are back.
I ask you to never forget that here is nothing remotely Labour about Blair, Mandelson, Ummuna etc. - they are all die hard Tories who simply calculated that joining the Labour Party was a better way for them to climb the greasy pole and get their snouts deeply in the trough. If these people can be remotely likened to socialists then I no longer understand the English language. Why I say that the union is effectively finished is that Mad Tony is probably correct, that the only way for Labour to regain credibility is to move sharply to the right and once again pander to the greed and selfishness of middle England whilst demonising the poor and people on benefits. However, that can only work in England. I genuinely believe that the next five years will see the implosion of the Tories and serious social unrest. Labour has self-destructed, the Tories are next.

In Labour's case, their English revival will have the opposite effect in Scotland, and the beauty of it is that they really can't understand this. My old friend Chuka Ummuna is putting himself forward as a leadership candidate of a future Labour Party and is pontificating about how Scotland has embraced nationalism. I mean, what planet are these people on? This type of wilful ignorance is truly painful as it reveals how shallow their grasp of politics really is. To begin to embrace such an analysis reveals a depth of genuine stupidity and graphically demonstrates what is wrong with this country when such people can come to such conclusions. These are the idiotic conclusions of an ignorant elite who never leave the completely false environment of London and the South East? Does this ignoramus really believe that the thousands of people who have deserted Labour in Scotland since September have embraced nationalism? The increase in the SNP vote can only have come from people who voted No in the referendum but now realise they were completely shafted by a shower of lying sociopaths, so to simply dismiss them as nationalists is to completely misunderstand. Indeed the Westminster mob are quite incapable of understanding that people were voting for the SNP as a vehicle to express their disgust and rejection of the Westminster lies and their model of politics and the neoliberal free market model of economic austerity, that their votes had nothing to do with nationalism but were a demonstration that there is a general acceptance that an independent Scotland has become a matter of national survival. In other words, independence is a means to an end as opposed to an end in itself as the Scots are left with no other option. The No vote in the referendum was betrayed and left the Scots electorate with no-one to trust in as the people who they did put their trust in have been exposed as liars and crooks. The Scottish vote was a decisive rejection of the Labour Party far more than it was an enthusiasm for nationalism. Labour people in Scotland have to come to accept that they have been rejected, not because the Scots have embraced nationalism, but because they are perceived, rightly, as wolves in sheep's clothing. I have spoken personally with literally dozens of people since Thursday who all told me how painful it was for them to abandon Labour and how they did so because of Labour's complete irrelevance in Scotland today. They described a deep corruption within Labour, a corruption of values, of vision and of intellectual honesty. Labour are quite simply morally and ethically bankrupt. Scottish Labour has to purge themselves of the Murphy's, the Dugdales, the Alexanders, the Currans etc. and start afresh. But their first priority is to completely sever all relations with Westminster Labour. If Labour in Scotland continue to allow themselves to be part of, and therefore dominated by, Westminster, then they are finished.

I now find myself in the unbelievable situation of encouraging a renewed and vigorous Labour Party and will therefore have to have a shower and lie down. But I am appealing to Labour people because Scotland needs a vigorous and dynamic democracy and an essential part of that is a vigorous and dynamic opposition. Scotland also needs a dynamic Liberal Party. It needs debate, discussion, an exchange of ideas and vision. A genuinely educated polity listens to all sides and embraces positive suggestions from whatever sector of society they come from. Again I warn you, the Tories first priority will be to repeal the Human Rights Act. We will then be faced with the genuine possibility of a form of fascist state. There will be no democratic debate then. Scotland can no longer tolerate this poisoned union in which we were assured we would be Better Together. It is now exposed for the lie that I have been continually telling you it is. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 8 May 2015

Brace yourself - you voted for it

Wow, what a night, no-one foresaw the outcome of the election, but some things have become very clear to me at least. I have been warning you since I began this blog that the Tories have a long-term strategy to reintroduce modern forms of slavery, now there is nothing to stop them. They have announced today that one of their priorities is to scrap the Human Rights Act. I have had a book published that deals with this topic and I show the reasons why they detest all human rights and their strategy for abolishing them. If you are on a zero-hours contract for example, you have no employment rights, none, zero, and your employer can treat you in any way they see fit and there is nothing you can do about it. That my friends is a subtle form of slavery, and it is going to get a lot worse.

