The debate surrounding Jeremy Corbyn's candidacy for the Labour leadership highlights, not only the intellectual stupidity that prevails in modern Britain but the intellectual barbarity. I am continually reading how Corbyn's policies will be unworkable and that is where the British reveal their stupidity. Of course they will work, you may not like them, you may not like their outcome but they will work, why? because most of them are a return to policies that have worked in the past. Their stupidity is shown by the fact that people cannot, or will not, see this naked propaganda for the naked lie that it is. When you get Mad Tony and Daphne Broon ganging up with Cameron and Osborne to condemn something then you can only concede that it must have some merit that is terrifying them in case it works and shows them how useless they really are.
The British are so fixated with the Thatcher narrative of a free market heaven that they are intellectually incapable of considering anything else, and the barbarity comes from the fact that these are the policies that are killing people, impoverishing them and destroying the state. Do these people not understand that if there is no change of political and economic direction then the British state will cease to exist when the Scots take their independence from this semi-fascist mindset that is open class warfare and aggressively exclusive to the extent that if you have any form of disability or disadvantage then you are effectively excluded from the political and economic life of the nation and classed as a skiver, a scrounger, a non-person, what the Tories great heroes referred to as untermenschen.
I am not particularly impressed by Corbyn but he is saying the right things and asking the right questions. The free market dominance must be broken, at the risk of boring you it is a lie and a fraud. There is no, never has been, nor ever can be a free market. All human activity must be regulated as it is both interactive and interdependent. We can see all around us the result of the Reaganite/Thatcherite experiment. At every level it is a disaster, causing war, global warming, terrorism, inequality that is a disgrace and modern forms of slavery that require the destruction of all hard-won human rights.
I hope that Corbyn does not win his election, just as I hope that the Republicans win the American Presidency, preferably under Donald Trump. It beggars belief that any supposedly intelligent people can even consider such a grotesque parody of a human being, but if he wins then the American state will descend into serious crisis, and if the Tories in both Conservative and Labour triumph and we continue with our economic and political direction then the free market dominance will collapse in chaos and even the British will not be able to deny the cause. My only caveat is that I am also aware that it could result in full-blown fascism, and I will be one of their first targets. That is why Scottish independence is now a necessity. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 31 August 2015
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Watch Superman it will teach you about economics
As you will know, the world's economic system has gone into a bout of crisis again, and I do not apologise for reminding you that I warned that this was very likely. We had better get used to such crises in the future as they will become a recurring feature of our lives. I listened to several interviews with different economists analysing the cause of this recent crisis and I again concluded that none of them really know what they are talking about because they fail, or simply refuse, to address the real underlying cause, that the dominant free market economic model that governs the global economic system is a lie and a fraud.
Does anyone ever pause to reflect that we were told that one trillion dollars was wiped off share values in one day and nothing really happened? In a real world that operated by real economic activity, a loss of one trillion dollars would cause whole countries to collapse in bankruptcy. The entire global economic world is one of make believe and fantasy. This is money that doesn't really exist. This trillion dollars is a paper exercise. Does anyone remember the Superman film where Richard Prior finds that he is part of a team who round up accounts to the nearest dollar and he discovers that no-one really knows what happens to the cents and dimes that are sacrificed by this process, so he simply creates an account and channels all the cents and dimes into it thereby becoming a millionaire? He has no money, it is all fictional and is simply a notation on a computer programme. It nevertheless allows him to go to a machine and withdraw money, and buy things on the strength that other computers will confirm that he has an account that apparently exists. It is all a world of smoke and mirrors.
That is why a crisis such as the Greek crisis is an illusion. The Greeks, in common with the rest of the world, built up an economy founded on unsustainable debt. Their debt wasn't particularly any worse than anyone else's but this economic model works on trust, and other people lost trust in the Greek's ability to repay their debt and so they forced the Greeks into crisis. If the world's bankers simply wrote off the Greek debt it would not make a blind bit of difference, because these people create money and wealth where there is no real wealth there. Adam Smith's book was entitled An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations and he identified the Nature of the wealth of a Nation as the goods it produces, and the cause of that wealth, the human labour that went into the production of those goods and the complexity of the division of that labour. Smith was quite clear that the wealth of a nation had nothing to do with money or finance. I am not an expert, but I am sure that one of the principal sources of wealth in Greece is tourism. Should the world help the Greeks to develop their tourist potential I am sure that this would be of far greater value than all the EU bailouts that are simply going into the pockets of financial gangsters around the world.
Your politicians are lying to you and deceiving you as to the nature of wealth and poverty, and to the real sources of wealth and prosperity. It is a major part of their programme of impoverishing and eventually enslaving the majority of their populations to consolidate their wealth and power. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Does anyone ever pause to reflect that we were told that one trillion dollars was wiped off share values in one day and nothing really happened? In a real world that operated by real economic activity, a loss of one trillion dollars would cause whole countries to collapse in bankruptcy. The entire global economic world is one of make believe and fantasy. This is money that doesn't really exist. This trillion dollars is a paper exercise. Does anyone remember the Superman film where Richard Prior finds that he is part of a team who round up accounts to the nearest dollar and he discovers that no-one really knows what happens to the cents and dimes that are sacrificed by this process, so he simply creates an account and channels all the cents and dimes into it thereby becoming a millionaire? He has no money, it is all fictional and is simply a notation on a computer programme. It nevertheless allows him to go to a machine and withdraw money, and buy things on the strength that other computers will confirm that he has an account that apparently exists. It is all a world of smoke and mirrors.
That is why a crisis such as the Greek crisis is an illusion. The Greeks, in common with the rest of the world, built up an economy founded on unsustainable debt. Their debt wasn't particularly any worse than anyone else's but this economic model works on trust, and other people lost trust in the Greek's ability to repay their debt and so they forced the Greeks into crisis. If the world's bankers simply wrote off the Greek debt it would not make a blind bit of difference, because these people create money and wealth where there is no real wealth there. Adam Smith's book was entitled An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations and he identified the Nature of the wealth of a Nation as the goods it produces, and the cause of that wealth, the human labour that went into the production of those goods and the complexity of the division of that labour. Smith was quite clear that the wealth of a nation had nothing to do with money or finance. I am not an expert, but I am sure that one of the principal sources of wealth in Greece is tourism. Should the world help the Greeks to develop their tourist potential I am sure that this would be of far greater value than all the EU bailouts that are simply going into the pockets of financial gangsters around the world.
Your politicians are lying to you and deceiving you as to the nature of wealth and poverty, and to the real sources of wealth and prosperity. It is a major part of their programme of impoverishing and eventually enslaving the majority of their populations to consolidate their wealth and power. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Arbeit Macht you healthy
I watched an interview on Scotland Tonight with Kezia Dugdale, the new leader of the Scottish Labour Party and can only conclude that Labour are genuinely lost. I live in hope that nationally they will elect one of the three stooges, Cooper, Kendall or Burnham, because with one of those three nationally and Dugdale in Scotland they are literally unelectable. The indomitable Kezia was asked four times in a row if she agreed with a statement her deputy had made earlier in the day and she point blank refused to answer, wittering on with the same prepared statement one of her advisers had obviously written for her in anticipation of being asked this question. In addition, she is congenitally incapable of answering anything without attacking the SNP. Even if the question has absolutely nothing to do with the SNP or the Scottish government she manages to turn her answer into a tirade against them. Scottish Labour obviously haven't learned that this is one of the greatest turnoffs in politics and that the electorate are sick to death of politicians like this.
As for Cooper, Burnham and Kendall, they are simply a parody. Their Oxbridge cultural background makes them incapable of understanding reality and they simply resemble a trio of glovepuppets. Between them and Dugdale, they represent everything that is wrong with the UK today and why people are turning to alternatives like Jeremy Corbyn, the SNP and UKIP. British politics is well and truly broken and the political class live in continual denial as to why. For example, in Iain Duncan Smith we have a person in one of the highest offices of state who can realistically be described as evil. He told the British people yesterday that work is good for your health. Now that may well have a germ of truth in it, but coming from the present Conservative government it is eerily similar to another party in the not too distant past who argued that work made you free. This is compounded by the fact that in Duncan Smith's own words, he wants to force disabled people into work. Thus, whilst the Tories may not be physically constructing concentration camps, they are turning workplaces into something similar. You will take whatever work is on offer, on whatever terms and conditions that exist or you will lose your benefits for up to three years and can starve to death and save the taxpayer a lot of money. If you live in the USA I want to tell you that the British press were full of stories at the weekend telling us how one in five doctors in the UK are sending patients to foodbanks because they are malnourished and starving. That is a reality in modern Britain I am sure the American press do not report on. This is how Tories interpret economic recovery.
With respect to Labour's glovepuppets they support most of what the Tories do and have no alternatives to the austerity programme, that is why Jeremy Corbyn is winning the leadership race at the moment. He at least if offering a different vision. For Scotland's sake I trust Jeremy will lose because any other candidate will only hasten Scottish independence. With any of the three stooges and the blessed Kezia in charge, Labour will simply die in Scotland, deservedly so. You have been warned.
By the way, before I forget, I trust you are all aware of the latest stock market crisis that has wiped billions off share values, and I hope you will remember where you heard that this was on the horizon. I will return to this later.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
As for Cooper, Burnham and Kendall, they are simply a parody. Their Oxbridge cultural background makes them incapable of understanding reality and they simply resemble a trio of glovepuppets. Between them and Dugdale, they represent everything that is wrong with the UK today and why people are turning to alternatives like Jeremy Corbyn, the SNP and UKIP. British politics is well and truly broken and the political class live in continual denial as to why. For example, in Iain Duncan Smith we have a person in one of the highest offices of state who can realistically be described as evil. He told the British people yesterday that work is good for your health. Now that may well have a germ of truth in it, but coming from the present Conservative government it is eerily similar to another party in the not too distant past who argued that work made you free. This is compounded by the fact that in Duncan Smith's own words, he wants to force disabled people into work. Thus, whilst the Tories may not be physically constructing concentration camps, they are turning workplaces into something similar. You will take whatever work is on offer, on whatever terms and conditions that exist or you will lose your benefits for up to three years and can starve to death and save the taxpayer a lot of money. If you live in the USA I want to tell you that the British press were full of stories at the weekend telling us how one in five doctors in the UK are sending patients to foodbanks because they are malnourished and starving. That is a reality in modern Britain I am sure the American press do not report on. This is how Tories interpret economic recovery.
With respect to Labour's glovepuppets they support most of what the Tories do and have no alternatives to the austerity programme, that is why Jeremy Corbyn is winning the leadership race at the moment. He at least if offering a different vision. For Scotland's sake I trust Jeremy will lose because any other candidate will only hasten Scottish independence. With any of the three stooges and the blessed Kezia in charge, Labour will simply die in Scotland, deservedly so. You have been warned.
By the way, before I forget, I trust you are all aware of the latest stock market crisis that has wiped billions off share values, and I hope you will remember where you heard that this was on the horizon. I will return to this later.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 24 August 2015
What, there is an alternative after all?
Since the start of this blog I have been withering in my contempt for people who claim that there is no alternative to austerity and the policies of the free market criminals who are destroying our society. I continually tell you that the whole concept of a 'free market' is a lie and a fraud. At last this conversation is beginning to gather pace in the UK, especially since the rise of Jeremy Corbyn's candidacy for the Labour leadership. Of course there are alternatives, there are a multitude if you want to look for them. You may not like them , but they are there if you want them.
I despise the Labour Party as you are well aware, and it is a matter of indifference to me who wins the leadership race, but what is significant is the panic that has erupted from the entire British establishment now that it appears that someone who is challenging the Westminster consensus has a chance of actually winning and making a difference. This panic is shared by the entire British establishment, including the entire press and media. There is not one voice is support of him, but already his message is beginning to have an effect. The loathsome Yvette Cooper is now telling us that she will provide a radical and effective alternative to austerity. It has taken her since 2008 to reach this stage and of course is completely insincere. In addition she has neither the intelligence nor the will to devise such a strategy, it is merely an act of desperation as she has no chance in the leadership contest and no-one is listening to her because the public has at least the wit to see her for the charlatan that she is. Remember she was part of the Labour leadership who wrote on the very first page of the 2015 election manifesto that they would introduce a Budget Responsibility Lock to secure a budget reduction every year. How on earth do people like that, or the other two clowns, Burnham and Kendall, ever get elected? It's enough to make you despair, which of course I regularly do.
Austerity has failed, that is empirically demonstrable with this Tory led gang of economic illiterates failing to meet every one of their own targets over a period of six years. The only targets that they actually meet are those imposed on the disadvantaged and the weak, with over a million people per day using foodbanks, half of whom are in full-time employment. They are of course on target to remove all of our rights, but that will be met with approval by the Yvette Coopers of the world and the British press and media. You see, when I was a student, the received economic wisdom was that if you cut spending in a recession, whilst reducing your tax income through unemployment and reduced consumption, you were flirting with disaster. In other words, austerity was a policy when the economy was booming and overheating and expansion was right for a recession. I wonder what has changed since then? The answer of course was the Triumph of both Thatcher and Reagan who suddenly found that they had both the ability and the means whereby they could introduce policies that would see a massive transference of wealth from the bottom of society to an elite with neither morals nor conscience. Thatcher and Reagan were genuinely bad people and their legacies are disastrous. We may now be witnessing a serious reaction and the beginnings of the end for 'the free market' one can only hope. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
I despise the Labour Party as you are well aware, and it is a matter of indifference to me who wins the leadership race, but what is significant is the panic that has erupted from the entire British establishment now that it appears that someone who is challenging the Westminster consensus has a chance of actually winning and making a difference. This panic is shared by the entire British establishment, including the entire press and media. There is not one voice is support of him, but already his message is beginning to have an effect. The loathsome Yvette Cooper is now telling us that she will provide a radical and effective alternative to austerity. It has taken her since 2008 to reach this stage and of course is completely insincere. In addition she has neither the intelligence nor the will to devise such a strategy, it is merely an act of desperation as she has no chance in the leadership contest and no-one is listening to her because the public has at least the wit to see her for the charlatan that she is. Remember she was part of the Labour leadership who wrote on the very first page of the 2015 election manifesto that they would introduce a Budget Responsibility Lock to secure a budget reduction every year. How on earth do people like that, or the other two clowns, Burnham and Kendall, ever get elected? It's enough to make you despair, which of course I regularly do.
Austerity has failed, that is empirically demonstrable with this Tory led gang of economic illiterates failing to meet every one of their own targets over a period of six years. The only targets that they actually meet are those imposed on the disadvantaged and the weak, with over a million people per day using foodbanks, half of whom are in full-time employment. They are of course on target to remove all of our rights, but that will be met with approval by the Yvette Coopers of the world and the British press and media. You see, when I was a student, the received economic wisdom was that if you cut spending in a recession, whilst reducing your tax income through unemployment and reduced consumption, you were flirting with disaster. In other words, austerity was a policy when the economy was booming and overheating and expansion was right for a recession. I wonder what has changed since then? The answer of course was the Triumph of both Thatcher and Reagan who suddenly found that they had both the ability and the means whereby they could introduce policies that would see a massive transference of wealth from the bottom of society to an elite with neither morals nor conscience. Thatcher and Reagan were genuinely bad people and their legacies are disastrous. We may now be witnessing a serious reaction and the beginnings of the end for 'the free market' one can only hope. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Benefits are a right, not a gift from the Westminster criminals
I have been discussing the hatred generated by the Westminster criminals for people who are dependent on social security and the benefits system with friends, and continue to be alarmed by the success of the Westminster elite in their demonization of the least fortunate in society, particularly as such people are mostly victims of Westminster policy. This debate is equally applicable to people living in the United States who despise people living on what they call welfare. I refuse to call it welfare because the word 'welfare' has been deliberately stigmatised with negative connotations with the purpose of creating social disapprobation for such people. Although the following argument is alluding to Britain, and I admit I am not particularly familiar with the US, I feel that the same argument applies in any modern industrial society whether capitalist or not. I will argue that benefits are rights, they are not gifts or handouts.
Modern Britain is the result of a historical process that began with the Norman Conquest. Through this process we have reached an empirical reality whereby one per cent of the UK population own seventy per cent of the land. This development is also the reason for the class structure of the UK whereby much of that land is owned by the monarchy, the church and an aristocratic elite. If the system of ownership and control denies people access to land that can sustain them and provide for their food, and a legal system upholds the heredity basis of what is in reality legalised theft, creating a modern economy entirely dependent on money where the vast majority rely on an employer for a money wage, and then significant sections of the population can’t find work and don’t have enough money to live on as determined by the norm for that society, which also progressively denies them a sufficient level of benefits that are the only other method whereby they can enjoy a basic standard of living, then significant numbers of people will acquire the money necessary to them by other means. That normally means that they will acquire it by methods that the dominant value system labels as criminal. Such people would be quite right to do so!
Why? Because, in a modern society like the UK, operating under a capitalist economic system that entrenches politically, legally, and socially, the rights of private property but refuses to admit that people have a right to employment, then the state must provide the unemployed with alternative funds to sustain a reasonable standard of living. The system of ownership has its genesis in military conquest and has been sustained by legalised theft and systematic fraud, which has evolved into so-called property rights. However, with rights come obligations, and, if your rights have been gained by denying your fellow human beings the fundamental means to sustain their life, then you are obliged to provide an alternative. As a result, if the capitalist class of property owners and employers cannot, or will not, provide sufficient means of employment and money wages to the population, then the state must do so, as it is this state that is upholding and supporting that economic system. Should both the employer class and the state fail to do so, then people have the right to take from that class and the state whatever they require to sustain their lives and their welfare, as long as by doing so they do not endanger anyone else’s life, and, if the ruling class and the state seek to prevent them by force, then they are perfectly entitled to reciprocate. In such a circumstance, government and the state are exceeding their authority, which is the protection and welfare of the people, and, if they proceed to wage war against the populace on behalf of a minority interest that is refusing people their fundamental rights, then they no longer have any authority and the people have the right to overthrow them, along with the elite class directing such war against the mass of the population, and before you damn me as a Marxist or a socialist revolutionary, that is exactly what the Americans did from 1775 to 1783. So, if I am a Marxist revolutionary then so was George Washington. The dominant neoliberal political and economic narrative is not incorrect, it is wrong and must be challenged. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Modern Britain is the result of a historical process that began with the Norman Conquest. Through this process we have reached an empirical reality whereby one per cent of the UK population own seventy per cent of the land. This development is also the reason for the class structure of the UK whereby much of that land is owned by the monarchy, the church and an aristocratic elite. If the system of ownership and control denies people access to land that can sustain them and provide for their food, and a legal system upholds the heredity basis of what is in reality legalised theft, creating a modern economy entirely dependent on money where the vast majority rely on an employer for a money wage, and then significant sections of the population can’t find work and don’t have enough money to live on as determined by the norm for that society, which also progressively denies them a sufficient level of benefits that are the only other method whereby they can enjoy a basic standard of living, then significant numbers of people will acquire the money necessary to them by other means. That normally means that they will acquire it by methods that the dominant value system labels as criminal. Such people would be quite right to do so!
Why? Because, in a modern society like the UK, operating under a capitalist economic system that entrenches politically, legally, and socially, the rights of private property but refuses to admit that people have a right to employment, then the state must provide the unemployed with alternative funds to sustain a reasonable standard of living. The system of ownership has its genesis in military conquest and has been sustained by legalised theft and systematic fraud, which has evolved into so-called property rights. However, with rights come obligations, and, if your rights have been gained by denying your fellow human beings the fundamental means to sustain their life, then you are obliged to provide an alternative. As a result, if the capitalist class of property owners and employers cannot, or will not, provide sufficient means of employment and money wages to the population, then the state must do so, as it is this state that is upholding and supporting that economic system. Should both the employer class and the state fail to do so, then people have the right to take from that class and the state whatever they require to sustain their lives and their welfare, as long as by doing so they do not endanger anyone else’s life, and, if the ruling class and the state seek to prevent them by force, then they are perfectly entitled to reciprocate. In such a circumstance, government and the state are exceeding their authority, which is the protection and welfare of the people, and, if they proceed to wage war against the populace on behalf of a minority interest that is refusing people their fundamental rights, then they no longer have any authority and the people have the right to overthrow them, along with the elite class directing such war against the mass of the population, and before you damn me as a Marxist or a socialist revolutionary, that is exactly what the Americans did from 1775 to 1783. So, if I am a Marxist revolutionary then so was George Washington. The dominant neoliberal political and economic narrative is not incorrect, it is wrong and must be challenged. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 17 August 2015
You didn't know America was socialist did you?
I have been taken to task for my comments that a national health service or a system of comprehensive education have no relation to socialism. This is good, and I welcome such input as these things must be debated and clarified because of the bastardisation of our language and our political narrative by the free marketers and neoliberals amongst us. These people are liars and scoundrels whose sole aim is to destroy all our values and our ethical system in the pursuit of unrestricted profit making, and the best way to do this is to brand anything that is remotely collectivist and socially driven as socialism. If there are any of our American friends reading this I ask you to do so with an open and critical mind because I am quite convinced that the average American has not a clue what socialism actually is, and cannot discriminate between genuine social measures and socialist measures.
You see, as I have indicated before in this blog, the human being is a social being. As it is a social being it is also a regulatory being. Human beings are collective by nature, that is they live a communal existence in groups and in interactive interdependence with other human beings. The individual of free market mythology does not, nor cannot exist, they are a fiction. I repeat, the starting point for the analysis of human society and human economic behaviour by Adam Smith, the so-called founder of market economic theory is that the human being is social by nature. Adam Smith was most definitely not a free market individualist.The human environment must be subject to regulation, therefore human activity must be planned activity to a certain level. If all planned activity is to be branded socialist, then the United States is a socialist society because it plans its economic activities around its tax income and its borrowing, and borrowing is a collective activity on behalf of the American people. So, both taxation and borrowing are collective activities with a social purpose. It is really as simple as that. What differentiates a planned economy from a market economy is the level of planning involved, not the fact of planning. Again, to my American friends I ask you, what are the opening words of your Declaration of Independence? "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." Equality is not a dirty word, nor is it a socialist word, if it is then Thomas Jefferson must have been a socialist. Distinctions between human beings are all social artefacts, they are man-made and unnatural. Differences between human beings are natural, inequalities are socially devised and the point the founding fathers were making was that no monarch, regardless of his/her position was entitled to do the things the British monarch was doing to the American colonies, and they were absolutely correct. The great tragedy in this country is that a significant majority of the British people have become infected by this free market poison, a poison that is slowly killing the engine of the British economy, the welfare state.
Therefore, planning, equality, taxation, these are not socialist words or concepts, they are the facts of human social life. By the same token paying taxes to educate children and provide health care are the hallmarks of a civilised society, and if they are socialist then they are still a good idea, indeed they are a necessary part of civilisation. Opposing a national health scheme is uncivilised and barbarian. I happily pay my taxes towards the British national health service in the deepest hope that I never need to use it. If that helps other people, then that may well be labelled socialist, but it is also Christian and has my full support because I never know when I may have to access it, despite what a crazed Bible bashing Republican might try to argue. You see, Christianity does not have a monopoly on human goodness or charity, indeed in many areas socialist societies are far more Christian than the Christians themselves. Indeed if we are talking about Christians, can I direct you to what the Pope called the dominant American economic model, when he labelled it 'the dung of the devil.' Therefore, let us have a mature and informed debate about the role of the state, welfare, morality etc. because this is what the free marketer is genuinely terrified of. Why? because they will be weighed in the balances and found wanting. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
You see, as I have indicated before in this blog, the human being is a social being. As it is a social being it is also a regulatory being. Human beings are collective by nature, that is they live a communal existence in groups and in interactive interdependence with other human beings. The individual of free market mythology does not, nor cannot exist, they are a fiction. I repeat, the starting point for the analysis of human society and human economic behaviour by Adam Smith, the so-called founder of market economic theory is that the human being is social by nature. Adam Smith was most definitely not a free market individualist.The human environment must be subject to regulation, therefore human activity must be planned activity to a certain level. If all planned activity is to be branded socialist, then the United States is a socialist society because it plans its economic activities around its tax income and its borrowing, and borrowing is a collective activity on behalf of the American people. So, both taxation and borrowing are collective activities with a social purpose. It is really as simple as that. What differentiates a planned economy from a market economy is the level of planning involved, not the fact of planning. Again, to my American friends I ask you, what are the opening words of your Declaration of Independence? "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." Equality is not a dirty word, nor is it a socialist word, if it is then Thomas Jefferson must have been a socialist. Distinctions between human beings are all social artefacts, they are man-made and unnatural. Differences between human beings are natural, inequalities are socially devised and the point the founding fathers were making was that no monarch, regardless of his/her position was entitled to do the things the British monarch was doing to the American colonies, and they were absolutely correct. The great tragedy in this country is that a significant majority of the British people have become infected by this free market poison, a poison that is slowly killing the engine of the British economy, the welfare state.
Therefore, planning, equality, taxation, these are not socialist words or concepts, they are the facts of human social life. By the same token paying taxes to educate children and provide health care are the hallmarks of a civilised society, and if they are socialist then they are still a good idea, indeed they are a necessary part of civilisation. Opposing a national health scheme is uncivilised and barbarian. I happily pay my taxes towards the British national health service in the deepest hope that I never need to use it. If that helps other people, then that may well be labelled socialist, but it is also Christian and has my full support because I never know when I may have to access it, despite what a crazed Bible bashing Republican might try to argue. You see, Christianity does not have a monopoly on human goodness or charity, indeed in many areas socialist societies are far more Christian than the Christians themselves. Indeed if we are talking about Christians, can I direct you to what the Pope called the dominant American economic model, when he labelled it 'the dung of the devil.' Therefore, let us have a mature and informed debate about the role of the state, welfare, morality etc. because this is what the free marketer is genuinely terrified of. Why? because they will be weighed in the balances and found wanting. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 14 August 2015
The Labour Party are too tragic to be funny
The Labour Party leadership election tells us everything we need to know about the state of British politics today, in particular the attitudes of the Westminster criminals and their poodles in the media. It is really scary stuff. This country is really in trouble and can no longer even pretend to approximate to any recognised form of democratic system. It beggars belief that the Labour Party can seriously claim to be a democratic organisation or have the audacity to appeal to the British people as a candidate for government. They are an utter disgrace. I have been looking at the Labour Party rules for this election and they were established by a special conference of the Party on 1st March last year in London. At this conference the new rules were passed with 86.29% in favour and 13.71% against.
One of the changes that was instituted was the addition of registered supporters and the new rules state that
vi. Votes shall be cast in a single section, by Labour Party members, affiliated supporters and registered supporters.
The Labour website explains this change as
Labour supporters who are on the UK electoral register can sign up to be a Registered Supporter. Like Affiliated Supporters, people can sign up to be a Registered Supporter at or by completing and returning a sign up form which can be downloaded from or ordered from
It costs £3 to become a registered supporter. An affiliated supporter is someone who is a registered member of an organisation that is affiliated to the Labour Party, such as a trade union member. When the submissions closed today it was revealed that there are 610,753 people eligible to vote in this election of which 121,295 are people who paid the £3 registration fee.
Jeremy Corbyn did not make these rules, he has not manipulated or broken the rules and he gained the necessary 33 votes of the Parliamentary Labour Party allowing him to stand as a candidate. He did not introduce the concept of the registered voter, nor did he set the £3 fee. In spite of all this, four Labour MPs are threatening legal action if the vote is not stopped and there is absolute fury amongst the Labour establishment and the British press because, by following all the rules, by acting with scrupulous honesty, Corbyn is polling a possible 57% at the moment which means he would be elected on the first ballot without the need for any transference of second or third preferences. However, despite doing everything properly he is being portrayed as a demon who will destroy the Party and consign it to oblivion. Why? Because he is a leftie and that is the ultimate sin in modern Britain. If Corbyn was a paedophile, a rapist or financially corrupt, the entire Westminster establishment would harness all of its power and influence to protect and support him because that is what they do and we have endless evidence of this, but he is far worse than any of these things, he is against the free market and therefore must be destroyed.
Now at the risk of boring you, I repeat, it is a matter of complete indifference to me who wins this election, but I must point out that the threat of legal action comes from people who cannot accept that the winner is not the person they wanted and therefore they are not prepared to allow the result to stand. And this is even before a vote is counted. Not one of these people raised the issue of registered voters until the polls began to show the possibility of a Corbyn victory. They are an utter disgrace, and these are our elected representatives.
As an aside to all this drama, I watched an interview on Channel Four news with one of Corbyn's opponents, Liz Kendall, and all I will say is that if that is what is being presented as a serious contender for the leadership of a girls guide group never mind a political party then the UK is doomed. She is a genuine abomination of a politician, if I hadn't known who she was I would have thought I was watching a spoof, she is just awful. I have a Yorkshire Terrier who knows more about politics than she does. I feel that the Labour Party is doomed, and that it deserves it. People like that have no place in politics, but I also feel that they are what the British deserve. It's only a question of time before we are asked to vote for a British version of Donald Trump. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
One of the changes that was instituted was the addition of registered supporters and the new rules state that
vi. Votes shall be cast in a single section, by Labour Party members, affiliated supporters and registered supporters.
The Labour website explains this change as
Labour supporters who are on the UK electoral register can sign up to be a Registered Supporter. Like Affiliated Supporters, people can sign up to be a Registered Supporter at or by completing and returning a sign up form which can be downloaded from or ordered from
It costs £3 to become a registered supporter. An affiliated supporter is someone who is a registered member of an organisation that is affiliated to the Labour Party, such as a trade union member. When the submissions closed today it was revealed that there are 610,753 people eligible to vote in this election of which 121,295 are people who paid the £3 registration fee.
Jeremy Corbyn did not make these rules, he has not manipulated or broken the rules and he gained the necessary 33 votes of the Parliamentary Labour Party allowing him to stand as a candidate. He did not introduce the concept of the registered voter, nor did he set the £3 fee. In spite of all this, four Labour MPs are threatening legal action if the vote is not stopped and there is absolute fury amongst the Labour establishment and the British press because, by following all the rules, by acting with scrupulous honesty, Corbyn is polling a possible 57% at the moment which means he would be elected on the first ballot without the need for any transference of second or third preferences. However, despite doing everything properly he is being portrayed as a demon who will destroy the Party and consign it to oblivion. Why? Because he is a leftie and that is the ultimate sin in modern Britain. If Corbyn was a paedophile, a rapist or financially corrupt, the entire Westminster establishment would harness all of its power and influence to protect and support him because that is what they do and we have endless evidence of this, but he is far worse than any of these things, he is against the free market and therefore must be destroyed.
Now at the risk of boring you, I repeat, it is a matter of complete indifference to me who wins this election, but I must point out that the threat of legal action comes from people who cannot accept that the winner is not the person they wanted and therefore they are not prepared to allow the result to stand. And this is even before a vote is counted. Not one of these people raised the issue of registered voters until the polls began to show the possibility of a Corbyn victory. They are an utter disgrace, and these are our elected representatives.
As an aside to all this drama, I watched an interview on Channel Four news with one of Corbyn's opponents, Liz Kendall, and all I will say is that if that is what is being presented as a serious contender for the leadership of a girls guide group never mind a political party then the UK is doomed. She is a genuine abomination of a politician, if I hadn't known who she was I would have thought I was watching a spoof, she is just awful. I have a Yorkshire Terrier who knows more about politics than she does. I feel that the Labour Party is doomed, and that it deserves it. People like that have no place in politics, but I also feel that they are what the British deserve. It's only a question of time before we are asked to vote for a British version of Donald Trump. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 13 August 2015
By the standards of the Times, Adam Smith was a Marxist
It is sometimes difficult to comprehend the degeneracy of politics in the UK today and this is clearly illustrated by the degree to which our language has been corrupted by the right-wing free market poison. The Times today described Mad Tony as centre left. They described him as having presided over a centre left administration for his three terms in office. If that right-wing American obsessed psychopath can be described as even approximating a left-wing position then I genuinely no longer understand the English language, and particularly an English political narrative (and I mean English as opposed to a wider British narrative). It also goes to show how successful the Westminster elite have co-opted US cultural norms and values into our political language. An American wouldn't recognise a left-winger if one punched them in the face. As I reported recently, Americans describe Obama as a leftie, it defies any logical comment.
Today, any suggestion of the nationalisation of any national infrastructure is immediately condemned as leftism, bordering on communism. Post-war British history teaches us that the bulk of the nationalisation of Britain's infrastructure was carried out by the Conservative Party, not Labour. Similarly, any suggestion of building council houses is greeted with horror and threats that we are heading into a Stalinist nightmare. Once again, our history shows that council housing was almost exclusively down to the Tories. When Thatcher began her privatisation war, she was rebuked by the former Tory Prime Minister Harold McMillan for selling off the family silver. That was because it was his governments that were responsible for the bulk of the nationalised industries she was desperate to privatise. I could go on about this all night but I trust that anyone who has a British education is fully aware of it.
None of these policies bear any relation to socialism. They are embraced by leftist parties, but they have their roots in Liberalism and one-nation Conservatism. This is an issue that both leftists and conservatives can find common ground. It is the same with comprehensive education and national health, there is nothing remotely socialist about such things, despite the ravings of republican lunatics in the US Congress. For crying out loud, nationalised public works were advocated by both Adam Smith and Alfred Marshall (two real Marxist nutjobs, eh?). What we find today is the extent to which atomistic individualism has triumphed over collectivism. Thatcher's greatest triumph was to alter our language structure so that today we no longer understand that collective ideas are interactive between different political narratives. That is no longer the case. Aggressive individualism, imported from America via Ayn Rand and the Chicago school of Milton Friedman and his fellow imposters have won the battle of ideas thanks to Thatcher and her children such as Blair, Brown, Cameron and Osborne and any hint of a collective solution to any of our social and economic problems is immediately demonised as "socialist" (cue the theme tune to Jaws) it is by definition not to be considered as an option. This is the result of a totalitarian approach as our newspapers increasingly adopt the style of the Volkischer Beobachter. Do not fall for this insidious Tory brainwashing as practised by both the Conservatives and Labour, it is bad for your health, both physical and mental. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Today, any suggestion of the nationalisation of any national infrastructure is immediately condemned as leftism, bordering on communism. Post-war British history teaches us that the bulk of the nationalisation of Britain's infrastructure was carried out by the Conservative Party, not Labour. Similarly, any suggestion of building council houses is greeted with horror and threats that we are heading into a Stalinist nightmare. Once again, our history shows that council housing was almost exclusively down to the Tories. When Thatcher began her privatisation war, she was rebuked by the former Tory Prime Minister Harold McMillan for selling off the family silver. That was because it was his governments that were responsible for the bulk of the nationalised industries she was desperate to privatise. I could go on about this all night but I trust that anyone who has a British education is fully aware of it.
None of these policies bear any relation to socialism. They are embraced by leftist parties, but they have their roots in Liberalism and one-nation Conservatism. This is an issue that both leftists and conservatives can find common ground. It is the same with comprehensive education and national health, there is nothing remotely socialist about such things, despite the ravings of republican lunatics in the US Congress. For crying out loud, nationalised public works were advocated by both Adam Smith and Alfred Marshall (two real Marxist nutjobs, eh?). What we find today is the extent to which atomistic individualism has triumphed over collectivism. Thatcher's greatest triumph was to alter our language structure so that today we no longer understand that collective ideas are interactive between different political narratives. That is no longer the case. Aggressive individualism, imported from America via Ayn Rand and the Chicago school of Milton Friedman and his fellow imposters have won the battle of ideas thanks to Thatcher and her children such as Blair, Brown, Cameron and Osborne and any hint of a collective solution to any of our social and economic problems is immediately demonised as "socialist" (cue the theme tune to Jaws) it is by definition not to be considered as an option. This is the result of a totalitarian approach as our newspapers increasingly adopt the style of the Volkischer Beobachter. Do not fall for this insidious Tory brainwashing as practised by both the Conservatives and Labour, it is bad for your health, both physical and mental. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Britain becoming a totalitarian state? Surely not!
Norman Baker the ex-Liberal MP who wrote a good book on the assassination of David Kelly is quoted in today's papers as telling us that Britain is sleepwalking into a one-party state. It is good to see a Westminster criminal finally coming to see reality, and I keenly await his apology for his part in helping to advance the aforesaid one-party state, but he is a bit late.
I have been writing about Britain's decline into a totalitarian one-party state for years now as any reader of this blog will know. I have been writing that we are in the first stages of a fascist society where there will be modern forms of slavery for working people and the removal of all human rights. Mr Baker is right, but he is wrong in one part. The British are not sleepwalking into this situation, they are embracing it quite enthusiastically. As I repeatedly tell you in this column, the claim that there is no alternative is the foundation of totalitarianism, and, as we see from the hysteria surrounding the rise of support for Jeremy Corbyn, it is a real and present danger. Corbyn's presentation of a mild and not very system threatening alternative vision to the free market poison has sent the British establishment into overdrive. Before the votes are even counted in the Labour leadership election, there are full-blooded plans to challenge him and unleash a coup against him if he wins. Supporters of Corbyn's election have been called everything from morons to traitors to being brain-dead.
Britain is a country motivated by hate. The establishment and its lackeys in the media foster hatred for everyone and everything that poses a challenge or a threat to their dominance. The British hate their own people if they are trade unionists, Muslim, black or gay. They hate foreigners, especially Europeans (and of course the dreaded Russians) whilst supporting football teams with no British players in them. They adore Americans who are genuinely not considered foreigners, unless of course they are black. They detest immigrants, as long as they are not football stars ( who of course are celebrities and can never be deemed immigrants). Free market neoliberalism poses as the foundation of a free society whilst in reality it is totalitarian and is slowly but surely killing off any form of democracy. I repeat, if something has no alternative and is consistently portrayed as the right thing to do, then any alternative must be both damaging and wrong and must be prevented. That is what Thatcher and her successors have successfully convinced the British public of by fostering their hate of others and their hate of anything that poses any form of threat to the Thatcherite narrative.
The Cameron government is sinister, motivated by policies designed to stifle any resistance to its dominance whilst its politics is driven by the imperatives of free market economics. That is why they continually attack unions. They wish to remove any resistance to the mastery of employers over their workers, and to remove the bulk of the funding from the Labour Party, thus removing the political resistance to their dominance in Westminster. That is why the Scots must become independent, it has nothing to do with nationalism, but everything to do with removing the odious criminality of Westminster from our lives. Independence will save the Scots from the oncoming totalitarianism and slavery that Westminster has in store, a totalitarianism and slavery that the people in England and Wales appear to be welcoming. It is refreshing that at least one Westminster criminal has begun to see the light, but remember, you heard it here first. You have been warned.
I have been writing about Britain's decline into a totalitarian one-party state for years now as any reader of this blog will know. I have been writing that we are in the first stages of a fascist society where there will be modern forms of slavery for working people and the removal of all human rights. Mr Baker is right, but he is wrong in one part. The British are not sleepwalking into this situation, they are embracing it quite enthusiastically. As I repeatedly tell you in this column, the claim that there is no alternative is the foundation of totalitarianism, and, as we see from the hysteria surrounding the rise of support for Jeremy Corbyn, it is a real and present danger. Corbyn's presentation of a mild and not very system threatening alternative vision to the free market poison has sent the British establishment into overdrive. Before the votes are even counted in the Labour leadership election, there are full-blooded plans to challenge him and unleash a coup against him if he wins. Supporters of Corbyn's election have been called everything from morons to traitors to being brain-dead.
Britain is a country motivated by hate. The establishment and its lackeys in the media foster hatred for everyone and everything that poses a challenge or a threat to their dominance. The British hate their own people if they are trade unionists, Muslim, black or gay. They hate foreigners, especially Europeans (and of course the dreaded Russians) whilst supporting football teams with no British players in them. They adore Americans who are genuinely not considered foreigners, unless of course they are black. They detest immigrants, as long as they are not football stars ( who of course are celebrities and can never be deemed immigrants). Free market neoliberalism poses as the foundation of a free society whilst in reality it is totalitarian and is slowly but surely killing off any form of democracy. I repeat, if something has no alternative and is consistently portrayed as the right thing to do, then any alternative must be both damaging and wrong and must be prevented. That is what Thatcher and her successors have successfully convinced the British public of by fostering their hate of others and their hate of anything that poses any form of threat to the Thatcherite narrative.
The Cameron government is sinister, motivated by policies designed to stifle any resistance to its dominance whilst its politics is driven by the imperatives of free market economics. That is why they continually attack unions. They wish to remove any resistance to the mastery of employers over their workers, and to remove the bulk of the funding from the Labour Party, thus removing the political resistance to their dominance in Westminster. That is why the Scots must become independent, it has nothing to do with nationalism, but everything to do with removing the odious criminality of Westminster from our lives. Independence will save the Scots from the oncoming totalitarianism and slavery that Westminster has in store, a totalitarianism and slavery that the people in England and Wales appear to be welcoming. It is refreshing that at least one Westminster criminal has begun to see the light, but remember, you heard it here first. You have been warned.
Sunday, 9 August 2015
I confess, I am an economic illiterate!
I was reading an article that was detailing how Labour's millionaire donors are all threatening to stop donating to them if Jeremy Corbyn wins the leadership. Now readers of this blog will know that I am completely indifferent to who wins this meaningless contest for the leadership of this meaningless party. However, one of these people gave as his reason that the policies being advanced by Corbyn are 'economically illiterate'.
I want you to think about that. This comes from a person who promotes and supports the economic policies that destroyed the economies of some of the world's largest nations. These are the policies that gave us the financial crisis, that wrecked the American and British economies, that brought the world's largest banks to the brink of bankruptcy, that brought Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece etc. to their knees. These are the policies that have threatened to destroy the EU, have brought foodbanks into the British economy, caused an independence referendum in Scotland, and so on and so on. One of Corbyns economically illiterate policies is a renationalisation of important infrastructure like the railways. It seems to have escaped the millionaire class that it was the nationalisation of the British banking system and its subsequent massive input of public money that saved the banks and allowed Osborne to sell RBS off to his mates at a such ridiculously low price that would see him being jailed in any really intelligent society. The sale of RBS was a genuine criminal act and a perfect example of how something legal can be so wrong. So much for economic illiteracy, if such policies are economically illiterate what on earth can we call the dominant free market policies that are demonstrably, not only illiterate, but stupid and indeed licenced gangsterism.
The dominant elite in Britain and the US cannot really be blamed for this state of affairs. The real culprits are the populations of these two nations who support this arrant nonsense and hide their heads in the sand. History will look at the 2015 general election in the UK in awe at the gullibility and stupidity of the British electorate for giving the Tories their majority. They will ask the question of how a supposedly intelligent people could vote for their own poverty and slavery. Our television carries programmes examining the rise of the Nazis in pre-war Germany and they will be making similar programmes in the future about the rise of fascism in the UK in the early 21st century. They will ask the same questions about the British as they now ask about the Germans. On one thing the Tories are correct, the fate of the Labour Party is of no consequence since it is simply full of people who wanted to be in the Tory Party who couldn't make as Tories. I remind you of the words of John Stuart Mill. "Not all Conservatives are stupid people, but most stupid people are Conservatives". When Aneurin Bevin described the Tories as lower than vermin he was being too kind. Labour now occupy the same ground and share the Tories view that any challenge to the free market model and any attempt at a meaningful alternative is dismissed as economic illiteracy, when the real economic illiteracy is being promoted as public policy on a daily basis. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
I want you to think about that. This comes from a person who promotes and supports the economic policies that destroyed the economies of some of the world's largest nations. These are the policies that gave us the financial crisis, that wrecked the American and British economies, that brought the world's largest banks to the brink of bankruptcy, that brought Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece etc. to their knees. These are the policies that have threatened to destroy the EU, have brought foodbanks into the British economy, caused an independence referendum in Scotland, and so on and so on. One of Corbyns economically illiterate policies is a renationalisation of important infrastructure like the railways. It seems to have escaped the millionaire class that it was the nationalisation of the British banking system and its subsequent massive input of public money that saved the banks and allowed Osborne to sell RBS off to his mates at a such ridiculously low price that would see him being jailed in any really intelligent society. The sale of RBS was a genuine criminal act and a perfect example of how something legal can be so wrong. So much for economic illiteracy, if such policies are economically illiterate what on earth can we call the dominant free market policies that are demonstrably, not only illiterate, but stupid and indeed licenced gangsterism.
The dominant elite in Britain and the US cannot really be blamed for this state of affairs. The real culprits are the populations of these two nations who support this arrant nonsense and hide their heads in the sand. History will look at the 2015 general election in the UK in awe at the gullibility and stupidity of the British electorate for giving the Tories their majority. They will ask the question of how a supposedly intelligent people could vote for their own poverty and slavery. Our television carries programmes examining the rise of the Nazis in pre-war Germany and they will be making similar programmes in the future about the rise of fascism in the UK in the early 21st century. They will ask the same questions about the British as they now ask about the Germans. On one thing the Tories are correct, the fate of the Labour Party is of no consequence since it is simply full of people who wanted to be in the Tory Party who couldn't make as Tories. I remind you of the words of John Stuart Mill. "Not all Conservatives are stupid people, but most stupid people are Conservatives". When Aneurin Bevin described the Tories as lower than vermin he was being too kind. Labour now occupy the same ground and share the Tories view that any challenge to the free market model and any attempt at a meaningful alternative is dismissed as economic illiteracy, when the real economic illiteracy is being promoted as public policy on a daily basis. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
The Tories are our guardian angels
The new trade union legislation will end the practice of deducting union fees from employees from their wages. If you want a good example of a malicious working class hating bully look no further than Sajid Javid who will undoubtedly be a prominent feature of Toryism for many years to come because he has the right sociopathic tendencies and exhibits all the necessary credentials and determination to reduce the British worker to modern forms of slavery. There are people within the Westminster gang whose sole purpose in life is to conjure up more and more malice, envy and hatred for the poor and disadvantaged and then find ways to translate such malice into public policy. The whole purpose of this is, of course, to provide the parameters whereby they are free to loot the national treasury at their leisure and to transfer as much wealth as is possible into the pockets of the elite and their lackeys. All of these measures are of course the right thing to do as we are all in it together and must learn to live within our means. Isn't it wonderful how Westminster has actually succeeded in convincing a gullible public that the financial crash was, in reality, caused by, and made worse by, the poor, the disabled, immigrants, asylum seekers and of course all these evil benefit scroungers. It was never the fault of the financial class, the bankers, the Westminster criminals, and all those people who were originally blamed. These poor souls have been brutally accused and pilloried when they are in reality the people who will be our salvation. I now see that a Tory is a working class guardian angel, sent from the free market heaven to protect workers from these evil Marxist union monsters who want to chain them to an outdated and anachronistic ideology that tells them that they might just deserve better when every right thinking person knows that their slave status is God's will.
The Tories new union laws will also criminalise picketing. It will therefore be illegal to stand outside your place of work and seek to persuade your fellow workers to join any form of industrial action. This of course is because the Tories are on the side of all hardworking people and those who cannot wait to enjoy their newly found slave labour status. Add to that the requirement of 40% of a workforce agreeing to industrial action in a ballot that must include at least 50% of those eligible to vote and you are as close to outlawing the strike action as you can get, and we still maintain the fiction that we live in a democratic society, and, as we all know, democracy is evil and bad for us. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
The Tories new union laws will also criminalise picketing. It will therefore be illegal to stand outside your place of work and seek to persuade your fellow workers to join any form of industrial action. This of course is because the Tories are on the side of all hardworking people and those who cannot wait to enjoy their newly found slave labour status. Add to that the requirement of 40% of a workforce agreeing to industrial action in a ballot that must include at least 50% of those eligible to vote and you are as close to outlawing the strike action as you can get, and we still maintain the fiction that we live in a democratic society, and, as we all know, democracy is evil and bad for us. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
If you believe in a free market you will believe anything
An influential report published today tells us that the British people largely support the austerity measures of the government, and this should not surprise us, given the relentless propaganda of the British media and the lack of publication of any meaningful alternatives. Add to that the hysterical condemnation of any suggestions that challenge the dominant narrative and you have a barrier to any intelligent understanding of reality that would have made Goebbels proud. For example, in the United States, we have the spectacle of people accusing Obama of being a socialist and such illiterate garbage is taken quite seriously by people who should know better. I can only conclude that people in the US have no idea what socialism is! However, before I am accused of insulting Americans, the situation is not much better in this country. I actually read one imbecile describe Obama as a Marxist.
One of the markers of an intelligent society is that it can utilise the writings of some people that are fundamentally opposed to its cultural and ideological structure. Not everything Marx wrote was wrong. He was a genius whether you agree with him or not. To adopt a socialist or a Marxist idea does not make you either a socialist or a Marxist, it just shows that you are capable of intelligent thought. Even the appalling Andy Burnham has concluded that the privatisation of our railway system has been a disaster and is now advocating its nationalisation. I mean, the obvious must filter through to these free market imbeciles eventually. Nationalisation is neither socialist, Marxist, or any other, it is simply common sense.
To the free marketer anything that looks in any shape or form as collectivist must be damned, ridiculed and crushed. Anything remotely collectivist is immediately damned as socialist as if this was some kind of terminal illness. That is why austerity is popular, because it is founded on a hatred of collectivism and panders to the individualist dominant ideology that is both anti-social and destructive. The type of individualism spouted by the Tories and their minions is a selfish, greedy and anti-social form of humanity. Indeed, I will contradict myself and say that it is not actually a form of humanity, but a form of inhumanity. It is in the ascendancy now because the British have become selfish, greedy, uncaring and lacking in humanity. They care more about their holiday timetable being disrupted than the plight of desperate and persecuted human beings. They don't give a toss about the plight of working people, only that these same working people accept whatever their employers want without protest in order that their lives are not disrupted by industrial disputes. However, the human being is a social animal, that is its nature, and as Marx rightly tells us, our individuality can only be mediated within a social structure. Our individuality is a social phenomenon and the concept of individuality that free market theorists base their philosophy on does not, nor cannot exist. That is why austerity will ultimately fail and destroy a meaningful society. That is why Scotland will attain an independent status, because the Scots still retain a fragment of decency and intelligence and will not buy into Westminster's lies and propaganda. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
One of the markers of an intelligent society is that it can utilise the writings of some people that are fundamentally opposed to its cultural and ideological structure. Not everything Marx wrote was wrong. He was a genius whether you agree with him or not. To adopt a socialist or a Marxist idea does not make you either a socialist or a Marxist, it just shows that you are capable of intelligent thought. Even the appalling Andy Burnham has concluded that the privatisation of our railway system has been a disaster and is now advocating its nationalisation. I mean, the obvious must filter through to these free market imbeciles eventually. Nationalisation is neither socialist, Marxist, or any other, it is simply common sense.
To the free marketer anything that looks in any shape or form as collectivist must be damned, ridiculed and crushed. Anything remotely collectivist is immediately damned as socialist as if this was some kind of terminal illness. That is why austerity is popular, because it is founded on a hatred of collectivism and panders to the individualist dominant ideology that is both anti-social and destructive. The type of individualism spouted by the Tories and their minions is a selfish, greedy and anti-social form of humanity. Indeed, I will contradict myself and say that it is not actually a form of humanity, but a form of inhumanity. It is in the ascendancy now because the British have become selfish, greedy, uncaring and lacking in humanity. They care more about their holiday timetable being disrupted than the plight of desperate and persecuted human beings. They don't give a toss about the plight of working people, only that these same working people accept whatever their employers want without protest in order that their lives are not disrupted by industrial disputes. However, the human being is a social animal, that is its nature, and as Marx rightly tells us, our individuality can only be mediated within a social structure. Our individuality is a social phenomenon and the concept of individuality that free market theorists base their philosophy on does not, nor cannot exist. That is why austerity will ultimately fail and destroy a meaningful society. That is why Scotland will attain an independent status, because the Scots still retain a fragment of decency and intelligence and will not buy into Westminster's lies and propaganda. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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