The principal reason for this is that the Tories are hopelessly incompetent. I trust you will accept that this is an objective observation and not a sarcastic jibe as their incompetence is now being universally recognised. There are now nearly a sufficient amount of letters submitted by Tory MPs to automatically trigger a challenge to the Maybot's leadership. The Tories are in crisis, a crisis of their own making. Allied to that is that they have not a clue as to what Brexit actually means, even in their own narrative. The Bible tells us that where there is no vision the people perish and the Tories are now revealed as never having had a vision of what Brexit should be to start with, never mind now, nearly a year after they triggered Article 50. Tom Paine, commenting on the character of the British during the American War of Independence noted that "If ever a nation was made and foolish, blind to its own interest and bent on its own destruction, it is Britain...Men whose political principles are founded on avarice, are beyond the reach of reason." Now that they have embarked on their own war of independence, they are still as blind to their own interest as they ever were, and it would be as foolish of us to expect reason from the unreasonable as to believe that these people think of anything beyond their own interests. Again, if we wish to understand the mess we are in Paine tells us that "Every Tory is a coward; for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism; and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave." We must never attempt to rationalise the irrational, and there is no more irrationality in modern society than believing that a Tory has a scrap of decency or common sense. That is why this sorry nation is at such a disadvantage in negotiations with the EU because we are led by people who are motivated by servile, slavish self-interested fear as opposed to the health and welfare of the nation.
I remind you that since the advent of the Blessed Margaret, the Tory Party has surrendered their common sense to blind ideology, indeed an ideology of destruction, of tearing down rather than building up, an ideology of debasement, inequality and hatred. Theirs is the doctrine of irrationality and fear, and to attempt to argue and debate with those who hold the rest of humanity in contempt and loathing, who have renounced honour, decency, self-respect and reason is like trying to nail table jelly to the ceiling, like attempting to inject medicine into the dead. The Brexiteers, and I might add, the followers of the 45, persistently tell us that they want freedom, but I persistently tell you that they not only do not understand the concept of freedom, but that they are lying. Oh they cherish freedom, but only for themselves. They trumpet the principle of freedom, but deny the reality of it. As I said in an earlier post, they sing that Britain never never ever shall be slaves, whilst bending all of their energies to enslaving the rest of us. Freedom in Tory and 45 speak means that we must sit and say nothing, indeed applaud, when the economic system they champion leads to one percent of the world's population owning fifty percent of the world's wealth.
The major problem we face is that all the denizens of the pigsty are irredeemably corrupt. The spirit and essence of corruption is so deeply woven into the fabric of British politics that our political class suppose that the whole of mankind is governed by the same base and venal motives as they are. Their entire policy programme is founded on daily calculations of what is in their own interests and to their own advantage, again I tell you, they are devoid of any other form of vision. That is why Brexit will fail, in my humble opinion. They are incapable of understanding that it may be more profitable in the longer term to suffer a temporary inconvenience, or that rights and privileges are more important than short term profit and advantage. This is beginning to slowly percolate into the national consciousness and there is now a growing majority rethinking Brexit and demanding another vote. I hold no real hope, but am becoming cautiously more optimistic. But we must never underestimate the character of the cornered rat that is the British political class, they are the most vicious animal. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat