I have been contemplating for some time on the type of person who still supports the 45 and those who still enthusiastically embrace Brexit. It appears to matter not one iota to such people that they know that are being lied to on an industrial scale and that the whole justification for their original enthusiasms has been demonstrated to be fictitious. The 45 is an outrageous liar, that is simply a fact, and the entire Brexit argument has not only been demonstrated to be a complete fiction, but is being admitted as such by its most vociferous proponents. Yet, significant sections of the public still cling to what are obvious fantasies. What is so problematic about this is that it is dangerous. The 45's daily rhetoric must surely result in some member of the press or media being killed. He now openly calls the media bad people, it is no longer their message that is bad, nor their journalism, it is they themselves. He is peddling hate from the most powerful platform in the world. But the result of his hate rhetoric may have catastrophic results for the US. He has fostered hatred for all of the institutions that bind America and emboldened the people who seek confrontation and racial division. Similarly, in the UK, race hate crimes have reached record levels as a result of the rhetoric of people like Nigel Farage and Theresa May and her Tory colleagues. In the UK the Brexit arguments are being falsified on a daily basis; there is indeed fake news, but it all emanates from the 45 and the Tories, but all of this just rolls off so many of our fellow citizens, they are indifferent to facts, rationality, or evidence.
What is so ironic is that those who support 45 and the Tories are looking to the cause of their problems for the solutions. Does anyone in the USA really believe that the 45 will satisfy any other sections of the US public outside of his own family and his businesses? In the UK none of the economic, political or social arguments for Brexit appear to matter to such people, we now all know it was purely about immigration, it was blatant racism and is now graphically demonstrated as such. In the fifteen months since the Tories invoked Article 51 to leave the EU they are not one piece of paper farther forward, not one thing has been agreed. EU diplomats are in awe at the sheer incompetence of the British government and are admitting to a disbelief in their ignorance. Despite most of our leading politicians having spent their adult lives in the pigsty, supposedly practising politics, whilst being members of the EU all of that time, they display a level of ignorance of the EU itself that is leaving EU politicians speechless. The head of staff for David Davies, the Minister for Exiting the EU, has just told the British public that Davies, the person leading our negotiations is a bully, a liar, and heart lazy. He is lucky if he works three days a week, and that only when he is sober. He never reads his staff briefings and goes into any meeting completely unprepared and indifferent. If you have read this blog for any length of time, you will know that I have been telling you about Tory attitudes, incompetence and ignorance for years. Remember you must never confuse people who have had a good schooling with being educated. If they are then that is incidental. The British are so class biased that if you speak with an Oxbridge accent, everyone automatically assumes that you are superior, competent and intelligent when the complete opposite is normally the truth. If you doubt that I merely call your attention to Boris the Spider.
There is no rational argument that can be made to those who continue to support the 45 and the Tories as their single mindedness is itself deeply irrational. They are correct to pinpoint the complete indifference of the political classes to their plight, but they then turn to the worst offenders for their solution. The people who are in power in both Britain and the US are incapable of considering others. That is surely self-evident. In Britain we have Stephen Hawking, the greatest mind since Einstein, calling out the Tories for their destruction of the NHS and their determination to privatise it, and, true to form, the Tories respond by telling him he doesn't know what he is talking about. I mean, this is only the greatest intellect in the world, who has spent literally years in the hands of the NHS and must have more experience of NHS treatment than almost anyone else in the UK, having had one of the most tragic illnesses imaginable since he was 21. He is now 75, but of course he doesn't know what he is talking about. You can blame a Tory for many things, but inconsistency is not one of them. It is only tragedy that will impact on our 45 and Brexit supporters, that is sad for the rest of us. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat