Thursday, 30 July 2015

You don't need to consider the needs of the subhuman

I watched a report on various news channels yesterday about how child trafficking in the US has reached epidemic proportions and is getting out of control. The situation in this country is not quite so serious but is heading that way. Paedophilia is running rampant in both Britain and the US and transcends class, race and gender. However, it is the paedophiles that inhabit the higher echelons of British society that are allowed to pursue their victims with little chance of being apprehended as they enjoy governmental and state protection. This is becoming increasingly apparent as the press are finally reporting things they have known about for many years but refused to speak about before.

At the same time, we are listening to the Prime Minister labelling migrants and refugees as a 'swarm' threatening to overcome us, thus likening living and desperate people to locusts and other forms of insect life.

What these two issues have in common is how people in the west are becoming increasingly dehumanised under the influence of free market neoliberal economic and political policy. As I have been telling you for a long time now, free market economics reduces everything to commodity status, including people. Thus, workers are a cost, the sick and the disabled are a cost, the unemployed are a cost and in the free market universe costs must be minimised and eliminated as much as possible. Workers are a cost and are only there for the benefit that they accrue to their employer. Thus the employer has the right to demand their total obedience and the worker has no right to exercise the only fundamental right they possess, the right to remove their labour. This is because the worker is never regarded as either an asset or a wealth creator. The only thing of any value in a free market society is something that has a price attached. Thus the only value that a child has is when they have a price attached and can be traded as any other commodity can be traded. Children are increasingly being commodified, they are commodities first, human beings second. Immigrants and refugees are not even considered human, they are parasites and locusts, and they are not only a cost, but an unwanted burden.

To return to workers, when they withdraw their labour all we hear about is the disruption they cause. The legitimacy of their case is never considered, only the inconvenience they cause to a people who are totally selfish, self-absorbed and completely indifferent to other people's misfortunes. Thus, the majority of British people will quite happily see their fellow citizens in a system of bondage and slavery as long as it doesn't inconvenience them and of course doesn't happen to them. It amuses me to see lawyers and doctors contemplating industrial action in pursuit of their self-interest when I have listened to them all of my life condemning working people doing the same thing. In the past such people never needed to consider their working conditions as they were very well protected and rewarded. The reality of neoliberal austerity is now impacting on them and they don't like it. I ask you to research the miners strikes and read the comments and opinions of the professional classes who hated the miners with a passion.

I have warned you that we are entering a period of fascism. The Nazis were the experts at dehumanisation and used words like parasites, untermenschen, ballastexistenzen, and referred to the sick and the disabled as useless eaters. That is what we are increasingly reading in our press. If anyone in our society has no financial value because they are sick, disabled or unemployed they are a scrounger and a skiver, in other words they are a parasite living off the backs of "hard working people." This is what the British voted for, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

Friday, 24 July 2015

Britain is morally bankrupt

I find myself in the strange position of having to agree with an evil person. George Osborne has stated that his position on benefits, the unemployed and the disabled is now the centre ground in British politics and I have to agree with him with one qualification, it is not the centre ground in British politics, only in England and Wales, the Scots still retain a modicum of civilisation and decency. I hesitate to call anyone evil, but what else do you call a person who is a pathological liar, who takes pleasure in hurting people, who openly persecutes the most vulnerable people in society and who panders to rich people and encourages mass criminality by the people he associates with? What has to be said is that he and his associates have successfully convinced the bulk of the British people that they are actually the good guys. For example, one of the things they have successfully argued is that fairness means that those on benefits should not have an income higher than people in work. The Tories are characterised by measures such as, they have deliberately driven wages down for the past six years and lowered the standard of living of all working people to the extent that one-third of all people who use food banks are in full-time employment. Thus, because working people now live on the margins of poverty, fairness means that people on benefits must be driven into absolute poverty. There is never a discussion that benefits are in fact too low and one of the solutions would be to raise the wage levels as well as benefits to lift people out of the cycle of poverty and low wages. To me, fairness means taking money from those who earn so much they cannot count it never mind spend it, and redistributing it to the people at the bottom. Such things are never considered in modern Britain as poverty is a sin and a sign that those in poverty are feckless, undeserving and needing a good dose of the discipline that comes with hunger and want to get them off their lazy backsides.

One of the great tragedies of British politics is how the bulk of the population has absorbed the Tory hatred of the disadvantaged and marginalised. I have written about the majority hatred of trades unions, a hatred that is characterised by its complete irrationality, and this hatred is spreading out to the general working population. It is now generally accepted that people at the bottom end of the income and wealth scale deserve their fate. As I say in the title, Britain is morally bankrupt and consumed with selfishness and greed. Despite all the empirical evidence that Osborne and his economic policies are a complete failure, people still prefer to blame the poor and disadvantaged for the state of society. I remind you, in 2010 Cameron and Osborne assured us that their economic programme of austerity was necessary to cure the economy and that the deficit would be solved by 2015. At the election the deficit was almost double what it had been in 2010. Debt is at a record level and the deficit is getting out of control. Thus by the government's own terms, their core economic strategy is a total failure. Falling wages and job insecurity have resulted in a collapse of tax receipts, compounded by the fact that the government refuses to collect the taxes of the rich and the major corporations. Thus, all of the austerity, the benefit cuts and the war against the poor has been for nothing. Again I remind you what Adam smith, the supposed author of the free market told us when he said that the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society. We live in a deeply unjust nation that is getting more unjust by the day, and that is what the majority of voters voted for in May, because the United Kingdom has adopted the morality of fascism. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


Thursday, 16 July 2015

Britain is now in the early stages of fascism

The Tories have crossed a line. With their announcements of their latest measures against trades unions they have brought the real instruments of fascist control into British civil life. What these measures are in reality are an open declaration of class warfare against working people. The Tories claim that they are the defenders of market economics and that they are simply defending a free society. In reality they are ensuring that this freedom is only available to a certain section of society whilst the rest are relegated to modern slavery. The following are quotes from Adam Smith the author of market economic theory

We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of workmen. But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject. Masters are always and everywhere in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform, combination, not to raise the wages of labour above their actual rate. To violate this combination is everywhere a most unpopular action, and a sort of reproach to a master among his neighbours and equals. We seldom, indeed, hear of this combination, because it is the usual, and, one may say, the natural state of things, which nobody ever hears of. Masters, too, sometimes enter into particular combinations to sink the wages of labour even below this rate. These are always conducted with the utmost silence and secrecy till the moment of execution; and when the workmen yield, as they sometimes do without resistance, though severely felt by them, they are never heard of by other people. Such combinations, however, are frequently resisted by a contrary defensive combination of the workmen, who sometimes, too, without any provocation of this kind, combine, of their own accord, to raise the price of their labour......When masters combine together, in order to reduce the wages of their workmen, they commonly enter into a private bond or agreement, not to give more than a certain wage, under a certain penalty. Were the workmen to enter into a contrary combination of the same kind, not to accept of a certain wage, under a certain penalty, the law would punish them very severely; and, if it dealt impartially, it would treat the masters in the same manner.

Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all

This is the reality of a market society from the author of that society, not the malignant lying garbage we are subjected to every day from the Tories and their lackeys in the media. Adam Smith insists that a society must be governed by both law and justice, and tells us that the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society. In the above passages he highlights the injustice of what the Tories are encouraging today and insists that if they pass such laws against workers they must also pass them against employers. On the same day that they announced these measures, the Tories told Parliament that if they do not agree to work seven days a week, then doctors will be forced to do so. This comes from a group of people who have the shortest working day, week and year in the country, most of whom never even bother to attend their place of work, the House of Commons. This is inequality and discrimination on a grand scale, it is also the ultimate in hypocrisy. Again on this day, they announced that they are going to implement a 'root and branch' reform of the BBC. If the BBC do not tailor their programme output to suit the Tory narrative then they will remodel it to suit their own agenda. I don't know what is going to convince the people of this nation that this is a party that is determined to impose its will on every sector of society regardless of any form of opposition. The Tories are now exposed by their own words as tyrannical.

Britain is being subjected to tyrannical measures from a government determined to suppress all dissent and challenge. We are losing all our fundamental rights. We are in the first stages of a full blown fascism. They have told us that they are looking into a plan whereby all workers will be forced to pay into a fund, out of their own pockets to cover unemployment, sickness and pension schemes. What this is designed to do is to provide an environment where they can abolish national insurance. When that happens the Health Service will die as it will have no funding. I have repeatedly warned that they will privatise health and welfare and reduce working people to a slave status, they are getting quite confident and bolder in pursuing these aims. The Tories are now dangerous and sinister. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 13 July 2015

Free market theory is not simply wrong, it is a lie

I have been asked what I mean when I say that free market theory is a fraud and a lie. There is no room in a blog like this to answer this adequately, but I will give an example and if anyone wishes I will be happy to expand on it in future posts.

As you know, neoliberals are constantly assuring us that there is no alternative to their policies and prescriptions. This is because they are basing their policies on economic concepts that they regard as both scientific and true, that is their language, not mine. Such concepts are neither scientific nor true because economic concepts must never be regarded as anything other than general propositions that are only applicable under certain conditions. Economics is a study of human behaviour, and no study of human behaviour can ever be regarded as supplying scientific 'facts' or 'truths'. However, modern economists do consider their work as both mathematical and scientific, so, their conclusions must not be challenged or substituted by alternatives, because, as their theories are mathematical, scientific and true, all alternatives are by definition wrong. As a result, any political policy that emanates from the application of such theories are themselves the right thing to do and have no alternative as they are based on conclusions that are scientific and true. Take the free market approach to unemployment and the public policy that subsequently emerges as a result.

Neoclassical economic theory argues that market forces operate in such a way that they establish what is known as ‘equilibrium’ in the economy. Equilibrium is balance, and it happens because in a free competitive market system, the market efficiently establishes a harmonious relationship between the competing interests of individuals engaged in freely trading with one another. One area in which this will occur is in the labour market because, it is claimed, the free enterprise economic system will automatically establish equilibrium in a situation where there is no ‘voluntary’ unemployment. If there is any unemployment it will by necessity be temporary because unemployment will produce an excess of labour that will then result in a fall in the price of labour, ie. wages. As a result of an economic concept known as marginal utility, the fall in wage rates will then create more employment, thus resolving the temporary problem of unemployment. However, the result of this theoretical construct is that any long-term unemployment in the economy must be, by definition voluntary, because the market has inbuilt mechanisms that automatically cure any structural forms of unemployment, and this is so because the concept of marginal utility is designated as a 'law'. Economists claim that the law of diminishing marginal utility is a 'scientific construct'. Therefore, if there is any long-term unemployment in society, it is not real unemployment, it is voluntary and therefore artificial, and is the result of lazy people who simply do not want to work; they volunteer to be unemployed, the skivers and shirkers, the benefit scroungers of British government mythology. Thus, society cannot be responsible for unemployment because the free marketeers have a religious belief in Thatcher's claim that there is no such thing as society, the market cannot be responsible for unemployment as it will cure it by itself if left alone, so, the responsibility for unemployment lies with individuals who simply don’t want to work, and trades unions who interfere with wages and the free workings of the labour market. As a result, both those groups will need to be subjected to the disciplines of the market and must not be rewarded for their selfish and anti-social behaviour. This is so obviously incorrect that no intelligent person can afford it any credibility. That is why it is not wrong, it is a lie, and most of these people know its a lie. The problem is that the clowns who front this nonsense in Westminster probably believe it because they are fundamentally stupid people. If you don't believe me just watch the next hustings for the candidates for the Labour leadership. Cameron and Osborne believe it, but they are Tories and as John Stuart Mill told us, not all Conservatives are stupid people, but most stupid people are Conservatives.

The above theoretical fantasy is the basis for the Westminster war against the unemployed and people on social security. It of course bears little relation to reality but forms the basis for all Westminster policy. We now have the spectacle of Labour announcing that they are accepting all of the Tories proposals on welfare announced in the budget. As I repeatedly say, this is a Westminster problem and is unresolvable within the Westminster system of government  because there is unanimity between the parties on the causes and solutions to the poor and disadvantaged. I remind you, their solution is slavery. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Saturday, 11 July 2015

If you think this government is brutal, just wait!

The papers this morning are telling us that David Cameron is seeking to include an opt-out from EU employment regulations in his negotiations with the EU in preparation for the coming referendum. His main targets are the Working Time Directive and the Agency Workers Regulations. I have repeatedly warned you in this blog that the Westminster elite are determined to reduce the British working class to slavery and have been mocked and scorned for this by all those patriotic geniuses who assure me that such a thing could never happen in this country. Let me remind you of some things.

The working time directive is a safeguard for workers that protects certain fundamental rights such as the right to a minimum number of holidays per year, paid rest breaks and a right to have at least eleven hours rest every 24. It also sets a limit of 48 hours that anyone can be compelled to work in any one week. The agency workers directive simply requires that agency workers are given the same terms and conditions as the people who normally work in any given company. The Tories are determined to scrap all of these protections. Now I ask any intelligent person, which of these above measures can be described as revolutionary? What is objectionable in any of these modest measures? All of these measures are simply nullified by a zero-hours contract in any case, that is why employers love them. So, by extending zero-hours contracts, you are effectively abolishing employment protection and employing people with no rights, no holidays, no sick pay etc. That is life in modern Britain, and if that is not a form of slavery, where your employer has absolute power over you and there is nothing you can do about it then someone will need to enlighten me as to what it actually is?

Thus, the Tories goal in opting-out of the European directives is their determination to reduce all workers to the same conditions as those already on zero-hours. Now I also want you to note that in order to achieve this they have to opt-out of the European protections, this is because once they opt-out they will have achieved their goal of being able to do exactly what they want with respect to working people because they have already achieved this within the UK. We no longer have any basic worker protection in this country, the only protections we have are those required by the EU. I have repeatedly warned you that the persistent claim by the Westminster criminals that there is no alternative is the foundations of a totalitarian society. Once they have achieved these opt-outs they will have total control. There are no further protections in law. This was the long-term goal of Thatcher and it is now coming to fruition, destroy the unions, make it almost impossible to strike, make it almost impossible to access the law by removing legal aid and making industrial tribunals far too expensive and you remove any possibility of meaningful resistance from working people to the removal of all their terms and conditions of service and you have successfully reduced them to a slave-like state. That is what the people in England and Wales voted for in May. I predict that by the end of this term of government the Tories will enter the next election with a commitment to ban trades unionism, as Edmund Burke wrote, "all it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing". You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat     

Friday, 10 July 2015

Class war is now obvious

I apologise for not having posted for over a week but I was otherwise engaged having had a new central heating system fitted with all the chaos and disruption that entails. Another reason was my disgust at the budget as it was just as bad as I told you it would be. What is happening in Britain is quite chilling. The UK, or rather England and Wales, is descending into fascism and is now characterised by hate. Actually what is happening is a continuation of what I have been warning about and it is the increasing division of Scotland and England. We are now quite definably two culturally and morally different countries. The people who live and vote in England are increasingly motivated by hatred. Westminster and its supporters within the UK are now openly displaying their class hatreds. The budget was nothing less than undisguised class warfare. For example, I have continually highlighted how Westminster and the British elite are aggressively exclusionary, and this is now starkly shown by the abolition of the student maintenance grant. Another measure is the continuing attacks on the disabled. Disability is now being seen as a moral failure in people and the disabled are facing increasing discrimination, marginalisation, dehumanisation and physical and mental abuse from the general public.

 One of the excuses continually trotted out by the Tories is that university places are still being taken by people from the lower class brackets. That is because there are no jobs and these people have no other form of mobility available to them. However, we shall see how many working class students the universities are able to attract now that they will have to finance their entire university life themselves. Higher education is no longer based on ability, it is now purely on ability to pay. If you want any more proof of the Americanisation of British society, I have no idea how you will be convinced. I can only conclude that you are wilfully blind. Now that education is based purely on ability to pay, the health service will be next.

 No-one with a modicum of intelligence can deny what is happening to this country. The only light I see is the inevitability of Scottish independence. I earlier commented on the appalling quality of the candidates for the Labour leadership, both in England and in Scotland and as the campaigns for both sets of leadership highlight, the situation is actually worse than I initially suspected. Thus, there is no hope for the nation coming from Labour. Anyone who cannot see the absolute imperative for a distinct Scottish Labour Party is completely lacking in any form of political intelligence, and that is the choice for Labour supporters both in Scotland and in England. It really is enough to make you despair. Britain is now a deeply unjust society, a society riven by greed and hatred. Free marketeers like to quote Adam Smith and I will leave you with such a quote from Smith and you can judge for yourself how he would view today's Westminster gang.
"Justice…is the main pillar that upholds the whole edifice. If it is removed, the great, the immense fabric of human society, that fabric which to raise and support seems in this world, if I may say so, to have been the peculiar and darling care of Nature, must in a moment crumble into atoms....The prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society".
There will be consequences. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat