Wednesday, 15 August 2012


First Post

For anyone accessing this I have to confess that this is my first attempt at anything like this. My purpose is to comment on news and current affairs, but in particular on the dominant ideology that exists within the UK and the way it is destroying the very fabric of our society.

It is a truism that there is nothing as low as a Tory, but the Tories are not alone in their criminality as the disastrous duo of Blair and Brown have multiple sins to answer for. What I hope to achieve in the future is a clear recognition amongst people with a scintilla of intelligence that the neoliberal free market experiment has been well and truly demonstrated to be a disaster and is both practically and intellectually dead. Free market economic theory is a fraud and is based on flawed intellectual and theoretical assumptions, it is, if I may be allowed to quote Engels, a developed system of licensed fraud, an entire science of enrichment.’ I hope to expand on these themes in the future and explain myself in full, but my wife is ordering me to start the evening meal, and so, must be obeyed. As I said, this is my first post and I trust any readers will exercise patience and avoid knee jerk reactions. All you are asked to do is think, and if you disagree then I will truly appreciate your reasons why. Your servant
Dr Kommirat

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