What is clear is that Britain is now a deeply divided country and that the Scottish electorate has nothing in common with the English electorate south of about Manchester. We are two different peoples with two different cultures. This makes an independent Scotland just a matter of when and not if. Yesterday the English electorate voted quite decisively for more zero-hours working, more foodbanks and more people using them, more government driven poverty, more attacks on the poor and the disabled and an outright war against any form of welfare. We will now witness the accelerated privatisation of the NHS in England and Wales, and voters in England have signalled that they not only support such measures but that they support even harsher application of them. That is quite obvious. The English electorate took a decisive step towards barbarism yesterday and signalled that they wished to effectively abandon civilised behaviour. So, not only will we have a ferocious assault on basic rights and social security, but we will be deprived of any form of redress through human rights legislation.

If there was a god I would thank him/her for the basic common sense and decency of the Scottish electorate, because we have a way out, and if any Labour people ever read this I would make a sincere plea to you. Labour now have the chance to redefine themselves and start to recover their place in Scottish society and regain their soul. They have been effectively cleansed of the neoliberal poison that has slowly destroying them since they sold their soul to Mad Tony and Daphne Broon. Scottish Labour must make a complete break from Westminster and become a party in their own right. All the personnel that are responsible for Labour's electoral destruction have been banished, and you must ensure that they never make a comeback. Scotland needs a revitalised and meaningful Labour Party, but it has to be a party that genuinely represents the Scottish people and produces policies that reflect this, instead of doffing the cap to Westminster and accepting the neoliberal free market dogma that is killing this country. Labour in England will have to return to their quest for middle England and if the Scottish party accept that route and the policy programme that will define it they will never make a government in Scotland again.

Labour will get the chance to begin a recovery next year. The Scottish electoral system will ensure that they get a respectable presence in Holyrood, even if they poll the same way as they did yesterday. Even if they fail to win any constituency seats in next years election they will be given seats in the regional additional member section. If they miss this opportunity they will cease to be relevant. The Tories have graphically demonstrated throughout this election why they are called the nasty party and voters in England are happy to be ruled by people who are shameless liars and are quite obviously sociopathic. Good luck to them if that is what they want, but for Scotland, no thanks. Only a genuine imbecile could now try and convince you that we are Better Together. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


I do not wish to give the impression that I have gone mad and taken up religion but like every other human being I am a creature of my environment and my socialisation. When I was but a callow youth I was a member of the Boys Brigade, and still have the King James Bible that I was presented with for perfect attendance at Bible classes every Sunday. Many things impressed on me from my experience and I was ruminating on the state of British politics the other day when I remembered a passage from my religious indoctrination that very neatly and prophetically sums up the situation that Westminster finds itself in today. It is from the Bible that we get the saying that the writing is on the wall. This comes from the Ch. 5 of the Book of Daniel when the King of Babylon, Belshazzar, is having a good old swally with his mates and a hand appears out of nowhere and the fingers write on the wall of his palace, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN which the prophet Daniel tells  the king means, in essence, that his days were numbered, he had been weighed in the balances and found wanting and his kingdom would be divided and given to others. You see Belshazzar and his mates, the Babylonian elite, were drinking out of cups and vessels that had been looted from the Hebrew people and from their temple in Jerusalem, and they were praising the gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood and stone (sound familiar? and I bet you didn't know that the Babylonians had branches of RBS and Lloyds banks)

I find this a very apt metaphor for the Westminster parliament and the present government. The writing is indeed on the wall for this mendacious and dysfunctional institution and the appalling personnel who inhabit its nooks and crannies. The Westminster elite have been feasting and dining off the backs of the British people for centuries, feasting and dining from the produce of working people and desecrating their culture and their heritage, but today it is getting truly obscene. As a result, many people have decided that enough is enough and their days are numbered, particularly in Scotland. The Scots came to this conclusion about the Tories in the 1980's, they weighed them in the balances and found them wanting and, in effect chased them out of town. Despite all the evidence that Labour were just as bad, they stuck with them and gave them the benefit of the doubt; this was a result of the collective cultural socialisation of the Scots who have always been steeped in Labour politics. However, Labour's conduct during its 13 years in government under Mad Tony and Daphne Broon sowed the seeds of a genuine disillusionment with them, and their conduct during and after the referendum was the last straw, as Abraham Lincoln said, you can fool some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. The Scots have seen through Labour and, as The Who sing, we wont get fooled again. The result of this will inevitably be a divided kingdom and it will be the result of Westminster's own behaviour, they are indeed reaping what they have sown.

What convinces me of the stupidity of Westminster politicians is their quite spectacular inability to learn from mistakes. In addition, they simply cannot understand how any of this can be their own fault. The Tories fall from grace in Scotland was both inevitable and obvious as the Scots are too intelligent to tolerate such people. However, future historians will ponder the spectacular fall from grace of Labour in Scotland and their blind refusal to sit down and analyse the cause and will inevitably question the sanity of their behaviour. The decline of the Westminster system and the two major parties is the result of hubris, self destruction driven by an overweening arrogance. The only thing that can save the British system is to reform the electoral system and introduce a meaningful system of proportional representation. This has been the saviour of the Tories in Holyrood and will be the only thing that will revive Scottish Labour fortunes next May, but don't hold your breath waiting for Tweedledum and Tweedledee realising this, they are not bright enough. Remember, tomorrow you have a choice between decency, dignity, and a civilised society, or greed, lies, legalised theft and gangsterism, and continued poverty, foodbanks and the slow destruction of society. You have been warned, do not be weighed in the balances and be found wanting.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Westminster gang are becoming truly dangerous

David Cameron made the statement today that the SNP cannot be allowed to influence government policy. Think about that. Cameron's desperation to win this election has raised a torrent of hate propaganda against the SNP and the Scottish people that has resulted in a poll today in which over 70% of respondents agreed that the SNP should not be allowed to interfere with public policy that does not directly affect Scotland, meaning that the people who vote for the SNP in a democratic British election should have no say in public policy. This is genuinely alarming as the Westminster gang are openly challenging the legitimacy of Scottish votes, and that is their words, not mine! But that is not the motivation behind the Tories war against the Scots. Their motivation is to stop any challenge to their programme of austerity and the pauperisation of British working and non-working people. Their motivation is to stop any challenge to their increasing theft of Britain's wealth, and to the continued dominance of the millionaires who control their party and who are the real architects of government policy.

The Westminster clique and its supporters in the media are all discussing "the legitimacy" of Scottish votes if these votes challenge the Westminster narrative. Since Thatcher first stepped into Downing Street all the Westminster personnel have constantly repeated the same mantra that "there is no alternative." What we are witnessing now is a determination that there will be no alternative allowed regardless of the merits of any alternatives or of how much the electorate wants them. The Tories have openly told us that there will be a further £12 billion in cuts after the next election and that the bulk of them will be in welfare. Ed Balls has also told us that he will stick to the Tories spending plans. So, Labour is also committing to slashing welfare; although they will go about it differently it will still happen. Thus, there is to be no alternative allowed to the neoliberal economic dominance that is all predicated in transferring wealth from the bottom of society to the top. In other words, there will be no challenge allowed to austerity because according to Westminster there is no alternative.

However, neoliberalism is also a political programme that is necessary to ensure that the economic programme works. Thus, not only will no alternative be allowed to hinder the neoliberal economic agenda, but no alternative is to be allowed to the political structure that underpins that economic dominance. What this means is that any attempt to alter the economic and political structures in the UK is regarded by the Westminster elite as illegitimate and in addition will not be allowed. This is dangerous talk. Indeed, if you are a genuine unionist it is positively insane as it will have inevitable political consequences in Scotland. What we may well witness on Friday is the death of democracy to be replaced by a neoliberal oligarchy that utilises all the power of the state to suppress and repress any challenge to its dominance. I have written before that the claim that there is no alternative is the foundation of totalitarianism.

We actually have the scenario where the Tories are urging their supporters in key seats in Scotland to tactically vote Labour in order to stop the SNP winning that seat. So, we may well have the spectacle of Jim Murphy being re-elected by the Tories in East Renfrewshire. How does that sound? Jim Murphy, the Conservative MP despite wearing a Labour rosette. It is beyond parody but highlights the determination of Westminster to prevent any genuine consequence of the democratic process from altering anything in this benighted country of ours. As a result, your vote on Thursday has become more than just a vote to affect the future of your country, it is becoming a vote for the very future of the democratic process. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Saturday, 2 May 2015

An election driven totally by hate

The longer this election lasts the scarier the future becomes. Am I the only person who is appalled by the quality of politician we are presented with in this benighted land? Not only are their electoral tactics quite disgraceful but they are becoming quite stupid. We have the spectacle of the Prime Minister promising that he will pass a law against tax rises for the next five years. That is not only incredibly stupid but is grossly irresponsible. Tax is a government's only form of income. What he is saying here is that there will be no need in the next five years for increased government income. He is therefore crossing over into the realms of prophesy as he cannot forsee any circumstances where he will need to raise extra revenue. There will be no floods, no natural disasters, no military adventures, no help for the poor, the NHS or housing etc. In other words, not only is the government's economic policies correct, but he can prophesy that they will continue to be correct for the next five years. If this is accepted by the British electorate then they are as equally stupid as he is and deserve such politicians governing them. We also have the spectacle of Miliband openly insulting the Scots and telling them that he will ignore whatever they vote for unless they vote Labour. This is the kind of thing I wrote about recently when I told you that the word democracy is an obscenity when used in a British context.

This election is being driven by hatred and instilling divisions within British society that I doubt will be healed in my lifetime. I watch programmes carefully and am quite alarmed by the hatreds I witness on a daily basis from so-called ordinary people. There is a genuine hatred of people on benefits, of immigrants, of the unemployed, of Muslims, of the poor. All this has been deliberately fostered by Westminster and the right-wing press. There is a deliberate campaign of Nazi like scapegoating to deflect blame and anger away from the people who have caused, and continue to cause, our social and economic problems and onto the victims. What is extremely worrying is that it has worked. Are we really so stupid as a nation that we accept this kind of infamous propaganda? I'm afraid that the answer has to be yes. There is a genuine hatred of the Scots in many sectors of the UK, and this is being fostered by the same people but is also being aided by Scottish politicians such as Jim Murphy who is openly fostering intolerance for those of us who dare to challenge Labour's longstanding and disastrous monopoly on Scottish politics. Murphy has turned out to be a bigger disaster than even I gave him credit for and is totally negative. I have not heard one positive word come out of this man's mouth. It speaks volumes when even the Tory Ruth Davidson is telling people to calm down on their anti-Scottish rhetoric and looking like a statesman next to the appalling Murphy.

There is genuinely no hope for this country with the present Westminster set-up and the attitudes being expressed in our media. As I noted earlier, the anti-Scottishness displayed by the BBC has reached the unacceptable and the newspapers have reached the hysterical stage. Do not be taken in by all this. This is the behaviour of the desperate, of an elite that is at last facing a serious challenge to their lies, their mendacity and most importantly to their power and privilege.  The Westminster scoundrels can be defeated and Scotland can be different, we can neutralise the hatred and build a better society. We can reject the entire Westminster fraud and erect a genuine democracy. If you don't take this opportunity you will deserve all you get. If you think the last five years have been bad, wait for the next five under these disgusting people. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat