Tuesday, 21 April 2015

There are liars and then there are the Westminster elite

I have been warning you that as we get closer to May 7th we would see a quite remarkable propaganda campaign by the Westminster elite and its lackeys in the media against the Scots. I say the Scots because the situation is verging on the ridiculous and the hatred and bile from Westminster has been extended beyond the SNP to embrace all the people living in Scotland. The Scots have now become a feral and dangerous people who cannot be trusted to vote rationally.

We are witnessing daily, the real Westminster mindset and the reason why British politics is truly broken and, for the foreseeable future, incapable of meaningful reform. What is it that Westminster and the British media are telling us? They spent two years telling the Scots how valued we are to the union. How we are a family, how respected and necessary to the health of the nation we are. Since the start of this election campaign we have been transformed into monsters, people who threaten the health and the very existence of civilisation. We had the spectacle of the Daily Mail telling us that Nicola Sturgeon is a megalomaniac. The Daily Mail has a track record of understanding megalomania, this is the newspaper who openly supported Hitler before the Second World War and told us that he was a great man who would be the answer to Europe's problems. The Daily Mail sympathises with fascism. That is why no decent person should ever buy a Daily Mail. As I consistently remind you, these people have neither shame nor decency.

What Westminster is also telling us is that if the Scots don't vote the way that they want us to vote then those votes are illegitimate, that if the SNP in Parliament support measures that are of benefit to the people who elected them to do just that, or oppose measures that are not in Scotland's interests, then they will be guilty of blackmail. Westminster is telling us that if Labour or the Tories send a majority of MPs to Westminster from Scotland then that is good and democratic, but if they send a majority of SNP MPs then that is unacceptable, undemocratic and tantamount to blackmail. In other words, what Westminster is telling us is that their narrative is the only acceptable narrative and there will be, as they have been telling us since Thatcher first stepped into Downing Street, no alternative. What has become alarming is that not only do they insist that there is no alternative, but they are now going to insist that no other alternative will be allowed.

The two major Westminster parties are organisations is decline, possibly terminal decline. They have destroyed a decent compassionate society and people are at last increasingly saying enough. In their death throes they are becoming desperate. In addition, the British media would actually prefer that the poor, the unemployed, the disabled and the unfortunate continue to suffer from Westminster's austerity, the cuts to benefits and the disintegration of the NHS than contemplate any change to the system they are so devoted to and that serves them so well at everyone else's expense. They are truly disgusting. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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