Monday, 29 January 2018

Brexit, it just may not happen

I am beginning to suspect that Brexit is not going to happen. If you follow British current affairs you will note that the Tory government is in an even bigger mess that I predicted they would be. You will also now understand why I have always told you how thick and stupid Theresa May is. In addition, you will see how every claim made by the Brexiteers during the referendum has been demonstrated to have been a lie and how they are furiously rowing back on every claim that they made and acceding to all the demands of the EU negotiators. In short, Brexit is falling apart at the seams.

The principal reason for this is that the Tories are hopelessly incompetent. I trust you will accept that this is an objective observation and not a sarcastic jibe as their incompetence is now being universally recognised. There are now nearly a sufficient amount of letters submitted by Tory MPs to automatically trigger a challenge to the Maybot's leadership. The Tories are in crisis, a crisis of their own making. Allied to that is that they have not a clue as to what Brexit actually means, even in their own narrative. The Bible tells us that where there is no vision the people perish and the Tories are now revealed as never having had a vision of what Brexit should be to start with, never mind now, nearly a year after they triggered Article 50. Tom Paine, commenting on the character of the British during the American War of Independence noted that "If ever a nation was made and foolish, blind to its own interest and bent on its own destruction, it is Britain...Men whose political principles are founded on avarice, are beyond the reach of reason." Now that they have embarked on their own war of independence, they are still as blind to their own interest as they ever were, and it would be as foolish of us to expect reason from the unreasonable as to believe that these people think of anything beyond their own interests. Again, if we wish to understand the mess we are in Paine tells us that "Every Tory is a coward; for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism; and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave." We must never attempt to rationalise the irrational, and there is no more irrationality in modern society than believing that a Tory has a scrap of decency or common sense. That is why this sorry nation is at such a disadvantage in negotiations with the EU because we are led by people who are motivated by servile, slavish self-interested fear as opposed to the health and welfare of the nation.

I remind you that since the advent of the Blessed Margaret, the Tory Party has surrendered their common sense to blind ideology, indeed an ideology of destruction, of tearing down rather than building up, an ideology of debasement, inequality and hatred. Theirs is the doctrine of irrationality and fear, and to attempt to argue and debate with those who hold the rest of humanity in contempt and loathing, who have renounced honour, decency, self-respect and reason is like trying to nail table jelly to the ceiling, like attempting to inject medicine into the dead. The Brexiteers, and I might add, the followers of the 45, persistently tell us that they want freedom, but I persistently tell you that they not only do not understand the concept of freedom, but that they are lying. Oh they cherish freedom, but only for themselves. They trumpet the principle of freedom, but deny the reality of it. As I said in an earlier post, they sing that Britain never never ever shall be slaves, whilst bending all of their energies to enslaving the rest of us. Freedom in Tory and 45 speak means that we must sit and say nothing, indeed applaud, when the economic system they champion leads to one percent of the world's population owning fifty percent of the world's wealth.

The major problem we face is that all the denizens of the pigsty are irredeemably corrupt. The spirit and essence of corruption is so deeply woven into the fabric of British politics that our political class suppose that the whole of mankind is governed by the same base and venal motives as they are. Their entire policy programme is founded on daily calculations of what is in their own interests and to their own advantage, again I tell you, they are devoid of any other form of vision. That is why Brexit will fail, in my humble opinion. They are incapable of understanding that it may be more profitable in the longer term to suffer a temporary inconvenience, or that rights and privileges are more important than short term profit and advantage. This is beginning to slowly percolate into the national consciousness and there is now a growing majority rethinking Brexit and demanding another vote. I hold no real hope, but am becoming cautiously more optimistic. But we must never underestimate the character of the cornered rat that is the British political class, they are the most vicious animal. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


