Thursday, 24 August 2017

What does Stephen Hawking know anyway?

The person who occupies the presidency of the United States has so disgraced himself and demeaned that office that this blog will no longer honour him with that title nor address him by name, from now on he will simply be 45. You really need to be exceptionally bad to be criticised on a moral level by George W Bush. That in itself would make anyone with a scintilla of self-respect and dignity immediately resign and spend the rest of their life in a Tibetan monastery in contemplation.

I have been contemplating for some time on the type of person who still supports the 45 and those who still enthusiastically embrace Brexit. It appears to matter not one iota to such people that they know that are being lied to on an industrial scale and that the whole justification for their original enthusiasms has been demonstrated to be fictitious. The 45 is an outrageous liar, that is simply a fact, and the entire Brexit argument has not only been demonstrated to be a complete fiction, but is being admitted as such by its most vociferous proponents. Yet, significant sections of the public still cling to what are obvious fantasies. What is so problematic about this is that it is dangerous. The 45's daily rhetoric must surely result in some member of the press or media being killed. He now openly calls the media bad people, it is no longer their message that is bad, nor their journalism, it is they themselves. He is peddling hate from the most powerful platform in the world. But the result of his hate rhetoric may have catastrophic results for the US. He has fostered hatred for all of the institutions that bind America and emboldened the people who seek confrontation and racial division. Similarly, in the UK, race hate crimes have reached record levels as a result of the rhetoric of people like Nigel Farage and Theresa May and her Tory colleagues. In the UK the Brexit arguments are being falsified on a daily basis; there is indeed fake news, but it all emanates from the 45 and the Tories, but all of this just rolls off so many of our fellow citizens, they are indifferent to facts, rationality, or evidence.

What is so ironic is that those who support 45 and the Tories are looking to the cause of their problems for the solutions. Does anyone in the USA really believe that the 45 will satisfy any other sections of the US public outside of his own family and his businesses? In the UK none of the economic, political or social arguments for Brexit appear to matter to such people, we now all know it was purely about immigration, it was blatant racism and is now graphically demonstrated as such. In the fifteen months since the Tories invoked Article 51 to leave the EU they are not one piece of paper farther forward, not one thing has been agreed. EU diplomats are in awe at the sheer incompetence of the British government and are admitting to a disbelief in their ignorance. Despite most of our leading politicians having spent their adult lives in the pigsty, supposedly practising politics, whilst being members of the EU all of that time, they display a level of ignorance of the EU itself that is leaving EU politicians speechless. The head of staff for David Davies, the Minister for Exiting the EU, has just told the British public that Davies, the person leading our negotiations is a bully, a liar, and heart lazy. He is lucky if he works three days a week, and that only when he is sober. He never reads his staff briefings and goes into any meeting completely unprepared and indifferent. If you have read this blog for any length of time, you will know that I have been telling you about Tory attitudes, incompetence and ignorance for years. Remember you must never confuse people who have had a good schooling with being educated. If they are then that is incidental. The British are so class biased that if you speak with an Oxbridge accent, everyone automatically assumes that you are superior, competent and intelligent when the complete opposite is normally the truth. If you doubt that I merely call your attention to Boris the Spider.

There is no rational argument that can be made to those who continue to support the 45 and the Tories as their single mindedness is itself deeply irrational. They are correct to pinpoint the complete indifference of the political classes to their plight, but they then turn to the worst offenders for their solution. The people who are in power in both Britain and the US are incapable of considering others. That is surely self-evident. In Britain we have Stephen Hawking, the greatest mind since Einstein, calling out the Tories for their destruction of the NHS and their determination to privatise it, and, true to form, the Tories respond by telling him he doesn't know what he is talking about. I mean, this is only the greatest intellect in the world, who has spent literally years in the hands of the NHS and must have more experience of NHS treatment than almost anyone else in the UK, having had one of the most tragic illnesses imaginable since he was 21. He is now 75, but of course he doesn't know what he is talking about. You can blame a Tory for many things, but inconsistency is not one of them. It is only tragedy that will impact on our 45 and Brexit supporters, that is sad for the rest of us. You have been warned 

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


Friday, 18 August 2017

The free market, stupid and unworkable, a catalogue of contradictions and wishful thinking.

I have often written about the hegemonic grip that free market politics and economics has on our national consciousness. As a result, it is a taken from granted that the state is a bad thing in our modern Anglo-Saxon societies, and this is never challenged, not even by so-called socialists. They appear to have absorbed and accepted Karl Popper's thesis that the state is a necessary evil that must not be allowed to grow greater than is absolutely necessary. This is of course rubbish. The state is not a thing. It is a manifestation of human political, social and economic life. It is a human artefact and is a reflection of the people who are charged with its functions. The state can be bad, it can be evil, but it can also be a force for good, it is simply a reflection of the policies of the people who control it. The great paradox of modern life is that those same free marketeers who so demonise the state and demand its minimalisation, are the same people who utilise its powers ferociously and ruthlessly in pursuit of their own agenda. In the UK for example, it has been the Tories, under the direction first highlighted by the Blessed Margaret, who have relentlessly centralised power in a manner Lenin would have approved of. As a matter of interest, Thatcher, the enemy of the state and of public provision, who actively attempted to destroy the concept of council housing, as Prime Minister lived rent and tax free in a council house, 10 Downing Street. The Queen and the rest of her family are all social housing occupants and live off public welfare. The Prime Minister in Britain is the ultimate public sector employee and the Royal Family are the ultimate benefit scroungers. You couldn't invent these people's hypocrisy. So, where would Tory Prime Ministers and the Royal Family be were it not for the state?
What never seems to have occurred to the free marketer is that their present capitalist system could never have been realised without a strong and active state. The principal driver of an efficient capitalist system is communications. Roads, railways, air transport, docks, waterways etc. are all crucial to an effective economy. In the modern world we depend on broadband, telecommunications the internet etc. which in turn all depend on massive state investment. In addition an effective economy needs a healthy and educated workforce. None of these essential characteristics can be left to market forces and the private sector, Adam Smith recognised that 250 years ago. Stripped to its essentials, free market ideology is stupid and unworkable, a catalogue of contradictions and wishful thinking. As I have written before, it is characterised by a quite ridiculous concept of the individual, and simply does not even begin to understand the nature of the state.

It is the great proponents of the free market who love war and invading other countries. This could not happen without the state and its armed forces. In their never-ending search for new weapons and technology they are dependent on state sponsored investment and research. In the United States their space programmes were state sponsored. I could go on and on, but hope that you have the message, capitalism could not survive without a powerful and proactive state. More and more people are beginning to question the dominance of the free market and particularly its militant manifestation of neoliberalism. Why, because it has demonstrably failed and has caused serious damage at all levels of society. You heard it here first, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Donald Trump and Theresa May are enemies of civilised humanity.

I am writing this as I watch a programme on the history channel called "The Unseen Holocaust" documenting Nazi atrocities in the east, particularly in the Soviet Union, one hour after watching people carrying swastikas on the streets of Charlottseville chanting hatred for blacks and Jews and the Nazi slogan 'blood and soil'. I have just watched original footage of the discovery of a mass grave in Rostov containing 12,000 Jewish bodies followed by footage of the excavation of Babi Yar in Kiev where the Nazis managed to massacre 33,000 Jews in just two days. However, Babi Yar also contained graves containing a further 60,000 bodies of Russians, gypsies, the disabled etc. the untermenshen, the subhuman of Nazi mythology. I have personally visited Auschwitz and Birkenau and have stood in the gas chambers and at the selection site at the railway terminal in Birkenau. I have the full series of The World at War and have watched the series, The Nazis a Warning from History, three times. I also have Laurence Rees's accompanying books about Auschwitz and the Holocaust, including numerous other books about the Second World War with a particular emphasis on the Battle of Stalingrad. The Nazis were responsible for circa fifty million deaths in the Second World War with twenty-five million in the Soviet Union alone. It cannot be tolerated that we are witnessing American and British people openly demonstrating an allegiance to this political and ideological system on our streets and on our television. Every city, town, village and hamlet in the UK have monuments to the British men and women who died fighting these people to protect our way of life, and I expect the US has the same. If I were an American I would be demanding similar monuments to the victims of the slave trade and lynchings which was simply another form of holocaust because it was the systematic persecution and exploitation of a people considered untermenshen and expendable, instead these people erect statues to those responsible for slavery and lynchings. The black person was considered less than a human being when the US Constitution was written, and has been the subject of systematic atrocities since they first arrived in the Americas. The British treated them likewise in the West Indies and in the Indian subcontinent. Today we see our own citizens attempting to place this ideology at the heart of our nations and promote its adherents into public office, people who reject the concept of equality, who believe some sections of humanity are superior whilst others are inferior, who believe that races and ethnic groups will be polluted by mixing with others etc. If you believe Nazi and superiority ideologies then if you are in a position to do so you will happily enslave and exterminate other people; that has been empirically demonstrated throughout history. You will even justify it by reference to the word of whatever god you support.

I write this because there can be no justification whatsoever for attempting to draw a moral, political, or social equivalence between those who support such ideas and those who oppose them. The world watched events unfold in pre-war Germany because they could not bring themselves to believe that what eventually transpired was possible in what was one of the most cultured and civilised nations in the world, the nation of Goethe, Handel, Beethoven, Kant etc. Such is the power of ideas and the poisonous and cancerous growth they can manifest if they go unchallenged and unchecked. What the right in America has graphically demonstrated is that they will take America down that route in the blink of an eye. The right in Britain are just as culpable, but are more subtle. I remind you that the Daily Mail was openly supportive of Hitler, and we had a Prince of Wales who courted Hitler and his circle. If anything the Mail is even more right-wing now and is an organ of pure hatred.

By his words and deeds, Donald Trump has demonstrated his complete unfitness for office. Despite her condemnation of the ideas and philosophy of the KKK and white supremacists, by refusing to condemn Trump, Theresa May has disgraced her office and sold her soul, and the soul of the British people and should resign immediately. Trump is demonstrably insane, his narcissism is obviously a serious illness. May is simply a craven disgraceful human being, devoid of dignity, compassion, humanity, but most importantly, any form of responsible and rational leadership. She is, as I keep telling you, a particularly stupid person. May is a stereotypical Tory, sociopathic, completely selfish and, like the supremacists, filled with a sense of superiority and entitlement. We are in dangerous times. In the UK it is now accepted wisdom that Brexit had nothing to do with trade, the economy or any of the other excuses that Brexiteers invented to hide their naked racism. It was all about immigration and hatred of foreigners. Every attempt to seek an accommodation with the EU is thwarted and broken on the same rock, freedom of movement. Thus, could the holocaust happen again? Of course it could, and it could be coming to you soon. If these people get into power, it will definitely come to me, and don't ever forget the warnings of Pastor Niemoller. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Monday, 14 August 2017

I warned you the Tories would enslave you!

 Since the start of this blog I have been telling you how free marketeers, championed by conservatives of every hew and by the Conservative Party in the UK, have sought to reduce working people to a condition of modern slavery, devoid of rights and of meaningful mechanisms by which to challenge their terms and conditions of employment. Although I have not been challenged on this on this blog site, when I discuss such things with people I have been persistently viewed with scepticism and downright hostility accusing me of gross exaggeration and indeed lying. I have been arguing this for over thirty years since it first dawned on me what Thatcher's real agenda was, but also understand why most people genuinely cannot accept that such things could happen in the modern world and particularly in a nation like Britain which they doggedly insist on viewing as both civilised and decent. Most people simply want to get on with their everyday life and don't want to think that they belong to a collective body that would not only permit such practices, but actively encourage them. However, the evidence is now too overwhelming and, as Edmund Burke (ironically a classic Tory) reminded us, all it requires for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing.

The British National Crime Agency has released a report that tells us "Modern slavery and human trafficking is far more prevalent than law enforcement previously thought, with a recent crackdown lifting the lid on the “shocking” scale of the crime and potentially tens of thousands of victims in the UK"
I trust you note how in the UK alone there is a suspected tens of thousands of victims. They also tell us that throughout the world there are more people enslaved today than over four centuries of slave-trading which generates twenty-five times the profits of two centuries ago when the slave trade was at its heights. The Crime Agency estimates that worldwide there are at least 21 million people being held in slave like conditions and the total could be as high as 46 million which compares to the 13 million who were captured and sold as slaves between the 15th and 19th centuries.

Now, admittedly, todays slaves are not held as the personal and legally owned property that they used to be but they are considered in a state of slavery because they are "those coerced to work or to sell their bodies or to part with their organs." This is about the subjugation of the poor, the vulnerable, the disadvantages and the weak. It is the story of the deliberate and consistent removal of rights and protections in pursuit of never ending profit and the expansion of the free market by those who insist that a free market must mean exactly that, an economic system that has no constraints or fetters. That is why economic textbooks describe it as unfettered.

As you will know if you read this blog it is the Kommirat's mission to expose and condemn the very idea of the free market and to persuade you never to support those who support this vilest of ideologies. I also want you to stop and consider who it is who champions such ideas. These are the people who inhabit the pigsty, the people who are so desperate to remove us from the EU, from the legislative protections of the European Court of Justice and who of course have a visceral hatred of the European Court of Human Rights. These are the people who deny that people have human rights, because they don't regard working people, the poor, the disabled etc. as human. We are the untermenschen, the ballistexistenzen of Nazi mythology, and if you still think I am exaggerating or being unfair then simply consider the figures and tell me how such things can happen in a nation that supposedly honours the rule of law. If I have been aware of such conditions and the processes whereby the Tories have allowed such things to prosper and flourish, are you telling me that the authorities have been unaware?   

This is a worldwide problem, but I can only speak for the UK. Why are such things happening? Simple, because we allow it, we ignore it and turn a blind eye, and anyway it only involves foreigners so who cares? Well it doesn't only involve foreigners, what do you think the Tories unceasing war against trades unions is all about? Why do you think the Mail, Express. Telegraph etc. never miss an opportunity to damn trades unions and working people. Why do you think that the strike weapon has been likened to terrorism by these people? Was this Thatcher's real purpose in her destruction of the union movement, of course it was. It was Thatcher who called trade unionists the enemy within. It was Thatcher who told us that every trade unionist was a potential Soviet spy. Slavery is profitable and employment rights eat into profits and so they must go. In a money economy in a modern economic system, you get money by working for a wage. If you are forced to accept whatever terms and conditions are on offer then you become a wage slave. If you are in a situation where you have no control over your own life, you are in a state of slavery. This is now the normal condition for the bulk of British workers and the Tories are planning to entrench this condition and make it even worse. That is the principal motivation for Brexit. It is then only a small step to the hideous condition of modern slavery that the National Crime Agency is describing. In some of our major employment firms we are getting to that condition, Brexit will consolidate it. This is what you get when you vote Tory. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 


Monday, 7 August 2017

Brexit won't restore you're national sovereignty, but I could!

As you will know if you read this blog I believe it is imperative that Scotland becomes independent as I also believe that the Westminster pigsty has become irredeemably corrupt and beyond meaningful salvation. The Conservative Party are a gangster led criminal organisation intent on reducing the British working class to a state of modern slavery and looting the national treasury to the point of bankruptcy. I have said all this before. I believe that there is no use waiting for a racist unionist electorate to waken up because they are too determined to scapegoat other people for their own failures and refuse to see reality. The Labour Party are not much better given that they have abandoned the people who labour for a living and share the Tories hatred of the EU, foreigners and immigrants.

There are alternatives to the pigsty's dominant narrative, but the problem is finding people who could be trusted to carry them our successfully and with the passion necessary to succeed. I have come to the conclusion that what Britain needs, if it is to remain as a United Kingdom, is a sustained period of a command economy. This is not socialism as the inevitable braindead will immediately accuse me of. Britain had one of the most sustained and successful command economies during the Second World War, and I feel that this country is in an almost similar emergency now. This time the enemy is not a nation but a coalition of international criminals in the shape of financial interests and corporations who will just as successfully destroy this nation as Hitler would have had he been successful, and the ideology of these international gangsters is every bit as vile as fascism.

As I told you before, the Grenfell Tower fire was in the London borough of Kensington. Seven weeks after this disaster, the residents have still not been rehoused or adequately cared for whilst within this borough 1,650 empty properties lie vacant. That is just in one London borough. The clarion call during the EU referendum was to bring back control. If these people are genuine about that, why not start by taking control of their housing stock and putting it to use to help solve some of our national problems? You see the British political class are pathological liars and their version of taking back control means giving them the ability to remove all the regulatory framework erected by the EU over the years to protect the environment, workers rights, health and safety etc. This is to allow them to impose even greater control over their own population and allow them to sell the national assets of the British people to the highest bidder.

I would begin an immediate programme of renationalisation of all our national infrastructure and public service functions. The raison d'etre of our public institutions is of course to serve the public, but the minute you privatise such institutions that ceases. Corporations exist to make profits for their shareholders, regardless of whether they are providing what is supposed to be a public service or not. As a result, no private sector corporate body must be allowed anywhere near a public service. That is why all public service privatisations have been such a disaster. Banks and financial services must be carefully regulated and continually monitored. It is no use telling me that under such conditions private industry will go elsewhere; that is a carefully constructed Tory lie. These are capitalist enterprises we are talking about. If there is any form of profit to be made they will be there, despite having to adhere to a regulatory framework. These people are parasitic, they are incapable of ignoring the scent. This is obviously a big topic, but this post is already too long. I just hope to have given you the flavour of how we can successfully begin to regain real control of our nation and direct resources where they should be going. I have no confidence any of this is possible in modern Britain, but will continue to promote such ideas anyway. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat    

Friday, 4 August 2017

What does it tell you when a High Court judge says he is ashamed to be British?

As the neoliberal free market world begins to crumble, it is being discredited and abandoned by more and more people who have finally come to understand its pernicious destructiveness and inhumanity. They are too few too late, but at least they are beginning to make themselves heard. No-one will ever take people like me seriously because I am no-one, unimportant, but now more and more important people are beginning to admit to what they have studiously ignored for so long. The evidence of what I have been warning about for so long is now becoming too overwhelming to ignore. As you are probably fed up hearing me telling you, at its core the free market's biggest crime is its insistence on deregulation. This is the driving force behind global warming, but with respect to everyday news, its most graphic manifestation was the Grenfell Tower fire that was the result of successive governments completely dehumanising people in the pursuit of never ending profit. This saw the deregulation of health and safety and the refusal to hold people responsible for what amounts to criminality.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis we have had to suffer the false doctrine of austerity, an official lie and an unnecessary imposition on the British population that has had far-reaching and often tragic events. By quite deliberately starving important public services of funds the pigsty, particularly under the Tories, has created a series of crises. In open court yesterday, in a case involving a mental health patient, Sir James Munby Britain's most senior judge in family law publicly stated that “I feel shame and embarrassment. Shame, as a human being, as a citizen and as an agent of the state, embarrassment as president of the family division and, as such, head of family justice" Commenting on the situation with respect to the pigsty's public policy on families, care for the vulnerable and the mentally ill the judge told an open court that “It is a disgrace to any country with pretensions to civilisation, compassion and, dare one say it, basic human decency” He made these observations because the state of affairs within the family and mental health system has rendered him helpless to offer any form of civilised solution to the case he was hearing.

I have been taken to task many time over the years for describing Britain as only paying lip service to a civilised society, devoid of compassion and decency, but here we have a high court judge endorsing my observations. This is the end result of free market economics, an ideology of greed, selfishness and lacking in any form of ethical values. Again I tell you, this is the legacy of Thatcher and Blair, and if what I understand of the United States is accurate, then they are victims of the same poison that is rotting the body politic in this country, producing levels of inequality that historians are assuring us have not been seen since the Roman Empire. There is no institution within Britain that is not suffering some form of crisis in terms of finance and personnel. Our prisons are a national scandal as are the NHS, education, housing and so on. The free market policy of privatisation has proved a disaster, deregulation has proven fatal, Brexit is a pantomime. I could go on, but we always come back to the same common denominator, the fraudulent antisocial lie that is free market economics. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat