The first principle of government is that its primary function is the health, welfare and security of the people. The first principle of democracy is that a democratically elected assembly must be representative. For at least 40 years the British Parliament has been woefully incompetent with respect to both of those criteria. Ironically it is the least democratic and representative sector of British government, the House of Lords, that has intervened to protect the health and welfare of the largest part of the population. It is testimony to the cruelty and callousness of this British Tory government of aristocrats and millionaires that they have finally shamed the House of Lords into action, over measures that have been described by some of their lordships as terrifying, shameful, disgusting, and deeply worrying, to give a flavour of the opinions of the lords during their debate on the subject of the government's proposed cuts to tax credits.
For anyone outside the UK reading this, successive governments of all parties in Westminster have so deregulated the labour market and destroyed any power or influence wielded by trades unions through a succession of anti-union measures, that employers can literally do whatever they like to British workers and get away with it. It has been made as difficult as possible for any working person in the UK to take any form of industrial action to protect themselves and they have been effectively frozen out of the legal system as a result of the financial obstacles the Tories have implemented to prevent working people accessing the legal system. Remember, as I continually remind you, the Westminster Parliament will not cease until all working people in the UK are in a condition of slavery. As a result of this open class warfare, thanks to the appalling type of employers we have in the UK today enthusiastically encouraged by the Westminster criminals, millions of British workers do not get enough in wages to live on. To counter this, instead of holding employers to account, Westminster, at first under Labour, introduced the system of tax credits. What this does is supplement the income of someone who is in employment with a benefit. As a result, instead of requiring employers to be fair and just they have dragooned the taxpayer into subsidising people's wages and salaries. One of the reasons that Britain has had such a recession is that few people in work have any buying power and half of all the people who have to attend foodbanks to avoid starvation are in full-time employment. This is reality in modern Christian, democratic Great Britain. I am aware that readers from outside the UK will find this hard to accept but I encourage you to check it for yourself. Whilst the British lecture the rest of the world on human rights, democracy, the rule of law etc. they cheerfully abandon all of those concepts with respect to the governance of their own country. We had the spectacle today of a chief constable in England warning us of the danger of thought crime, and this is the United Kingdom in the 21st century, it genuinely beggars belief.
In their attempts to reduce the national debt, the Tories have targeted this benefit and have attempted to introduce measures that would see an estimated 3 million working people lose between £1,300 and £2,500 per annum. All independent forecasters have estimated that all of these people will be worse off to the extent that they will be literally unable to feed themselves or pay their rent or mortgage thus plunging them and their families into absolute poverty, and the evidence is so overwhelming that even the human filth in the Tory Party have stopped challenging the figures. One of the rays of light in this sorry saga is that things are getting so bad for so many people that the Tories lies and propaganda are being shown to be just that. One of the ironies of this situation is that the figures reveal that 37 Tory MPs will have more people punished by these measures in their constituencies than they had as a majority at the general election. So, when you hear of Tory MPs supporting the opposition to these measures do not for an instant imagine that they are decent people who are concerned for the poor. They are doing it purely out of a sense of self-interest in case they lose their seats at the next election. If they had any concern for people they would not be Tories. This is the situation that impelled the House of Lords to act.
It is technically correct when the Tories tell us that the House of Lords acted unconstitutionally as they are traditionally bound to a policy of non-intervention in money policies. However, the Tories lied through their teeth at the general election and gave categorical assurances that tax credits would not be the subject of cuts and interference. In addition, the democratic necessity of opposing tyrannical measures and blatant mendacity by the government must outweigh mere constitutional conventions. No government can claim any kind of democratic mandate if it transpires that it has been elected on the basis of a farrago of lies and deceit. Such conventions can only be valid when the lower house is acting constitutionally itself, and condemning millions of subjects to absolute poverty and the threat of starvation cannot be deemed constitutional even by the rancid imagination of a Tory. A government elected on a platform of lies that then proceeds to impoverish and wage war on the most vulnerable of its own citizens must accept that it has profoundly altered the political climate and accept that it, not only will be, but must be, challenged.
I finish this post with a reminder that the basis of the Tory agenda is the economic prerogatives of free market neoliberalism, a belief system that is both barbaric fraudulent. Never lose sight of the fact that the real guilty personnel are the proponents of the free market, the liars and fraudsters that constitute the world's elite. It is not the workers, the unemployed, people on benefits etc. that are destroying the world, it is the one percent who own fifty percent of the world's wealth and their vile spokespeople in the various governments around the world and those useful idiots in the media. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Monday, 26 October 2015
The British are the turkeys who vote for Christmas
The government have rewritten the ministerial code of conduct in a manner that should arouse outrage and is another step in Britain's descent into barbarism. The ministerial code of conduct contains a clause that demands an
duty on ministers to comply with the law including international law and treaty
obligations and to uphold the administration of justice and to protect the
integrity of public life”.
The former head of the government's legal services, Paul Jenkins, has told us that this requirement caused intense irritation to David Cameron and so this government has quietly replaced this with a clause that says that there is only an
“overarching duty on ministers to comply with the law and to protect the
integrity of public life”.
With one fell swoop British government, without debate or with the approval of Parliament, has abandoned any obligation to respect international law or treaty obligations. Now, as well as removing all trade union rights, seeking to remove itself from human rights legislation and leaving the EU, Westminster will now determine for itself if any minister who deliberately breaks international law, or defies the judgements of international courts, is guilty of misconduct or illegal behaviour. This, I suspect, is Westminster's way of getting Mad Tony and his criminal government off the hook for his illegal wars, as well as clearing the way for the Tories to act illegally in the near future, probably by bombing Syria. This will also, I remind you, allow the British government to ignore the Geneva Conventions and allow them to treat refugees and immigrants however they wish without worrying about the UN. Britain has effectively abandoned the rule of law. The only law they will respect in future is their own.
As must be quite clear by now, Britain is becoming a fascist state and will slide into totalitarianism if things don't change and people don't challenge this genuinely dangerous government. As this is happening, the government are planning to reduce the number of MPs in Westminster from 650 to 600 and are altering the constituency boundaries. In addition they are introducing EVEL (English votes for English Laws) that will seriously erode the equality and balance of votes in Westminster. Bit by bit the Tories are removing all obstacles to their aim for total rule and their ability to loot the national treasury at will. Their political moves are designed to prevent any other party, but particularly Labour, from challenging their dominance in Westminster. Sadly, Labour are too stupid to realise that this is the Tories real agenda and has nothing to do with democracy, fairness or any of the other lies spouted by this most heinous of governments. All politicians lie, Westminster politicians have raised lying to an art form, but even the governments of Mad Tony pale into insignificance beside this lot. This of course is all good news for supporters of Scottish independence but is so sad for those people in the rest of the UK who are so wrapped up in soap operas and reality shows that they have no idea what is going on. Ipsos Mori have estimated that 27% of people whose whole income comes from social security voted Tory in the last election. That must be as close to insanity as you get; they are about to see their world come crashing about their ears and they will fully deserve it. At least the British are slowly coming to realise the lying propaganda they have been subjected to over Russia. As I said before, Russia may be your enemy, but she isn't mine. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Education is a process of unlearning!
An interview on BBC's Newsnight last night produced a pure gem of utter stupidity that accurately sums up all that is wrong with British government and the gullibility of the public who listen to such drivel and never question it. Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat who was Business Secretary throughout the five years of the past coalition government was asked by the interviewer Evan Davies "Have we embraced globalisation too vigorously?" Cable replied, "I don't think we have any choice." The broad subject under discussion was the collapse of the British steel industry, so I want you to seriously think about that. Here is an elected politician who has reached the very top of the political ladder effectively telling us that he hasn't a clue what politics is all about. In this he is simply repeating what all of this government is constantly telling us, that Britain is at the mercy of economic forces it cannot control and have no effective options.
This is completely unacceptable. Politics is the art of choosing between alternatives, and here Cable is admitting to the ridiculous, but sinister claim by Thatcher that there is no alternative. Now, I have been writing on this blog since I began that this is the foundation of totalitarianism. I have also been warning you that this is a ridiculous claim and that any politician who tells you that there are no alternatives is manifestly unfit for office. If there are no alternatives to the crisis facing the steel industry why was America successful in blocking the destruction of their industry by cheap Chinese steel, how was Germany able to do so as well etc. If there are no alternatives to globalisation how on earth did Communist China manage to rise to such prominence in the first place through their 'capitalism with Chinese characteristics' approach? The stupidity of the Vince Cable approach is so demonstrable that it beggars belief that he gets away with it. Indeed Davies did not even challenge him on it.
It was Karl Popper who told us that true education is a process of unlearning. This is actually a very difficult thing to do, but can be very exhilarating when achieved successfully. As we are all creatures of our environment we are the product of other people and most of what we hold dear we don't really know why we hold it dearly, it is just the way it has always been because we have been told that is the way it is, or should be, by people we both love and respect. But in times of deep moral and political crisis it is imperative that we attempt to see the real world, and not just the world as we want it to be. Britain is recognised as the most unjust society in the developed world and remember, it was Adam Smith, the man free marketeers and neoliberals claim as their spiritual guide who told us that "the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society" Britain is actively creating poverty as a matter of public policy, and actively removing all human rights as fast as they can for the purpose of completing the Thatcher project of destroying all traces of a welfare state whilst constantly repeating the brazen lie that there are no alternatives.
We first need to expose the dearly held myths that dominate British political and economic thinking. The first is that we live in a free market economy. At the risk of boring you, I repeat, a free market is a myth and an impossibility. It is not even desirable, even if it were possible. Also that we have an inherent right to private property in the form of land. The idea of people having the right to own land and deny its use or access to others is as stupid and as meaningless as saying you have the right to own water or air. We have to expose the quite ridiculous assertion that private initiative is always superior to, and preferable to, state initiative and that markets are both efficient and necessary
If you begin to challenge the dominant assumptions you very speedily come to realise that they are false. For example, as I have written here before, we are always told that our economic system is the model championed by Adam Smith and the classical economists. That is simply wrong. Smith may have argued for a preference for a market economy, but the notion of a free market is a modern concept championed by American neoliberals and popularised by Milton Friedman, a genuine charlatan. As this blog is getting long, I will continue this train of thought in others and I trust you will bear with me and find it interesting. We are being conned by fraudsters and liars, but more importantly we are being governed by criminals and intellectual clowns. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This is completely unacceptable. Politics is the art of choosing between alternatives, and here Cable is admitting to the ridiculous, but sinister claim by Thatcher that there is no alternative. Now, I have been writing on this blog since I began that this is the foundation of totalitarianism. I have also been warning you that this is a ridiculous claim and that any politician who tells you that there are no alternatives is manifestly unfit for office. If there are no alternatives to the crisis facing the steel industry why was America successful in blocking the destruction of their industry by cheap Chinese steel, how was Germany able to do so as well etc. If there are no alternatives to globalisation how on earth did Communist China manage to rise to such prominence in the first place through their 'capitalism with Chinese characteristics' approach? The stupidity of the Vince Cable approach is so demonstrable that it beggars belief that he gets away with it. Indeed Davies did not even challenge him on it.
It was Karl Popper who told us that true education is a process of unlearning. This is actually a very difficult thing to do, but can be very exhilarating when achieved successfully. As we are all creatures of our environment we are the product of other people and most of what we hold dear we don't really know why we hold it dearly, it is just the way it has always been because we have been told that is the way it is, or should be, by people we both love and respect. But in times of deep moral and political crisis it is imperative that we attempt to see the real world, and not just the world as we want it to be. Britain is recognised as the most unjust society in the developed world and remember, it was Adam Smith, the man free marketeers and neoliberals claim as their spiritual guide who told us that "the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society" Britain is actively creating poverty as a matter of public policy, and actively removing all human rights as fast as they can for the purpose of completing the Thatcher project of destroying all traces of a welfare state whilst constantly repeating the brazen lie that there are no alternatives.
We first need to expose the dearly held myths that dominate British political and economic thinking. The first is that we live in a free market economy. At the risk of boring you, I repeat, a free market is a myth and an impossibility. It is not even desirable, even if it were possible. Also that we have an inherent right to private property in the form of land. The idea of people having the right to own land and deny its use or access to others is as stupid and as meaningless as saying you have the right to own water or air. We have to expose the quite ridiculous assertion that private initiative is always superior to, and preferable to, state initiative and that markets are both efficient and necessary
If you begin to challenge the dominant assumptions you very speedily come to realise that they are false. For example, as I have written here before, we are always told that our economic system is the model championed by Adam Smith and the classical economists. That is simply wrong. Smith may have argued for a preference for a market economy, but the notion of a free market is a modern concept championed by American neoliberals and popularised by Milton Friedman, a genuine charlatan. As this blog is getting long, I will continue this train of thought in others and I trust you will bear with me and find it interesting. We are being conned by fraudsters and liars, but more importantly we are being governed by criminals and intellectual clowns. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 18 October 2015
The Anglo-American political system is quite insane.
The wisest piece of advice I ever received when I first got involved in politics I greeted with outrage. I was taken aside by an older and wiser political veteran after I had delivered a speech full of youthful passion and naivety and advised to be more cautious. His sage advice was "never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter". At the time I thought this to be quite the most outrageous thing I had ever been told. Ah, the sublime innocence of youth.
I was reminded of this on Thursday night watching Question Time when a lady in the audience broke down in tears after describing how she had always voted Tory and had put her trust in them only to be cruelly betrayed and now cannot manage to adequately feed, clothe and house her family. My first reaction to her plight was a complete lack of sympathy and a feeling that she got exactly what she voted for. I then paused to remember my own naivety, as she hadn't voted for that in her own mind. She had, like millions of others, simply put her trust in and believed, people she thought were honest and had integrity. Worse, she believed the British media, an institution that gets more like pre-war Germany or Stalin's Russia every day. One of Britain's great regrets will emerge when Scotland has another independence referendum because the sins of the fathers will most certainly bear fruit and not only the press and the BBC, but all Westminster parties, will find their propaganda falling on deaf ears due to the memory of the lies and deceit they engaged in last September. The Westminster failure to grasp why the SNP is on such a high is due to a refusal to realise that they are the cause. If anyone outside Britain is reading this, the Scots voters are not all nationalists, I most certainly am not, but the rejection of the Westminster cesspit is real and growing with every passing day. Scotland has turned its back on Westminster's cruelty, fraud and criminality and is demanding a different approach. At this time, the SNP are the vehicle for achieving a different type of society and a different type of politics and don't let all the London based media clowns tell you any different. London simply cannot come to terms with Scotland's rejection of this poisonous style of politics, which is quite wonderful because they keep on refusing to learn from their mistakes and therefore making independence inevitable. They really are that stupid.
I have to often step back and try to put myself in others shoes as I genuinely cannot understand people at times. It is obvious to me what the Tories agenda is as I write to you all the time, but in a quiet moment I do understand why people find it impossible to believe and think that it is me who is the extremist. But even then I find it difficult to comprehend who on earth with even a scintilla of intelligence would vote for either Boris Johnson or Donald Trump? They are not only demonstrable imbeciles but they are grotesque parodies of human beings, never mind politicians. More importantly, both these gentlemen are extremely dangerous. I came to the conclusion that Mad Tony was quite insane almost immediately after he became Labour leader and I could never understand how anyone would pay him any notice. I also accurately predicted what would become of the Labour Party as a result of his leadership. The fate of the Labour Party is a classic case of hubris, but they seem incapable of grasping the cause of their predicament. Jeremy Corbyn seems like a good enough person, but his first foray into Scottish politics resulted in him making two classic factual errors about the SNP that brought him ridicule with the result that Scottish Labour will be lucky if they don't end up in the same political situation as the Tories next May. The Scottish Labour Party has quite literally no talent within its ranks, it is a joke, a legion of the lost and lonely.
What is so desperate for the English lady on Question Time is that she has no hope. There is no person nor Party in England prepared to alleviate her plight nor the plight of the millions like her who are looking at a future of poverty and destitution from our wise masters in Westminster. Anyone voting for the Westminster political system, and all Americans, are voting for a system that not only approves of, but is determined to sustain, a system that allows one percent of the world's population to own and control fifty percent of the world's wealth. That is most definitely a definition of insanity. However, I come back to the same political truism, that is what you voted for, to impoverish the poor and enrich the wealthy, and don't say you weren't warned. I shall return to the theme of why we believe what we do and how you may seek to overcome it.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I was reminded of this on Thursday night watching Question Time when a lady in the audience broke down in tears after describing how she had always voted Tory and had put her trust in them only to be cruelly betrayed and now cannot manage to adequately feed, clothe and house her family. My first reaction to her plight was a complete lack of sympathy and a feeling that she got exactly what she voted for. I then paused to remember my own naivety, as she hadn't voted for that in her own mind. She had, like millions of others, simply put her trust in and believed, people she thought were honest and had integrity. Worse, she believed the British media, an institution that gets more like pre-war Germany or Stalin's Russia every day. One of Britain's great regrets will emerge when Scotland has another independence referendum because the sins of the fathers will most certainly bear fruit and not only the press and the BBC, but all Westminster parties, will find their propaganda falling on deaf ears due to the memory of the lies and deceit they engaged in last September. The Westminster failure to grasp why the SNP is on such a high is due to a refusal to realise that they are the cause. If anyone outside Britain is reading this, the Scots voters are not all nationalists, I most certainly am not, but the rejection of the Westminster cesspit is real and growing with every passing day. Scotland has turned its back on Westminster's cruelty, fraud and criminality and is demanding a different approach. At this time, the SNP are the vehicle for achieving a different type of society and a different type of politics and don't let all the London based media clowns tell you any different. London simply cannot come to terms with Scotland's rejection of this poisonous style of politics, which is quite wonderful because they keep on refusing to learn from their mistakes and therefore making independence inevitable. They really are that stupid.
I have to often step back and try to put myself in others shoes as I genuinely cannot understand people at times. It is obvious to me what the Tories agenda is as I write to you all the time, but in a quiet moment I do understand why people find it impossible to believe and think that it is me who is the extremist. But even then I find it difficult to comprehend who on earth with even a scintilla of intelligence would vote for either Boris Johnson or Donald Trump? They are not only demonstrable imbeciles but they are grotesque parodies of human beings, never mind politicians. More importantly, both these gentlemen are extremely dangerous. I came to the conclusion that Mad Tony was quite insane almost immediately after he became Labour leader and I could never understand how anyone would pay him any notice. I also accurately predicted what would become of the Labour Party as a result of his leadership. The fate of the Labour Party is a classic case of hubris, but they seem incapable of grasping the cause of their predicament. Jeremy Corbyn seems like a good enough person, but his first foray into Scottish politics resulted in him making two classic factual errors about the SNP that brought him ridicule with the result that Scottish Labour will be lucky if they don't end up in the same political situation as the Tories next May. The Scottish Labour Party has quite literally no talent within its ranks, it is a joke, a legion of the lost and lonely.
What is so desperate for the English lady on Question Time is that she has no hope. There is no person nor Party in England prepared to alleviate her plight nor the plight of the millions like her who are looking at a future of poverty and destitution from our wise masters in Westminster. Anyone voting for the Westminster political system, and all Americans, are voting for a system that not only approves of, but is determined to sustain, a system that allows one percent of the world's population to own and control fifty percent of the world's wealth. That is most definitely a definition of insanity. However, I come back to the same political truism, that is what you voted for, to impoverish the poor and enrich the wealthy, and don't say you weren't warned. I shall return to the theme of why we believe what we do and how you may seek to overcome it.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 15 October 2015
1984 here we come
A Tribunal called the Investigatory Powers Tribunal has ruled that it is perfectly OK for GCHQ, the government's spy headquarters, to intercept emails and tap into phones and listen to calls from our MPs and their constituents. This ruling covers MPs, MEPs, MSPs, members of the House of Lords and the London Assembly. Now I want you to think about this.
The British government, and particularly its civil servants, are claiming that they have rights that supersede the rights of the elected members of our various decision-making forums. In the case of GCHQ and the civil servants who guide their surveillance, these people are the employees of the British Parliament and therefore their salaries, expenses, pensions etc. are paid for out of general taxation. We are in a situation whereby, not only the government, but the civil service is completely out of the control of Parliament and are therefore completely unaccountable. Now, I have told you before, people take issue with me when I warn you that Britain is sliding into a totalitarian fascist type society, well, I ask any of these critics to explain to me what such a situation means to them in the context of the nature and structure of a political society? Not even the most right-wing imbecilic Tory could surely claim that this even approximates to democracy?
In other words, supposing you found something out that you felt you needed to consult your MP about that concerned any part of the government. Should you phone them, email them or meet them in a park or a pub somewhere because you are unsure if they are being spied on or if their office is bugged? This is modern Britain, but we are getting into situations that we used to see in the movies with respect to pre-war Germany or the Soviet Union. Remember I have told you several times, government do not have rights, only people have rights. Governments have authority and responsibility, both of which relate directly to the rights of the people who elect them. In addition, this is a political system that has systematically covered up elite criminality, fraud, deception, child abuse and who knows what else. Westminster is the most criminal and corrupt institution in this country.
David Cameron and every one of his government were elected on exactly the same basis as everyone else in Parliament. A government minister's vote is no more valuable, nor carries any more weight or authority than any other. Neither he nor any member of his government, and certainly no civil servant has the right nor authority to demand access to any other person's phone nor email unless they can provide a definite burden of proof that such access is necessary for whatever reason. On the same day that this became public, it was revealed that the Scottish civil service, under the direction of their Tory masters, are relaying private correspondence between Scottish government ministers and foreign dignitaries, in other words, Westminster thinks it is perfectly permissible to spy on the elected Scottish government and its politicians. If this is happening to perfectly respectable members of the British establishment, what do you think they are doing to you? The sooner Scotland becomes independent the better, 1984 is just around the corner. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
The British government, and particularly its civil servants, are claiming that they have rights that supersede the rights of the elected members of our various decision-making forums. In the case of GCHQ and the civil servants who guide their surveillance, these people are the employees of the British Parliament and therefore their salaries, expenses, pensions etc. are paid for out of general taxation. We are in a situation whereby, not only the government, but the civil service is completely out of the control of Parliament and are therefore completely unaccountable. Now, I have told you before, people take issue with me when I warn you that Britain is sliding into a totalitarian fascist type society, well, I ask any of these critics to explain to me what such a situation means to them in the context of the nature and structure of a political society? Not even the most right-wing imbecilic Tory could surely claim that this even approximates to democracy?
In other words, supposing you found something out that you felt you needed to consult your MP about that concerned any part of the government. Should you phone them, email them or meet them in a park or a pub somewhere because you are unsure if they are being spied on or if their office is bugged? This is modern Britain, but we are getting into situations that we used to see in the movies with respect to pre-war Germany or the Soviet Union. Remember I have told you several times, government do not have rights, only people have rights. Governments have authority and responsibility, both of which relate directly to the rights of the people who elect them. In addition, this is a political system that has systematically covered up elite criminality, fraud, deception, child abuse and who knows what else. Westminster is the most criminal and corrupt institution in this country.
David Cameron and every one of his government were elected on exactly the same basis as everyone else in Parliament. A government minister's vote is no more valuable, nor carries any more weight or authority than any other. Neither he nor any member of his government, and certainly no civil servant has the right nor authority to demand access to any other person's phone nor email unless they can provide a definite burden of proof that such access is necessary for whatever reason. On the same day that this became public, it was revealed that the Scottish civil service, under the direction of their Tory masters, are relaying private correspondence between Scottish government ministers and foreign dignitaries, in other words, Westminster thinks it is perfectly permissible to spy on the elected Scottish government and its politicians. If this is happening to perfectly respectable members of the British establishment, what do you think they are doing to you? The sooner Scotland becomes independent the better, 1984 is just around the corner. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 9 October 2015
The Tories are not as secure as they think
It is a bit early to say definitely, but the signs are that the Tories are going to back down on their demands on doctors working hours. This follows a quite ferocious campaign by doctors against the government's new proposed contract that would see a doctor's weekly contract increase from 7.00 am to 7.00pm Monday to Friday to 7.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Saturday with the extra hours worked at no incremental increase.
This is a small but significant demonstration that in any healthy political society government must live in real fear of rebellion. That is one of the reasons that the government's plans for trades unions are so dangerous and undemocratic. A healthy democracy must be one in which there is the definite prospect of government being defeated if it becomes too tyrannical. The tendency of every government is towards tyranny, and, as British government has graphically shown since the election of Mad Tony, governments will try as much as they can to make themselves irremovable. This has become worse under the Tories who are clamping down on all forms of resistance to their plans and removing rights as fast as possible. For example, their propaganda is now quite outrageous and has now no constraint against all and every form of character assassination. In terms of lies and disinformation they must now be at least the equals of the North Koreans. Another irresistible tendency of governments that the British have raised to an art form is to enrich themselves and their friends at the publics expense. Successive governments have bent all their energies to removing as many barriers to their ability to loot the national treasury as they can. The evidence of this is so demonstrable that I do not need to elaborate any further. The other irresistible tendency of governments is to suppress or destroy every new intellectual discovery or doctrine that challenges and/or endangers their power. That is why they ferociously propagandise against climate change for example, on the need to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, and explains the massive campaign of lies and disinformation against Scottish Independence and the European Union.
As I repeatedly say, Britain is sliding into authoritarian forms of governmental control that is taking us into a fascist type society. English voters have obviously bought into the dominant narrative and will reap the whirlwind that is looming under the spite and malice of these people. That is what they voted for and what they will therefore get. That is their choice. However, we now witness the phenomenon of doctors adopting the language and tactics of Arthur Scargill, so there are still glimmers of hope. The problem will come if these same people still vote Tory in the future. The one saving grace in all of this is that support for Scottish Independence continues to grow with the Labour Party, despite electing two new leaders in Scotland and at national level, continuing to lose support and genuinely becoming an endangered species in Scotland. Scottish loathing of Westminster is the healthiest political movement in this sorry nation, the Tories have been almost extinguished and Labour is heading down that same path. The lies and deceit of the Better Together campaign is coming back to bite these people as this blog warned that it would. As I told you, we won't be fooled again. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This is a small but significant demonstration that in any healthy political society government must live in real fear of rebellion. That is one of the reasons that the government's plans for trades unions are so dangerous and undemocratic. A healthy democracy must be one in which there is the definite prospect of government being defeated if it becomes too tyrannical. The tendency of every government is towards tyranny, and, as British government has graphically shown since the election of Mad Tony, governments will try as much as they can to make themselves irremovable. This has become worse under the Tories who are clamping down on all forms of resistance to their plans and removing rights as fast as possible. For example, their propaganda is now quite outrageous and has now no constraint against all and every form of character assassination. In terms of lies and disinformation they must now be at least the equals of the North Koreans. Another irresistible tendency of governments that the British have raised to an art form is to enrich themselves and their friends at the publics expense. Successive governments have bent all their energies to removing as many barriers to their ability to loot the national treasury as they can. The evidence of this is so demonstrable that I do not need to elaborate any further. The other irresistible tendency of governments is to suppress or destroy every new intellectual discovery or doctrine that challenges and/or endangers their power. That is why they ferociously propagandise against climate change for example, on the need to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, and explains the massive campaign of lies and disinformation against Scottish Independence and the European Union.
As I repeatedly say, Britain is sliding into authoritarian forms of governmental control that is taking us into a fascist type society. English voters have obviously bought into the dominant narrative and will reap the whirlwind that is looming under the spite and malice of these people. That is what they voted for and what they will therefore get. That is their choice. However, we now witness the phenomenon of doctors adopting the language and tactics of Arthur Scargill, so there are still glimmers of hope. The problem will come if these same people still vote Tory in the future. The one saving grace in all of this is that support for Scottish Independence continues to grow with the Labour Party, despite electing two new leaders in Scotland and at national level, continuing to lose support and genuinely becoming an endangered species in Scotland. Scottish loathing of Westminster is the healthiest political movement in this sorry nation, the Tories have been almost extinguished and Labour is heading down that same path. The lies and deceit of the Better Together campaign is coming back to bite these people as this blog warned that it would. As I told you, we won't be fooled again. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
The State is not an Optional Extra
I am returning to a subject I have touched on before. The reason that Britain and indeed the world's economic system is in such a mess is that both are based on ideological foundations that are wrong. They are the proverbial houses built on sand. The Labour Party has been agonising over the fact that, following the financial crisis they allowed the Tories to build up a propaganda coup based on Labour's responsibility for the crisis, a responsibility they deny, with some justification. However, my point is that the reason Labour failed to counter the Tory narrative was that they themselves did not understand what had happened.
Since the election of Mad Tony until the election of Corbyn, Labour has been ruled by a gang of right-wing neoliberals who are indistinguishable from the Tories, that is why I refer to this abominable collection as the Westminster gang of criminals, as they were indeed all in it together. They take their collective inspiration from right-wing American nutcases who in turn take their inspiration from the genuine psychopathic writer Ayn Rand. The ideology that the Westminster criminals look to as their Bible is a genuine insanity that I call anarchic fascism. I am fully aware that this is a contradiction in terms, but so is the ideology and that is why it is so dangerous and so destructive, not only to the body politic, but to the nation state.
The dominant free market concept that underpins all public policy in both Britain and the US, of the rational individual consumer who is fully aware of their own best interests, is simply nuts. It is founded on a human being that does not, and indeed cannot, exist. Human beings are essentially social, by that I mean that their social state is the very essence of their being. There is no such thing as an individual in the essence that free market philosophy portrays, and, if anyone reading this genuinely believes that the human being is rational then do not read any further. As they are social beings, individuals need other individuals because each of our personal individualities is actually a social individuality, an individuality that is determined by our social being and our environment. As a result of this social existence the human species is a regulatory species and has a need to regulate its environment. Aristotle told us that "man is by nature a social animal" and then goes on to tells us that "it follows that the state belongs to a class of objects which exist in nature, and that man is by nature a political animal; it is his nature to live in a state" (Aristotle; The Politics, Penguin Classics) He then goes on to significantly tell us that "He who by his nature and not simply by ill-luck has no city, no state, is either too bad or too good, either sub-human or super-human" Aristotle goes on to describe such a being as either a beast or a god.
As a result, the deregulated minimal state of the neoliberals dreams is an unnatural and anti-social creation. That is what the Westminster criminals either fail to, or refuse to, understand, not only the cause of the crisis they created, or for any meaningful solution other than to blame everyone but themselves. They are incapable of solving the problem because they don't even begin to understand it. These people are genuinely dangerous as their vision of society can only be achieved by the suppression of human reality and by violence. Should anyone wish me to expand on this I will be happy because this post is already too long. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Since the election of Mad Tony until the election of Corbyn, Labour has been ruled by a gang of right-wing neoliberals who are indistinguishable from the Tories, that is why I refer to this abominable collection as the Westminster gang of criminals, as they were indeed all in it together. They take their collective inspiration from right-wing American nutcases who in turn take their inspiration from the genuine psychopathic writer Ayn Rand. The ideology that the Westminster criminals look to as their Bible is a genuine insanity that I call anarchic fascism. I am fully aware that this is a contradiction in terms, but so is the ideology and that is why it is so dangerous and so destructive, not only to the body politic, but to the nation state.
The dominant free market concept that underpins all public policy in both Britain and the US, of the rational individual consumer who is fully aware of their own best interests, is simply nuts. It is founded on a human being that does not, and indeed cannot, exist. Human beings are essentially social, by that I mean that their social state is the very essence of their being. There is no such thing as an individual in the essence that free market philosophy portrays, and, if anyone reading this genuinely believes that the human being is rational then do not read any further. As they are social beings, individuals need other individuals because each of our personal individualities is actually a social individuality, an individuality that is determined by our social being and our environment. As a result of this social existence the human species is a regulatory species and has a need to regulate its environment. Aristotle told us that "man is by nature a social animal" and then goes on to tells us that "it follows that the state belongs to a class of objects which exist in nature, and that man is by nature a political animal; it is his nature to live in a state" (Aristotle; The Politics, Penguin Classics) He then goes on to significantly tell us that "He who by his nature and not simply by ill-luck has no city, no state, is either too bad or too good, either sub-human or super-human" Aristotle goes on to describe such a being as either a beast or a god.
As a result, the deregulated minimal state of the neoliberals dreams is an unnatural and anti-social creation. That is what the Westminster criminals either fail to, or refuse to, understand, not only the cause of the crisis they created, or for any meaningful solution other than to blame everyone but themselves. They are incapable of solving the problem because they don't even begin to understand it. These people are genuinely dangerous as their vision of society can only be achieved by the suppression of human reality and by violence. Should anyone wish me to expand on this I will be happy because this post is already too long. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 5 October 2015
Your death may be necessary for economic progress
I have been watching the Conservatives at their party conference. There is no doubt that the British Conservatives and all their members and supporters have quite knowingly and deliberately abandoned decency, fairness and any humanitarian concern for other people. The free market concept of the totally selfish consumer has successfully triumphed and all public policy is now based on that concept. Interestingly, they have decided to endlessly propagandise the concept that they are the party of working people, and as Goebbels told us, if you are going to tell a lie tell a big one and tell it often. It will probably work on a gullible public south of Carlisle. As I persistently warn you, the Tories are determined to reduce the working people of this country to a condition of total dependency on employers that is nothing less than a modern form of slavery. They have now turned their attention to the medical profession, teachers, the police and the professional middle classes, people who watched with glee as the Tories hammered the industrial working class in the eighties and nineties, it is their turn now and they are howling with rage. I will say this about the Tories, they are consistent, they are actually quite publicly indignant that doctors are resisting having to work a ninety hour week.
This claim to be the party of working people is a quite clever attempt to stoke up hatred for people who cannot work, for the sick, the poor, the disabled etc. so that they can intensify their war against benefits with the goal of ending benefits in the not too distant future. If you are in work, regardless of how pitiful your terms and conditions are, you are one of the good guys in contrast to all the bad people who are sponging off your hard-earned taxes. Speaking out for the poor etc. marks you down as a socialist, a communist or even a terrorist threatening the British way of life. If anyone who is not British reads this and thinks I am exaggerating I invite you to visit the Daily Mail or the Daily Express and read them for yourself. You will think that you are in pre-war Germany and that Britain is awash with parasites and scroungers and in danger of being overrun by human vermin.
The Tories no longer have any concern for the needs, or even the existence of people who do not work, cannot work or are too ill to work in their policy making. They have no intention of identifying with what we refer to as the working class, the poor, the disabled or the disadvantaged. They have signed up completely to the American Republican ideology that people have no value unless they are economically active and support their vision of society. They have completely absorbed the right-wing callousness and indifference to anyone they see as a restraint on their activities or oppose their vision of a privatised free market free for all.
When the Republican Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on the TV show 60 Minutes did she think that US sanctions against Iraq were worth the deaths of over half a million Iraqi children, a figure she never contested, she answered yes. That is a callousness that stuns anyone with a scintilla of intelligence. That is fascist. That is the attitude being displayed by the Conservatives towards the British people, if you are not with us, if you oppose us, if you are in any way disadvantaged we have no interest in you and you are disposable. The deaths of British citizens that are being reported daily in our newspapers as a result of government policy are considered to be a price worth paying for a free market paradise. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This claim to be the party of working people is a quite clever attempt to stoke up hatred for people who cannot work, for the sick, the poor, the disabled etc. so that they can intensify their war against benefits with the goal of ending benefits in the not too distant future. If you are in work, regardless of how pitiful your terms and conditions are, you are one of the good guys in contrast to all the bad people who are sponging off your hard-earned taxes. Speaking out for the poor etc. marks you down as a socialist, a communist or even a terrorist threatening the British way of life. If anyone who is not British reads this and thinks I am exaggerating I invite you to visit the Daily Mail or the Daily Express and read them for yourself. You will think that you are in pre-war Germany and that Britain is awash with parasites and scroungers and in danger of being overrun by human vermin.
The Tories no longer have any concern for the needs, or even the existence of people who do not work, cannot work or are too ill to work in their policy making. They have no intention of identifying with what we refer to as the working class, the poor, the disabled or the disadvantaged. They have signed up completely to the American Republican ideology that people have no value unless they are economically active and support their vision of society. They have completely absorbed the right-wing callousness and indifference to anyone they see as a restraint on their activities or oppose their vision of a privatised free market free for all.
When the Republican Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on the TV show 60 Minutes did she think that US sanctions against Iraq were worth the deaths of over half a million Iraqi children, a figure she never contested, she answered yes. That is a callousness that stuns anyone with a scintilla of intelligence. That is fascist. That is the attitude being displayed by the Conservatives towards the British people, if you are not with us, if you oppose us, if you are in any way disadvantaged we have no interest in you and you are disposable. The deaths of British citizens that are being reported daily in our newspapers as a result of government policy are considered to be a price worth paying for a free market paradise. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 2 October 2015
You think you live in a democracy?
If anything convinces you about the criminality and total corruption of the Westminster gang it is surely the revelations about car emissions. If that doesn't convince you then nothing will and you must be as corrupt as this Tory government. Not only does this highlight the criminality and corruption of the whole Westminster elite and its governmental machine that has had the knowledge of this criminal activity for over two years and has suppressed it, but it highlights the lie that underpins any lingering pretence about the myth of a free market. It's no use the British trying to blame this on the Germans, it is now revealed that our good, god-fearing Prime Minister was asked by the Germans to conceal this information and thus lie through his teeth to the British people. He was quite happy to oblige because after all, such polluting omissions, although covered by laws to protect our health, are after all just pollutants and laws are only for little people. Suppressing pollution is a cost and costs must never be allowed to restrict profit-making, the activity for which god created the Tory Party.
Another insight it gives us is the mentality of our neoliberal class. Nothing must impede the relentless drive for ever greater profits and ever greater opportunities for exploitation. Not even your health and the health of your family. These are the people who live and work in London and its immediate periphery. They are therefore exposed, and quite deliberately and knowingly exposing their loved ones on a continuous basis, to the most concentrated and horrendous pollution in the United Kingdom that is a direct result of the policies they are promoting and protecting. This is a genuine insanity. They are suppressing and concealing information that they know is slowly killing them and their families, such is their obsession with free market ideology and, in the case of the civil service, their slavish and completely irrational loyalty to their masters. When you contemplate the mentality of the ruling elite in this country it is not only extremely scary, it is almost unintelligible, although on reflection, as god has sanctioned the activities of the Tories, he/she must have given them some kind of dispensation and pollution does not affect them. However, it also shows you, that given the right circumstances, they will do anything if they have the power to do it. They are completely devoid of any form of moral or ethical constraints.
I have written about the creeping fascism in Britain and the activities of our civil service are ample testimony to this. They unashamedly lie and deceive on an industrial scale at the behest of their masters. This applies to the whole governmental class and to the security services, the police and the government's public service mechanisms. They cover criminality, suppress information, protect child abusers, child murderers, financial criminality and anything that may impede the interests of the ruling elite. I trust you have all witnessed the shocking propaganda and outright lies that the Westminster system has indulged in over the Scottish referendum, the election of Jeremy Corbyn and anything that concerns Russia, just to name a few. You think you live in a democracy? Aye right.
You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Another insight it gives us is the mentality of our neoliberal class. Nothing must impede the relentless drive for ever greater profits and ever greater opportunities for exploitation. Not even your health and the health of your family. These are the people who live and work in London and its immediate periphery. They are therefore exposed, and quite deliberately and knowingly exposing their loved ones on a continuous basis, to the most concentrated and horrendous pollution in the United Kingdom that is a direct result of the policies they are promoting and protecting. This is a genuine insanity. They are suppressing and concealing information that they know is slowly killing them and their families, such is their obsession with free market ideology and, in the case of the civil service, their slavish and completely irrational loyalty to their masters. When you contemplate the mentality of the ruling elite in this country it is not only extremely scary, it is almost unintelligible, although on reflection, as god has sanctioned the activities of the Tories, he/she must have given them some kind of dispensation and pollution does not affect them. However, it also shows you, that given the right circumstances, they will do anything if they have the power to do it. They are completely devoid of any form of moral or ethical constraints.
I have written about the creeping fascism in Britain and the activities of our civil service are ample testimony to this. They unashamedly lie and deceive on an industrial scale at the behest of their masters. This applies to the whole governmental class and to the security services, the police and the government's public service mechanisms. They cover criminality, suppress information, protect child abusers, child murderers, financial criminality and anything that may impede the interests of the ruling elite. I trust you have all witnessed the shocking propaganda and outright lies that the Westminster system has indulged in over the Scottish referendum, the election of Jeremy Corbyn and anything that concerns Russia, just to name a few. You think you live in a democracy? Aye right.
You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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