Monday, 22 January 2018

At last - the end of the free market is in sight

It is said that every cloud has a silver lining. The United Kingdom is in almost perpetual crisis, all caused by the ideological commitment to free market economics. The NHS is on its knees, the housing market is a shambles, social care is in terminal decline, the railways are a shambles, the financial system is in crisis, Brexit is a continuing disaster, our prison system is in chaos. I could go on but you are all too familiar with all that is wrong in this pathetic nation. However, there is a silver lining and the saga that characterises the collapse of Carillion must surely lay forever to rest the myth of the free market and the superiority of the private sector over the public. I was heartened last week watching Question Time when many in the audience openly called the Tory MP on the panel a liar when she said that it was untrue that the Tories are quite deliberately destroying the NHS for the purpose of privatising it. Question Time came from Hereford last week, a region that has a Tory majority council and two Tory MPs. This is evidence that at least some of the electorate are finally wakening up to the consequences of their own actions and of the damage being inflicted by those they voted for. The blame for this situation is of course the government's obsession with the free market and the private sector. Nearly forty years of incessant propaganda, inspired by the Blessed Margaret has produced a nation that hates the public sector, trades unions, working people in general and the very concept of collectivism. But the British are beginning to finally realise that there is something very wrong. The thing ain't workin. Its a pity more of them don't read the Kommirat. As I have been telling you for years this is the logical end product of the Blessed Margaret's poisonous experiment.

The British, despite their fond self-image as rational and sensible, are an ideological people, sustained by myths and their craven subservience to a vile and deeply corrupt elite who despise them. All you need to do is watch the grovelling and salivating of the ordinary British person when they are in the presence of, or even close to, the Royals and it will demonstrate why, despite singing that they never never ever shall be slaves, that is exactly what they are and indeed enjoying their slave like status. The British still think they are the masters of the universe and genuinely believe that they are Great. As I have said before, the 'Great' in Britain is a reference to the expansion of political  England with the inclusion of Scotland Wales and Ireland in the political entity that constitutes the United Kingdom, or Great Britain if you prefer that term. They are a people obsessed by class and racism, which of course they vehemently deny at every opportunity; they live in a world of their own imagination. When black players began playing for our top football teams stewards had to come on and clear away the bananas that were thrown onto the pitch. But again empirical reality came to the fore and now such players are feted as heroes. That has done nothing to stop their racism however, they just direct it elsewhere now, at Muslims for example.

But ideology cannot deny empirical evidence although it can lie and distort it and seek to utilise it for its own agenda. The empirical realities of the free market are now getting too graphic for even Tory voters in Hereford to deny. The imminent collapse of the NHS is wonderfully concentrating even the deliberately blind. The Carillion saga and the prospect of the collapse of the NHS and its subsequent privatisation, with all the costs and implications involved are beginning to frighten most people. On Question Time, an American panelist was quite adamant that we should never go down the American route with respect to health. An Oxfam Report out this week has highlighted how inequality has reached the level of unacceptable obscenity as the concentration of wealth because of the obsession with the free market now shows that 42 people now own as much as half of the rest of the world. Thus, one of the great myths of the free market, that it enriches more people than any other form of economic model, is demonstrated to be a lie. In the UK the Private Finance Initiative fraud is now being accepted as just that, a massive fraud, and again a free market lie. In the UK the private sector has been exposed as racketeering and the whole ideological edifice erected by the Tories is exposed as being built on sand. Anyone who still attempts to champion the concept of the free market is intellectually sterile and is in fact stupid, but these are the people who still hold the intellectual power in this rotten borough. The free market must eventually succumb to the overwhelming reality of the misery and damage it has done, but it will still take a long time to permeate the consciousness of our good patriotic citizens who still believe that their betters are governing in their best interests. It has a lot of real damage to do yet. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 12 January 2018

Yesterday must mark the beginning of the end for the 45

There is an old saying that a person never reveals their own character more clearly than when they are describing someone else's. I suspect that a very important line has been crossed. Even the most partisan supporter of the 45 must have secretly groaned in despair yesterday when he finally revealed his true character. They may have welcomed his open racist hatred as it reflects their own, but must also have realised that words not only carry consequences, consequences that may well impact on the United States as a nation, but reveal much about you yourself, again perhaps on a national level. In addition, they must recognise his craven moral cowardice as he lies through his teeth by denying ever saying what he says in front of numerous witnesses. He is incapable of facing the consequences of his own words and actions. He is a truly despicable creature. Alexander Solzhenitsyn describes how people can lose the essence of humanity and become something else, he describes them as taking the step into the bottomless pit and freely giving up their humanity. The most common cause of such a descent into inhumanity is being poisoned and blinded by ideology. As Bob Dylan cautioned us, don't follow leaders and watch for parking meters.

What is also depressing is the number of American politicians who are being asked if they think the 45 is a racist, but dodge giving an answer and significantly refuse to say 'no' they don't think so. They are devoid of the moral courage to simply say yes and take a similarly cowardly refuge in gobbledegook. I wonder what it will actually take for hard right Republicans, and indeed British Tories, to finally say enough is enough? By their support and even by their silence, they are not only condoning, but actually encouraging, the worst type of politics that will eventually destroy whatever small vestige of democracy is left in the US and Britain. The Mayhem has been deafening in her silence, but then she is probably too thick to realise what has happened. What however is positive is the genuine disgust by what appears to be a majority of American people and commentators. I am heartened by the reaction and the coverage of CNN and its contributors. The American ambassador to Panama has resigned in protest, and that is something no craven British lackey from any of our major parties would ever do. The British elite and its political class are devoid of the capacity for shame or self-respect that would allow them to do that. I am reminded of Edmund Burke's observation that all that is required for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing, but there are no good people in the pigsty. Thinking about this political situation I was reminded of something John Stuart Mill wrote in his Representative Government. In ch. seven he writes

"It has been seen that the dangers incident to a representative democracy are of two kinds: danger of a low grade of intelligence in the representative body, and in the popular opinion which controls it; and danger of class legislation on the part of the numerical majority, these being all composed of the same class."

That perfectly sums up the situation in the UK; we embody the very nature of both these dangers. I will leave American readers to reach their own conclusions as to how it fits with their own situation. Never in my lifetime have we had a British governing class of such low grade intelligence. Never in my lifetime have we had such a venal, immoral, and depraved elite. This is the result of a dominant venal, immoral and depraved ideology. This governing body of semi-literates governs with respect only to the ill-informed and racist popular opinion as defined in the Brexit saga. However, we are also cursed with the most class-based political order in the civilised world. As I repeatedly tell you, Britain is an exclusive society in that the ruling class spend more time and energy excluding as many people as they can from meaningful participation in the society than on any other activity. This is seen in education, health, work, politics and all meaningful sectors of British society. As the Blessed Margaret frequently admitted, British society is seen through the ideological prism of 'them and us' those were her words, and its no use getting all indignant with me because of it. Thus, Britain has become a nation, ruled exclusively by social class, that admits as many imbeciles as can be accommodated to its highest positions irrespective of ability, intelligence or rational criteria, as long as they come from the right families and went to the right schools. The inevitable result is The Spider, May, Gove, Farage, Rees-Mogg, Brexit, division, racism and the destruction of the national normative and value system. In the US it is the 45.   

Both Britain and the US are at a very perilous crossroads in their history. I am confident that the US will finally say enough is enough and that the 45 has decided his own fate. I have no such confidence in the British electorate or its institutions. However, as you will know, the more I am sure of something, the more likely I am to be wrong. We shall see, but again I conclude, that you have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 11 January 2018

The NHS on the point of collapse - that is what the English and Welsh voted for

If you follow British current affairs you will be aware that The Prime Minister told the pigsty yesterday that the NHS is more prepared this winter than it has ever been. What you will also know is that the NHS has reached the point of no return and is on the verge of collapse.That should tell you all you need to know about the character of the British Prime Minister. Only someone as thick and as stupid as I have always told you she is would humiliate herself on the national stage in such a manner, but only a pathological liar would say such a thing without blushing. British politics itself is in crisis when it is being led by such personnel. In addition, what no-one will openly say and admit is what I have been warning you about for years, that the crisis in the NHS is deliberate, it is long-term Tory policy.

I know I comment on this situation regularly and that you may be getting fed up with it, but if you follow this blog you will also know that one of my main objectives is to expose the ideological and long-term motivations of neoliberals, indeed all politicians and ideologues, and their representatives in the political class; the unspoken, and always denied hidden agenda that motivates public policy in this sorry nation. Indeed, if you follow what is happening in the United States, you will see the same phenomenon, a public policy that is quite prepared to see the poor and disadvantaged die rather than ask the better off to sacrifice some of their wealth to help others. If you are familiar with the writings of the quite insane Ayn Rand, you will know that she argues that such people deserve to die, they should not be helped, and, as I remind you, she is the inspiration behind today's free market neoliberals. That is the message behind the 45's latest health policy. Thus, you may blame the free marketeers for many things, but inconsistency is not one of them. Also, as I have noted previously, despite not being a religious person, I am always conscious of Jesus Christ's instruction that if we want to understand people's real motivations we should judge them by their fruits. That is the empirical approach, the safest and most accurate. We should never listen to politicians, we should judge them by their fruits. Indeed, the same week as the Mayhem told us that the NHS was never better prepared, she also told us that the cancellation of 55,000 operations in one week in England and Wales was part of her plans. Now that definitely verges on the insane.

Today the British press published a letter sent to the Mayhem by 68 accident and emergency consultants representing 68 different accident and emergency units in England who wrote to the Mayhem telling her that

"Patients are dying in hospital corridors this winter because the NHS is so “chronically underfunded” and dangerously short-staffed". As the press reported it...In their unprecedented warning the doctors told the prime minister that more than 120 patients a day were being managed in corridors in some hospitals, with “some dying prematurely” because staff were so busy due to the sheer number of people needing care"......Now I want you to note that these patients are dying in corridors, they are not even being admitted to wards because there are no beds for them. To continue..."Emergency medicine consultant Richard Fawcett said his department was closed to ambulances, having “run out of corridor space”, leading to “third world” conditions.....“The corridor into the hospital was so busy we couldn’t have got a cardiac arrest patient through it into the resuscitation room....“There were people in our corridors for eight hours before we could see them.”.....“We are seeing conditions that people have not experienced in their working lives,”according to Dr Taj Hassan, the president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine."

Now those are just a few extracts from a medical profession that is on the verge of desperation, whilst our Prime Minister told the entire world that the NHS has never been so well prepared, so who do you believe? Just for the record, the NHS is under great pressure in Scotland, but not nearly as acute as in England and Wales, because, as I have told you before, Scotland is by far the most intelligent, humane, and civilised part of the United Kingdom and applies different priorities.

Now remember, this government continually tell us that there is no more money, yet this same government found £1billion, yes one billion, to bribe the DUP for their support following last years election. This is the government who refuses to raise taxation, or to collect the taxation owed by multinational corporations. This is the government who sat back in approval when Persimmon Homes gave their CEO a £100 million bonus. Imagine that, one person getting a bonus over and above an obscene salary, of one hundred million pounds, whilst people are being allowed to die because of the lack of a hospital bed. That is modern Tory Britain. That is the legacy of the Blessed Margaret. Again I remind you, that is what the English and Welsh voted for, you have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 5 January 2018

I hate to say I told you so (well I don't really)

The Tories dogmatic ideological blindness has assumed a form of illness, rendering them incapable of accepting reality or empathising on even the most basic level with their fellow human beings. If you follow British news you will know that the NHS in Britain is in a serious crisis just now. The government blames it on many factors, but as you will know if you read this blog, I have consistently told you over its lifetime that this situation is a deliberate strategy by the free market ideologues within all parties in the pigsty to create an insoluble situation within the NHS that will provide them with the perfect excuse to privatise it and end all free at the point of care health provision. However, things have gotten so bad, and the governments war against the health service has become so blatant that even the medical profession is beginning to face up to what has been staring them in the face since the Blessed Margaret first polluted this nation with her malign presence. Two articles in different papers today by two different NHS consultants are now admitting what I have been telling you all these years, and as you know, it must be bad when consultant doctors, who have a Tory gene implanted in them on graduation, are admitting what I have been warning against. 

Commenting on the NHS crisis in The Independent today, an accident and emergency specialist asked the question "How has this been allowed to happen?" and answers "It is not the fault of patients, doctors, nurses, immigrants, drunks, Australian flu or hospital managers" (those are all the stock excuses trotted out ad nauseam by the Tories and their lackeys in the media). "It is entirely down to the Department of Health focusing so much on financial targets that the point of what we are trying to do is being lost. The health service is there for the patients who need it. We seem to be in a situation where the patients have become something of an expensive inconvenience who drain state resources.....I can only put this down to either incompetence or a deliberate strategy on the part of the Government to underfund the NHS to the point that it fails to provide a safe service in order to prove some kind of ideological point."

This was then reinforced by an article in the Guardian when a consultant wrote that "What’s worse is that this situation was entirely predictable. The inadequate care we are providing is the inevitable reality of the government’s funding decisions. If you strip back funding, force hospitals to make savings they can’t afford, devastate primary and social care, and fail to invest in staffing or resources to match demand, we are forced to tell our patients: “I’m so sorry, we can’t look after you safely today.”"

These articles led me to return to material I posted in 2012. On 26th November 2012 I wrote that.....A fundamental and repeated assertion of this blog is that Britain's fundamental problems are ideological. Britain is bedevilled by an obsession with free market ideology, both economic and political..... And on 28th November 2012 I wrote..... Warnings that the Tories are determined to completely privatise the health service are being ignored by the British public because they find it difficult to believe that the Tories would do something so enormous after constantly assuring us that they will do no such thing. As Goebbels said, if your going to tell a lie then tell a big one and tell it often. A report from the Kings Fund just released shows how 'unprecedented financial pressures' are speeding up the demolition of the service as we know it. They state that because of a combination of financial cuts and policy changes "signs that the impact on patient care could be felt as early as 2013" and that "the stakes could hardly be higher" with some hospitals "experiencing serious challenges in delivering services of an acceptable quality" Analysing the government's reforms to the health service the report states that "major organisational changes and the loss of experienced managers leave the service in a precarious position" and argues that the core of the government's reforms, GP-led commissioning, will undermine the national system and concludes that "it is no exaggeration to say that the NHS is heading into treacherous waters, and the risks are high." What the Tories are doing is applying the Shock Doctrine to the Health Service. Neoliberal policy is aimed at creating crisis within states and organisations that will bring them to the edge of collapse and then using that state of collapse as an excuse to completely remodel them as neoliberal privatised industries. Despite all the promises of the health service being safe in their hands the Tories are bringing the health service to a state of collapse when they will then step in and tell everyone that the only way to save it is to hand it over to the private sector, the same sector that they all have interests in and have their family fortunes invested in. In other words, the financial crisis and the crisis in health care is being deliberately engineered by this government in order to destroy all public health provision and replace it with private.... they will not rest until all public service provision has been abolished. The public do not believe this and so it has an inevitability about it as nothing is being done to prevent it. . All that can be done is for people like me me to keep warning an electorate who refuse to see the reality of life in modern Britain. 

I do not apologise for recreating material I have posted before. I have never done this before, but this is becoming so serious that it must be repeated as often as necessary until the public waken up to what is happening under their noses. If you don't choose to believe me, then surely you will believe the professionals who experience this poisonous end product of a poisonous ideological policy agenda on a daily basis. This is happening before Brexit, you should be very afraid of what lies ahead. The poor in America are already facing a medical nightmare thanks to the 45, it is about to happen here as well. But, as I always remind you, the poor in both nations voted for it, so, all I can do is repeat, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

What on earth is a Christian?

I have been contemplating the many seasonal messages from our leaders and the great and the good that are routinely issued over the festive season and note with interest how they are all at pains to publicise their Christian values and beliefs and how they routinely invoke the authority of the Christian God and Jesus Christ to substantiate their message and their commitment to all of the supposed benefits of a Christian society. This form of festive pronouncement was even quite remarkably announced, without even a blush, by the 45. I have thus come to the conclusion that I no longer understand the Christian religion or what it supposedly stands for, and that if people such as the 45, the Republican Party, their evangelical Christian supporters, and our atrocious and heartless Tory government genuinely represent the Christian religion then that religion represents a source of evil. These are people who lie without thinking, who wage war both externally and internally in their respective nations, who shamelessly discriminate and persecute those they perceive as others, who demonise the poor and the working class and promote quite deliberate anti-social public policies that destroy people, communities and families. They are not only anti-social, they are anti-Christian as I understand the term. But worse, they are promoting policies that they must be fully aware are going to destroy the human race. There is no excuse left to these people to deny or ignore climate change, and yet they simply don't care. If there is a Christian God. surely he/she must be deeply ashamed of his/her adherents? 

As I have written before, conditions I have been warning you of for years are coming to fruition and the world is catching up with the Kommirat. For example our good Christian Tory government are still continuing to refuse to give assurances that British citizens will have their rights protected after Brexit. Remember, this is the real motivation behind Brexit, the reduction of working people, the masses, to a condition of modern slavery. Christian values must therefore correlate with cutting people's salaries, lengthening their hours of work, destroying their conditions of service, stuffing the bank accounts of the already obscenely rich with even more money taken from the poor and disadvantaged as well as all the other catalogue of crimes against the people that this blog has no room for. All this follows on from the government refusing to include any of the Grenfell Tower residents in the Grenfell Inquiry Panel, indeed their legal representatives will not be allowed to question witnesses, how’s that for a democratic legal process? How's that for the Christian value of caring for the poor and the distressed? Meanwhile, the Kensington Council responsible for Grenfell Tower and all the other housing within the borough has just appointed a chairperson who quite cheerfully admits she has never seen the inside of a tower block. Discussing these points, and others regarding British governance, such as the Health Secretary who co-authored a book on privatising the health service who has just awarded £7billion worth of medical service contracts to the private sector, the Guardian concluded that it’s corruption and it stinks”.

I sometimes wonder if I am the only person who sees this nauseating hypocrisy, or if I am the only one who is revolted by it? For years I have been talking about the obscenity of homelessness and how it is so unnecessary and a quite deliberate policy by all parties in the pigsty who constitute a large proportion of private landlords.  Today, years after I first started to talk about it, the press are commenting how 60,000 homes in England and Wales have been lying empty for over two years whilst 11,000 have been empty for over a decade. Homelessness is a callous fraud, a cruelty that should see the people responsible in jail. The people responsible are our great Christian moralists who preach love and practice hate and insatiable greed.  Today saw another rise in rail fares in Britain. Season tickets on the railways have risen 30% since 2010 with the annual rise this week at 3.4% another graphic example of the complete failure of privatisation and the Tory determination to lie through their teeth about the effects of their policies. When oh when are those people who claim to be Christians going to speak up and denounce these liars and hypocrites and show their cruelty and repulsive greed for what it is? If they continue to keep silent, or worse, to vote for these people and their policies, I will be left to conclude that this is indeed Christianity in action. The world has no time left with which to indulge such criminal activities. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat