What is a vote? Well, if that vote is to reject independence from the United Kingdom in a referendum it is a precious thing that must be exercised as a matter of both honour and principle. It is a symbol of your membership of a family, of an invaluable alliance that contributed to making a great nation and one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen. However, if it is a vote for the Scottish Nationalist Party it is an act of treason, a betrayal and something you quite simply should not be allowed to do, indeed it should not be recognised, it is invalid.
Such are the sentiments that are pouring out of the mouths of the Westminster gang and its lackeys in the press and media. Several points must be made here. First, everyone on the electoral register, plus all their family members are British citizens. Next, those who are entitled to vote have that vote by right and have the right to exercise that vote any way they choose, even if it means spoiling the ballot paper. Next, no elected politician has rights or special privileges in law than any other British citizen has. We were being bombarded with this 'fact' of life just six months ago by the same people who are now telling us that we have no right to vote for a party that is going to exercise its democratic right to exert as much influence as it can in the Westminster Parliament on behalf of the people who elected them. Indeed these people are telling us that despite being elected by a majority of the Scottish people, if the SNP are elected with a majority of Scottish seats, then they have no democratic mandate to act in any way that will disrupt the cosy dominance of the two major parties, Labour and Conservative.
I warned you all throughout the run up to the referendum that we were being fed a farrago of lies and propaganda that bordered on the racist. I also warned you that regardless of the promises that we were given by Westminster we would be betrayed. I warned you that Westminster politicians were totally without principles or scruples and should never be trusted. I was proven right within one hour of the result of the referendum. Not one Westminster politician has a shred of integrity, honesty, self-respect or dignity. They are, every one, a scoundrel. It never occurs to them in their semi-racist rantings about 'the Scots' that a large proportion of the Scottish electorate are not Scots, they are people who live in Scotland. It never occurs to them that a large proportion of people who vote nationalist are not nationalists, they simply vote that way as the only mechanism available to gain independence from the sewer that is the Westminster Parliament. The Labour Party genuinely believe that they are entitled to win in Scotland. Scotland is 'their' territory and woe betide anyone who challenges that entitled dominance. In like manner the Tories believe that they are entitled to rule in Westminster and that the only people who are entitled to challenge them are Labour.
You should brace yourself for a display of the absolute lowest form of politics possible in the next six weeks. The onslaught on the SNP from Scottish Labour will be of a ferocity that you will have difficulty understanding. The onslaught from the Tories on both Labour and the SNP will be just as bad. These are two major parties in the first stages of serious decline and there is one thing you can be certain of, they are incapable of learning from their mistakes or listening to anyone who disagrees with them. As I have told you before, these are parties suffering from what the Greeks call hubris, and in the case of Scotland, Labour is a victim of their own insufferable arrogance and incompetence. Again I warn you, all Labour and Tory politicians hold voters in contempt, particularly those they designate as from 'the lower classes'. On top of that they are now displaying an open hatred for the people of Scotland. You trust them at your peril. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Monday, 30 March 2015
Labour just cannot help lying, it's in their DNA.
It is the first day of the election campaign and I watched the first major event in this campaign, a party political broadcast by Scottish Labour. It was exactly as I expected and how I expect the whole campaign to continue. This broadcast fulfilled all of my expectations from a Westminster party, it began with two blatant lies. The Westminster elite are so corrupt that they lie without shame, the tragedy is that they have so corrupted the political process in this sorry country that they get away with it.
Labour began (and I am not picking on Labour, I am commenting on the broadcast they did. Anyone who reads this blog will know that I have total contempt for all the Westminster personnel and the parties they represent) by telling us that this election is a choice between two completely different value systems. This is the party who have committed themselves to the Tories spending plans and who have openly told us (in the shape of their appalling welfare spokesperson Rachel Reeves) that they intend being even harder on people on benefits than the Tories. She actually stated that Labour will not represent people on benefits, only hardworking families, seemingly oblivious that approximately half of hardworking families are on benefits. The implication in all of this rhetoric is of course that if they consider any family to be not a 'hardworking' family then they will hammer them. No-one of course ever defines what a hardworking family is. I assume that they do not consider a woman who takes the decision to stay at home and raise her children to be hardworking. I also assume that they choose to ignore the fact that none of the major charities, including the Rowntree Foundation have ever managed to locate a family where there is not at least one person in the family in some kind of work. Now I do not accept that the Tories, with Labour's 100% support, have conjured up a myth of whole families scrounging off benefits, it is not a myth, it is an outright lie and they know its a lie. They are quite despicable. So, as far as values are concerned, you could not slide a cigarette paper between these two sets of lying scumbags.
This broadcast then went on to tell us how much the Labour Party value the health service and how they are committed to protecting it from further privatisations. One of the biggest millstones that the health service carries are the numerous Private Finance Initiatives it is burdened with. Private Finance Initiatives are a genuine form of legalised gangsterism and were promoted ruthlessly under Gordon Brown, both as Chancellor and as Prime Minister. The last health secretary in the last Labour administration was Andy Burnham who was responsible for 221 PFI's, projects that will pay fortunes to private gangsters for many years to come and will drain the health budget year on year of millions of pounds. Mr Burnham is the man who strides about spouting a Scouse accent to try to make him appear working class but is neoliberal to his core and a genuine enemy of working people.
We will have to steel ourselves for this endless onslaught of lies and hatred over the next six weeks. I intend writing about the quite astonishing hatred of the Scots that has emerged even before the election has gotten underway. From the valued partners of the great British family, the people Britain could not afford to lose in the run-up to the referendum, we have suddenly become dangerous and frightening, and, I hope you have noted, not entitled to express our democratic rights unless they coincide with the apsirations of the Westminster vermin. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Labour began (and I am not picking on Labour, I am commenting on the broadcast they did. Anyone who reads this blog will know that I have total contempt for all the Westminster personnel and the parties they represent) by telling us that this election is a choice between two completely different value systems. This is the party who have committed themselves to the Tories spending plans and who have openly told us (in the shape of their appalling welfare spokesperson Rachel Reeves) that they intend being even harder on people on benefits than the Tories. She actually stated that Labour will not represent people on benefits, only hardworking families, seemingly oblivious that approximately half of hardworking families are on benefits. The implication in all of this rhetoric is of course that if they consider any family to be not a 'hardworking' family then they will hammer them. No-one of course ever defines what a hardworking family is. I assume that they do not consider a woman who takes the decision to stay at home and raise her children to be hardworking. I also assume that they choose to ignore the fact that none of the major charities, including the Rowntree Foundation have ever managed to locate a family where there is not at least one person in the family in some kind of work. Now I do not accept that the Tories, with Labour's 100% support, have conjured up a myth of whole families scrounging off benefits, it is not a myth, it is an outright lie and they know its a lie. They are quite despicable. So, as far as values are concerned, you could not slide a cigarette paper between these two sets of lying scumbags.
This broadcast then went on to tell us how much the Labour Party value the health service and how they are committed to protecting it from further privatisations. One of the biggest millstones that the health service carries are the numerous Private Finance Initiatives it is burdened with. Private Finance Initiatives are a genuine form of legalised gangsterism and were promoted ruthlessly under Gordon Brown, both as Chancellor and as Prime Minister. The last health secretary in the last Labour administration was Andy Burnham who was responsible for 221 PFI's, projects that will pay fortunes to private gangsters for many years to come and will drain the health budget year on year of millions of pounds. Mr Burnham is the man who strides about spouting a Scouse accent to try to make him appear working class but is neoliberal to his core and a genuine enemy of working people.
We will have to steel ourselves for this endless onslaught of lies and hatred over the next six weeks. I intend writing about the quite astonishing hatred of the Scots that has emerged even before the election has gotten underway. From the valued partners of the great British family, the people Britain could not afford to lose in the run-up to the referendum, we have suddenly become dangerous and frightening, and, I hope you have noted, not entitled to express our democratic rights unless they coincide with the apsirations of the Westminster vermin. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Jeremy Clarkson's supporters are quite vile
I have never seen the BBC programme Top Gear. I refuse to watch it because I have always considered its presenter Jeremy Clarkson to be a loathsome individual and I will not have him in my home. What I have seen and read of Clarkson has been deeply unattractive and my opinion of him has been confirmed by his latest travails when he assaulted a person whom he clearly considers to be an underling and existing purely for his personal gratification. In addition, a programme like Top Gear holds no appeal for me. I consider a car to be a means of transport. I am mystified by people who find cars to have an almost sexual appeal and who can sit and watch a programme about them every week. Having said that I do not criticise them because I am one of those people who can sit and watch cycling for hours. I am a cyclist and can completely understand what cyclists are going through in a race. I have nothing but admiration for them and think they are the finest sportsmen on the planet. My ultimate sporting hero is Eddy Merckx. I accept that my attraction to cycling makes me rather sad.
Having said that I would not hesitate to condemn Merckx or anyone else if they thought that their position at the top of their possession gave them the right to physically assault one of their employees because they couldn't get their own way. Clarkson's position was untenable and he had be dismissed as a matter of urgency as it was proved that he did indeed subject one of the staff responsible for elevating him to star status to a prolonged 20 minute verbal assault, followed by a 30 second physical assault, and this occuring in a public place. Now, a thirty second physical assault is more than just a punch in the mouth. You can do a great deal of damage in thirty seconds, and in this case the victim had to attend hospital. On another matter, we are assured that Clarkson kept a helicopter waiting for him for three hours whilst he got drunk. I have no problem with that unless it emerges that this helicopter was being paid for by licence payers money from the BBC. If that is the case that was my money and he should be sacked for that itself as it reveals a towering arrogance and contempt for decent standards of bhaviour.
However, what I wonder about is the mentality of the million people who signed a petition that he be absolved of any guilt for this shameful incident. It speaks volumes about the mentality of much of the British people who obviously think that people who work for you are there to be used as a punchbag and an outlet for your personal frustrations. This is the mentality of Tories, the Westminster elite and the British ruling class. Such people are simply vile. Why this BBC producer did not immediately dial 999 and have Clarkson charged is also a mystery, unless you understand the levels of bullying and intimidation that marks British management at all levels of society. In addition, this person, who was a victim of an unprovoked assault, both physically and verbally, is now being pilloried by these fine upstanding British middle class citizens and being threatened with death and being shot because he was battered by a thug who is now perfectly correctly being sacked for his behaviour. In the eyes of these people Clarkson should be allowed to behave like this and the producer sacked for being battered and causing this creature to have to answer for it. It genuinely beggars belief. I leave you to ponder Britain's ruling elite's attitude to working people.
In July 2011 a government minister, Oliver Letwin, told a conference that the government was determined to instil fear amongst public sector workers. He stated that it was only through ‘some real discipline and some fear’ of losing their jobs that excellence would be achieved. This, he proclaimed, would lead to many people in the public sector losing their jobs and that this was ‘an inevitable and intended consequence’ of government policy. This is what should happen to workers, but a TV presenter should be allowed to do whatever he likes with no redress. This I remind you was supported by the Prime Minister. These are the kind of people who are seeking your vote in May. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Having said that I would not hesitate to condemn Merckx or anyone else if they thought that their position at the top of their possession gave them the right to physically assault one of their employees because they couldn't get their own way. Clarkson's position was untenable and he had be dismissed as a matter of urgency as it was proved that he did indeed subject one of the staff responsible for elevating him to star status to a prolonged 20 minute verbal assault, followed by a 30 second physical assault, and this occuring in a public place. Now, a thirty second physical assault is more than just a punch in the mouth. You can do a great deal of damage in thirty seconds, and in this case the victim had to attend hospital. On another matter, we are assured that Clarkson kept a helicopter waiting for him for three hours whilst he got drunk. I have no problem with that unless it emerges that this helicopter was being paid for by licence payers money from the BBC. If that is the case that was my money and he should be sacked for that itself as it reveals a towering arrogance and contempt for decent standards of bhaviour.
However, what I wonder about is the mentality of the million people who signed a petition that he be absolved of any guilt for this shameful incident. It speaks volumes about the mentality of much of the British people who obviously think that people who work for you are there to be used as a punchbag and an outlet for your personal frustrations. This is the mentality of Tories, the Westminster elite and the British ruling class. Such people are simply vile. Why this BBC producer did not immediately dial 999 and have Clarkson charged is also a mystery, unless you understand the levels of bullying and intimidation that marks British management at all levels of society. In addition, this person, who was a victim of an unprovoked assault, both physically and verbally, is now being pilloried by these fine upstanding British middle class citizens and being threatened with death and being shot because he was battered by a thug who is now perfectly correctly being sacked for his behaviour. In the eyes of these people Clarkson should be allowed to behave like this and the producer sacked for being battered and causing this creature to have to answer for it. It genuinely beggars belief. I leave you to ponder Britain's ruling elite's attitude to working people.
In July 2011 a government minister, Oliver Letwin, told a conference that the government was determined to instil fear amongst public sector workers. He stated that it was only through ‘some real discipline and some fear’ of losing their jobs that excellence would be achieved. This, he proclaimed, would lead to many people in the public sector losing their jobs and that this was ‘an inevitable and intended consequence’ of government policy. This is what should happen to workers, but a TV presenter should be allowed to do whatever he likes with no redress. This I remind you was supported by the Prime Minister. These are the kind of people who are seeking your vote in May. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Is America going mad? Discuss!
It is accepted by all commentators that we in the UK are becoming more Americanised every day. Indeed our political class appear to be in thrall to everything American and, following the complete Americanisation of our economics, we are now being converted to American style politics. That is one of the reasons for the growing Scottish move towards independence from Westminster as American politics and economics are rightly seen as quite odious and unwelcome.
It is also normally accepted that Americans are sensible, liberal people and that America is a sane and rational country. Readers of this blog will know that I consider America to be a terrorist state and the biggest threat to world peace and that we should stop acting as what Harold Pinter described as America's bleating little lamb. Just this week, the American state of Utah passed a law introducing the death penalty by firing squad if they run out of the drugs used for death by lethal injection. At this time of writing, 32 states have the death penalty and others are considering following Utah in introducing firing squads. Utah claims that they are never short of volunteers for the firing squad. This is the country that parades its Christianity and its belief in God before the whole world. It confirms my beliefs in Christians. Yesterday a Republican Congressman, Ted Cruz announced that he is running for the Republican Presidential nomination. Mr Cruz has been a Congressman for two years, which apparently makes him eminently qualified to run the largest economy on earth and be in charge of the American military machine that has been engaged in some form of conflict every year since 1939. I listened to his speech in which he claimed to represent liberty, the sanctity of life, the family and the God given right of every American to bear and carry arms. I have read the Bible several times but have never come across any reference to America, nor the right of Americans to carry guns. However, I have to accept that perhaps Mr Cruz has a special mobile connection to God who has indeed informed him that He/She does endorse that right. ( I await the inevitable terrible rebuke from Mr Cruz for daring to suggest that God may be female). Another thing that I may be missing in my naivity, indeed stupidity, is that I would have thought that endorsing the sanctity of life and then endorsing the right to bear and carry lethal weapons was a contradiction. Another of Mr Cruz's policies is to abolish the American Inland Revenue, thereby depriving the American state and government any form of income from taxation. Now, how this will provide Mr Cruz's salary as a Congressman or even as a future President and how the American government can function without taxes is missing from this cunning plan. In addition, Mr Cruz claims that the American federal tax authority the IRS, employs 110,000 agents in its organisation when in fact the entire organisation employs 82,000 people of whom only one quarter are agents. So in common with most Westminster MPs his arithmetic leaves something to be desired. I say that because I would never dream of calling someone so eminent as he a liar. It genuinely beggars belief that a creature like this could be taken seriously by any section of population anywhere in the world, but my point is that he is being taken very seriously by many people in the USA.
However, if we want to talk about loony's we must consider the case of a California lawyer. The US state of California has an initiative whereby any citizen can call for a public ballot on any measure they propose by filing the proposal with the state attorney general’s office for a fee of $200. After a public review of 30 days, the attorney general must publish a summary of the measure, and the sponsor can then begin gathering signatures in order to put the initiative before voters in the next election. To get on the ballot, the initiative must have valid signatures from state residents equal to 5 percent of the people who voted in the most recent gubernatorial election. At this time of writing that comes to 366,000 signatures. A Californian lawyer called Matthew McLaughlin has filed a ballot initiative calling for the state of California to enact what he calls The Sodomite Suppression Act. This Act, if it ever managed to get passed, would mandate execution by “bullets to the head or any other convenient method” for “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification.” McLaughlin’s rationale, as explained in the proposition, is that it is better for “sodomites” to die “rather than that all of us should be killed by God’s just wrath against us for the folly of tolerating wickedness in our midst.” In addition, McLaughlin’s measure says that anyone who distributes “sodomistic propaganda” to a minor should “be fined $1 million per occurrence, and/or imprisoned up to 10 years, and/or expelled from the boundaries of the state of California for up to life.” He defines “sodomistic propaganda” as “anything aimed at creating an interest in or an acceptance of human sexual relations other than between a man and a woman.”
Is America going mad? Discuss! I have no space here to discuss the death penalty so will return to it later. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
It is also normally accepted that Americans are sensible, liberal people and that America is a sane and rational country. Readers of this blog will know that I consider America to be a terrorist state and the biggest threat to world peace and that we should stop acting as what Harold Pinter described as America's bleating little lamb. Just this week, the American state of Utah passed a law introducing the death penalty by firing squad if they run out of the drugs used for death by lethal injection. At this time of writing, 32 states have the death penalty and others are considering following Utah in introducing firing squads. Utah claims that they are never short of volunteers for the firing squad. This is the country that parades its Christianity and its belief in God before the whole world. It confirms my beliefs in Christians. Yesterday a Republican Congressman, Ted Cruz announced that he is running for the Republican Presidential nomination. Mr Cruz has been a Congressman for two years, which apparently makes him eminently qualified to run the largest economy on earth and be in charge of the American military machine that has been engaged in some form of conflict every year since 1939. I listened to his speech in which he claimed to represent liberty, the sanctity of life, the family and the God given right of every American to bear and carry arms. I have read the Bible several times but have never come across any reference to America, nor the right of Americans to carry guns. However, I have to accept that perhaps Mr Cruz has a special mobile connection to God who has indeed informed him that He/She does endorse that right. ( I await the inevitable terrible rebuke from Mr Cruz for daring to suggest that God may be female). Another thing that I may be missing in my naivity, indeed stupidity, is that I would have thought that endorsing the sanctity of life and then endorsing the right to bear and carry lethal weapons was a contradiction. Another of Mr Cruz's policies is to abolish the American Inland Revenue, thereby depriving the American state and government any form of income from taxation. Now, how this will provide Mr Cruz's salary as a Congressman or even as a future President and how the American government can function without taxes is missing from this cunning plan. In addition, Mr Cruz claims that the American federal tax authority the IRS, employs 110,000 agents in its organisation when in fact the entire organisation employs 82,000 people of whom only one quarter are agents. So in common with most Westminster MPs his arithmetic leaves something to be desired. I say that because I would never dream of calling someone so eminent as he a liar. It genuinely beggars belief that a creature like this could be taken seriously by any section of population anywhere in the world, but my point is that he is being taken very seriously by many people in the USA.
However, if we want to talk about loony's we must consider the case of a California lawyer. The US state of California has an initiative whereby any citizen can call for a public ballot on any measure they propose by filing the proposal with the state attorney general’s office for a fee of $200. After a public review of 30 days, the attorney general must publish a summary of the measure, and the sponsor can then begin gathering signatures in order to put the initiative before voters in the next election. To get on the ballot, the initiative must have valid signatures from state residents equal to 5 percent of the people who voted in the most recent gubernatorial election. At this time of writing that comes to 366,000 signatures. A Californian lawyer called Matthew McLaughlin has filed a ballot initiative calling for the state of California to enact what he calls The Sodomite Suppression Act. This Act, if it ever managed to get passed, would mandate execution by “bullets to the head or any other convenient method” for “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification.” McLaughlin’s rationale, as explained in the proposition, is that it is better for “sodomites” to die “rather than that all of us should be killed by God’s just wrath against us for the folly of tolerating wickedness in our midst.” In addition, McLaughlin’s measure says that anyone who distributes “sodomistic propaganda” to a minor should “be fined $1 million per occurrence, and/or imprisoned up to 10 years, and/or expelled from the boundaries of the state of California for up to life.” He defines “sodomistic propaganda” as “anything aimed at creating an interest in or an acceptance of human sexual relations other than between a man and a woman.”
Is America going mad? Discuss! I have no space here to discuss the death penalty so will return to it later. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Walking Tall? I'm glad you think so!!
I want you all to contemplate Chancellor George Osborne's statement in his budget speech that, according to this coalition government, Britain is walking tall again because of their policies. He is telling us that this government is a success, its policies have been a success and that "the sun is shining again". These remarks come from someone who has only one criteria for reference, a very narrow monetary criteria that takes no account of either politics, social conditions or the general welfare of the nation. I also wish you to note that the Labour Party has already told us that they will not alter the budget provisions in any way, they will only make different spending priorities within the same budgetary framework. So, Labour are in effect agreeing with the Chancellor's analysis of the health of the nation and differening only in the details of how to operate within the limits set by the government. Remember these are the people who told us that we are Better Together.
We therefore have a Westminster political class who are agreed that we are indeed walking tall. However, their height has been gained on the backs of over 1million people relying on foodbanks every day. If we are walking tall it is on the backs of working people who the government's own figures tell us are losing £1500 per annum since this government came into power. We are walking tall over the estimated 67% of Scottish people who are now supporting independence because they realise the treachery of all the Westminster parties following the referendum lies. We are walking tall over the backs of people who are committing suicide because of benefits cuts, over an NHS that is falling apart, is seriously understaffed at the clinical level and is being slowly but surely dismantled by privatisation. We are walking tall over the backs of the victims of the biggest housing crisis in my lifetime, where private landlords are making fortunes from exploitative rents and governments are encouraging them by refusing to build enough homes for people. We are walking tall over the backs of over 10million people who are in part-time temporary and zero-hours employment. We are walking tall over the backs of what the government themselves recently estimated to be around half a million people living in slavery in this country. Even the government's own people are now admitting that the burden of the recovery that they are trying, and failing miserably, to achieve, has fallen on the poorest people in our society. I could genuinely write a book about this. This is government by outright lie. This is government by blatant class warfare. This is government by an elite who openly display a hatred for the majority of the people it has been elected to represent. These people are indeed walking tall as they are making fortunes out of everyone else's misery. However, the majority and particularly the poorest people in our society are barely crawling never mind walking. What you must ask yourself, is this the type of society I wish to live in? Do I agree that the country can only walk tall because of the misery of others? Is this the type of people I wish to represent me?
The callousness and greed of the people who run this country cannot be understood by normal people. Most people find it difficult to believe that what they are doing to ordinary people is quite planned and deliberate. I know this because I spend so much of my time listening to people who refuse to believe what is in front of their eyes. You see because people are basically decent, they think that politicians are decent as well and wouldn't do what they are doing deliberately. It's the fault of immigrants, of skivers and shirkers, of benefit scroungers. It must be because that is what they are constantly being told by the papers and by the government and people like UKIP. Finally, I hope you took note of what we were told in the budget, that the squeeze on working people, people on benefits, the disabled etc. is about to get much worse. If we in Scotland cannot do better than this then I will definitely give up. You can change things, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
We therefore have a Westminster political class who are agreed that we are indeed walking tall. However, their height has been gained on the backs of over 1million people relying on foodbanks every day. If we are walking tall it is on the backs of working people who the government's own figures tell us are losing £1500 per annum since this government came into power. We are walking tall over the estimated 67% of Scottish people who are now supporting independence because they realise the treachery of all the Westminster parties following the referendum lies. We are walking tall over the backs of people who are committing suicide because of benefits cuts, over an NHS that is falling apart, is seriously understaffed at the clinical level and is being slowly but surely dismantled by privatisation. We are walking tall over the backs of the victims of the biggest housing crisis in my lifetime, where private landlords are making fortunes from exploitative rents and governments are encouraging them by refusing to build enough homes for people. We are walking tall over the backs of over 10million people who are in part-time temporary and zero-hours employment. We are walking tall over the backs of what the government themselves recently estimated to be around half a million people living in slavery in this country. Even the government's own people are now admitting that the burden of the recovery that they are trying, and failing miserably, to achieve, has fallen on the poorest people in our society. I could genuinely write a book about this. This is government by outright lie. This is government by blatant class warfare. This is government by an elite who openly display a hatred for the majority of the people it has been elected to represent. These people are indeed walking tall as they are making fortunes out of everyone else's misery. However, the majority and particularly the poorest people in our society are barely crawling never mind walking. What you must ask yourself, is this the type of society I wish to live in? Do I agree that the country can only walk tall because of the misery of others? Is this the type of people I wish to represent me?
The callousness and greed of the people who run this country cannot be understood by normal people. Most people find it difficult to believe that what they are doing to ordinary people is quite planned and deliberate. I know this because I spend so much of my time listening to people who refuse to believe what is in front of their eyes. You see because people are basically decent, they think that politicians are decent as well and wouldn't do what they are doing deliberately. It's the fault of immigrants, of skivers and shirkers, of benefit scroungers. It must be because that is what they are constantly being told by the papers and by the government and people like UKIP. Finally, I hope you took note of what we were told in the budget, that the squeeze on working people, people on benefits, the disabled etc. is about to get much worse. If we in Scotland cannot do better than this then I will definitely give up. You can change things, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Housing Crisis? It was always part of the Tories Grand Plan
May I begin by quoting a paragraph from an article in this morning's Observer.
"If there is one thing that revolutionary communists and bankers can agree on, it is that there is a housing crisis in Britain. There are too few homes, usually costing too much, often in the wrong places, and often of poor quality. The crisis damages lives, breaks up families, blights employment prospects, reduces mobility and slows the economy".
I have written before that if I was asked to name one measure that typified the arrival of Britain as a civilised society it would be the introduction of council housing. The antithesis of that is that I consider the privatisation of council housing as the start of Britain's descent into barbarism. I have been an implacable opponent of the privatisation of council housing since it was first mooted by Thatcher and her toadies. I spoke out and told people that it would be a disaster, but not only that, I considered it both immoral and economically insane. For years I was teated with contempt and derision. It has turned out to be every bit as bad as I predicted and all our 'experts' are now eating humble pie and admitting that it has been a disaster. Privatising council housing was not, as the so-called experts tell us, an act of freedom, of liberating working people and giving them dignity and a stake in society. It was an act of pure spite and malice born of a hatred of working people, a hatred of collectivism and social altruism. It was also a mechanism in Thatcher's war against trades unions and working people as she calculated that people who now owned their homes and had a mortgage would be much less likely to go on strike. She was correct in that but what these workers were not to know was that this would come back and bite them with a fury. Thatcher was indeed clever, ruthless and cunning, as her natural instinct was to appeal to everything that was base and immoral in human nature. As we now see it worked, but has increasingly destroyed British society, which of course was her intention all along. When she told us that there is no such thing as society she said it for a very good reason, she was intending to dismantle the society she was put in charge of when elected Prime Minister. I genuinely sometimes think that I was the only person listening in those days. The sale of council housing was the first shot in the war that has led to the atomisation of society, the alienation of large sectors of the population, zero-hours contracts, part-time temporary employment, benefit cuts etc.
Thatcher quite deliberately destroyed the concept of a house being a home. From now on it has to be seen as an asset, a financial tool. When she spoke about homeownership she really meant house ownership, a financial asset to be bought and sold, to be traded and used as collateral. Look at the way the Tories are quite prepared to evict people from a home they have lived in for 40 or 50 years and move them to some other location because they have spare rooms? You would never consider moving someone from their family home, you would only do it if you saw that property as exactly that, a property, a house and not a home. These people are barbarians and I will never tire of reminding you all of that. There is a truly critical need to build more housing, but that cannot be left to the private sector who must now be regarded by every sane person as parasites. It must be delegated to public provision. This will not happen under the Westminster domination whose personnel are totally in thrall to what is laughingly called the market. There is no such thing, it is an illusion and a fraud. You have a responsibility at the next election, to your family, your children, your community and the nation. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
"If there is one thing that revolutionary communists and bankers can agree on, it is that there is a housing crisis in Britain. There are too few homes, usually costing too much, often in the wrong places, and often of poor quality. The crisis damages lives, breaks up families, blights employment prospects, reduces mobility and slows the economy".
I have written before that if I was asked to name one measure that typified the arrival of Britain as a civilised society it would be the introduction of council housing. The antithesis of that is that I consider the privatisation of council housing as the start of Britain's descent into barbarism. I have been an implacable opponent of the privatisation of council housing since it was first mooted by Thatcher and her toadies. I spoke out and told people that it would be a disaster, but not only that, I considered it both immoral and economically insane. For years I was teated with contempt and derision. It has turned out to be every bit as bad as I predicted and all our 'experts' are now eating humble pie and admitting that it has been a disaster. Privatising council housing was not, as the so-called experts tell us, an act of freedom, of liberating working people and giving them dignity and a stake in society. It was an act of pure spite and malice born of a hatred of working people, a hatred of collectivism and social altruism. It was also a mechanism in Thatcher's war against trades unions and working people as she calculated that people who now owned their homes and had a mortgage would be much less likely to go on strike. She was correct in that but what these workers were not to know was that this would come back and bite them with a fury. Thatcher was indeed clever, ruthless and cunning, as her natural instinct was to appeal to everything that was base and immoral in human nature. As we now see it worked, but has increasingly destroyed British society, which of course was her intention all along. When she told us that there is no such thing as society she said it for a very good reason, she was intending to dismantle the society she was put in charge of when elected Prime Minister. I genuinely sometimes think that I was the only person listening in those days. The sale of council housing was the first shot in the war that has led to the atomisation of society, the alienation of large sectors of the population, zero-hours contracts, part-time temporary employment, benefit cuts etc.
Thatcher quite deliberately destroyed the concept of a house being a home. From now on it has to be seen as an asset, a financial tool. When she spoke about homeownership she really meant house ownership, a financial asset to be bought and sold, to be traded and used as collateral. Look at the way the Tories are quite prepared to evict people from a home they have lived in for 40 or 50 years and move them to some other location because they have spare rooms? You would never consider moving someone from their family home, you would only do it if you saw that property as exactly that, a property, a house and not a home. These people are barbarians and I will never tire of reminding you all of that. There is a truly critical need to build more housing, but that cannot be left to the private sector who must now be regarded by every sane person as parasites. It must be delegated to public provision. This will not happen under the Westminster domination whose personnel are totally in thrall to what is laughingly called the market. There is no such thing, it is an illusion and a fraud. You have a responsibility at the next election, to your family, your children, your community and the nation. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Farewell to a genius
The label genius, is utilised far to loosely in today's world of hyperbole, but in the case of Terry Pratchett I really think it is merited. I have read Pratchett for many years and have read all of his works and I can honestly say that I have never been disappointed. Pratchett's writings are a genuine delight. You may think that to say that someone who has written 70 books is consistently good is stretching credulity, no-one can write so much without writing at least one duffer, but not in this case.
I do not think it is being silly to say that Pratchett was a genuine philosopher. His insights are marvellous and accurate and written with a humour that is infectious. His characters are brilliant and you can actually come to believe in witches, wizards, golems, vampires, dwarfs and zombies who have personalities and run the whole gamut of human emotions.
I am an ardent fan of PG Wodehouse and would place Pratchett in the same mould as a social and political observer who can make the ridiculous seem normal. If you have never read Pratchett I would recommend you read the City Watch series beginning with 'Guards, Guards' but that is a personal preference. You can start anywhere and you will never be disappointed. I am certain you will be hooked. Farewell Terry, you have given me many hours of pleasure and I thank you, you will definitely be sorely missed.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I do not think it is being silly to say that Pratchett was a genuine philosopher. His insights are marvellous and accurate and written with a humour that is infectious. His characters are brilliant and you can actually come to believe in witches, wizards, golems, vampires, dwarfs and zombies who have personalities and run the whole gamut of human emotions.
I am an ardent fan of PG Wodehouse and would place Pratchett in the same mould as a social and political observer who can make the ridiculous seem normal. If you have never read Pratchett I would recommend you read the City Watch series beginning with 'Guards, Guards' but that is a personal preference. You can start anywhere and you will never be disappointed. I am certain you will be hooked. Farewell Terry, you have given me many hours of pleasure and I thank you, you will definitely be sorely missed.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I must apologise to Don Corleone
I have been asked if I don't think I've been a 'bit harsh' in my description of the Blessed Gordon Brown in my recent comments? I actually think I was a bit too conciliatory, because, if we look at this man's political pedigree whilst in Parliament I genuinely feel that I have been a bit harsh on Don Corleone. However, I make one concession, my comments on Brown and the one's to follow are equally applicable to all Labour Party MPs and activists and what I attribute to Brown in what follows is an analogy of the Labour Party in addition to an opinion of the Blessed Gordon.
Brown was the Chancellor who embedded neoliberal free market economics into British politics and culture in a way that Thatcher could only have dreamt about and laid the foundations of what Cameron and Osborne are now taking advantage of. This is the man who strides the nation proclaiming himself the saviour of working people, but who made no attempt whatsoever to reverse any of the Tories anti-union legislation nor sought to prevent the erosion of employment rights and the managerial culture that has bedevilled the lives of so many honest working people. This is the man who was so passionate in his support for the Iraq War, who supported the lies and misinformation of his PM Mad Tony. This is the man who supported identity cards, who was a major figure in the government who passed over 4,300 new criminal offences during his time in office, including what must be the craziest piece of legislation in British history, making it illegal to swim in the hull of the Titanic. Between 1988 and 1996 the Tories created 494 new offences. During the 13 years of Labour rule under Mad Tony and the Blessed Gordon, the Home Office were passing an average of 28 offences every month which rose to 33 a month after Don Gordon became PM. From 1945 to the 1980's Parliament produced one criminal justice Bill every ten years, from 1997 to 2010 Labour passed over 50. This reveals not only a genuine insanity but also a malice that is quite terrifying.
Under Labour almost all types of peaceful protest were criminalised. They introduced top up fees for students, foundation hospitals, the Private Finance Initiatives that are destroying the NHS, the French company ATOS that made such a disastrous but truly sinister cock-up of the benefits system. The entire Labour Party promoted these measures and enthusiastically supported them, including to their eternal shame, most of our labour unions. After the Blessed Gordon's 13 years as Chancellor, inequality was higher than under the previous 18 years of Tory government. He was also an active supporter of Blair's wars, and the torture and rendition of innocent people. He is therefore guilty of actively supporting the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. He was the biggest deregulator of the 'market' and is primarily responsible for the successive policies that produced the financial crash.
If Brown is to be remembered it will be for lying through his teeth to the Scottish people, for sucking up to the bankers and the Murdoch empire, for the manner in which he elevated the rich and battered the poor and for his genuine hatred and contempt for ordinary working people. In 13 years as Chancellor Gordon made not one attempt to tackle the housing crisis caused by the privatisation of council housing, but was quite happy to spend billions on war and nuclear weapons. This is the man who we are expected to look to as the saviour of the Scottish people and the Union. It genuinely beggars belief that that anyone gives a scintilla of credibility to anything he says on any subject.
In conclusion, I sincerely apologise to Don Corleone for likening him to such a person. I think Don Corleone would have quite liked the Scottish people, the Blessed Gordon demonstrably hates them. You have been warned.
Brown was the Chancellor who embedded neoliberal free market economics into British politics and culture in a way that Thatcher could only have dreamt about and laid the foundations of what Cameron and Osborne are now taking advantage of. This is the man who strides the nation proclaiming himself the saviour of working people, but who made no attempt whatsoever to reverse any of the Tories anti-union legislation nor sought to prevent the erosion of employment rights and the managerial culture that has bedevilled the lives of so many honest working people. This is the man who was so passionate in his support for the Iraq War, who supported the lies and misinformation of his PM Mad Tony. This is the man who supported identity cards, who was a major figure in the government who passed over 4,300 new criminal offences during his time in office, including what must be the craziest piece of legislation in British history, making it illegal to swim in the hull of the Titanic. Between 1988 and 1996 the Tories created 494 new offences. During the 13 years of Labour rule under Mad Tony and the Blessed Gordon, the Home Office were passing an average of 28 offences every month which rose to 33 a month after Don Gordon became PM. From 1945 to the 1980's Parliament produced one criminal justice Bill every ten years, from 1997 to 2010 Labour passed over 50. This reveals not only a genuine insanity but also a malice that is quite terrifying.
Under Labour almost all types of peaceful protest were criminalised. They introduced top up fees for students, foundation hospitals, the Private Finance Initiatives that are destroying the NHS, the French company ATOS that made such a disastrous but truly sinister cock-up of the benefits system. The entire Labour Party promoted these measures and enthusiastically supported them, including to their eternal shame, most of our labour unions. After the Blessed Gordon's 13 years as Chancellor, inequality was higher than under the previous 18 years of Tory government. He was also an active supporter of Blair's wars, and the torture and rendition of innocent people. He is therefore guilty of actively supporting the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. He was the biggest deregulator of the 'market' and is primarily responsible for the successive policies that produced the financial crash.
If Brown is to be remembered it will be for lying through his teeth to the Scottish people, for sucking up to the bankers and the Murdoch empire, for the manner in which he elevated the rich and battered the poor and for his genuine hatred and contempt for ordinary working people. In 13 years as Chancellor Gordon made not one attempt to tackle the housing crisis caused by the privatisation of council housing, but was quite happy to spend billions on war and nuclear weapons. This is the man who we are expected to look to as the saviour of the Scottish people and the Union. It genuinely beggars belief that that anyone gives a scintilla of credibility to anything he says on any subject.
In conclusion, I sincerely apologise to Don Corleone for likening him to such a person. I think Don Corleone would have quite liked the Scottish people, the Blessed Gordon demonstrably hates them. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 9 March 2015
Don Gordon Corleone
I would like to focus your attention on the profoundly anti-democratic mindset of the modern Westminster politician and highlight how the politics of the UK has become so totally corrupted. It again highlights how Westminster has gone beyond repair and how they are completely contemptuous of the electorate, the common people whom they despise with a passion.
You will be aware how, according to the Tories, if the SNP wins a significant number of seats and forms a deal with Labour this will represent 'the worst nightmare' imaginable for Britain. Now, I ask you to contemplate what exactly the Tories are saying about the Scottish people here. Cameron yesterday announced that such a scenario would result in 'total chaos'. At the same time, Labour are telling us that every vote for the SNP means the greater likelihood of a Tory government, despite the fact that every vote for Labour in Scotland normally means that we get a Tory government. It also tells us that it is still not getting through Labour's consciousness that to the average Scot whether Labour or the Conservatives win the next election we will still get a Tory government because Labour and the Tories are indistinguishable. I was struck recently when watching The Godfather on TV of the similarities between the Mafia and our Westminster politicians, particularly the Labour Party. Alarmed at the influence of the Corleone family, a section of the Mafia decide to strike at them and Don Corleone gets wind of it. However, they are unaware of where the real threat will come from. What they do know is that they have a traitor in their midst and the Don tells his son Michael that the traitor will be the one who brings an offer of conciliatory talks to him. That is what happens and the traitor is revealed as one of their trusted friends who does indeed bring an offer from their enemies. I immediately thought of Gordon Brown with his treacherous 'vow' on the eve of the referendum which we all know was a complete lie and a shameful, and quite deliberate, betrayal of the Scottish people. It was Gordon who brought us the offer and, as I have said before, whilst we have always known that a Tory is the natural enemy of the people, we now know that Labour are no better. They are truly disgusting.
You see both Labour and the Tories are telling us that no matter what the people of Scotland vote, it will matter nothing unless we vote how they want us to vote. Both parties have said that they will ensure that an SNP presence in Parliament will have no influence unless it does what they want it to do. I want you to ask yourself who these people think they are? They quite genuinely think that they are the voice of the Scottish people, and the only legitimate voice. If the Scots are too stupid to vote either Labour or Tory then they will have to suffer the consequences; we cannot have a Parliament under the influence of the drunken barbaric hordes of skivers, shirkers and benefit scroungers who go by the collective title of Scottish.
What the two parties simply refuse to accept is that a vote for the SNP is a rejection of the Westminster model of politics and a rejection of Scottish inferiority and second class status. Many people are voting SNP to gain an independence, whether total or partial, from Westminster and that having achieved that they will then be free to vote for whoever they want in a reformed and remodelled Scottish political system freed from the corruption and arrogance of the Westminster elite. Westminster genuinely believes that elections are 'theirs' they are not for the people. The only choice the people must have is which of the Westminster elite be allowed a term in government. Any other options that lie outside of those elite parameters are invalid and must be negated. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
You will be aware how, according to the Tories, if the SNP wins a significant number of seats and forms a deal with Labour this will represent 'the worst nightmare' imaginable for Britain. Now, I ask you to contemplate what exactly the Tories are saying about the Scottish people here. Cameron yesterday announced that such a scenario would result in 'total chaos'. At the same time, Labour are telling us that every vote for the SNP means the greater likelihood of a Tory government, despite the fact that every vote for Labour in Scotland normally means that we get a Tory government. It also tells us that it is still not getting through Labour's consciousness that to the average Scot whether Labour or the Conservatives win the next election we will still get a Tory government because Labour and the Tories are indistinguishable. I was struck recently when watching The Godfather on TV of the similarities between the Mafia and our Westminster politicians, particularly the Labour Party. Alarmed at the influence of the Corleone family, a section of the Mafia decide to strike at them and Don Corleone gets wind of it. However, they are unaware of where the real threat will come from. What they do know is that they have a traitor in their midst and the Don tells his son Michael that the traitor will be the one who brings an offer of conciliatory talks to him. That is what happens and the traitor is revealed as one of their trusted friends who does indeed bring an offer from their enemies. I immediately thought of Gordon Brown with his treacherous 'vow' on the eve of the referendum which we all know was a complete lie and a shameful, and quite deliberate, betrayal of the Scottish people. It was Gordon who brought us the offer and, as I have said before, whilst we have always known that a Tory is the natural enemy of the people, we now know that Labour are no better. They are truly disgusting.
You see both Labour and the Tories are telling us that no matter what the people of Scotland vote, it will matter nothing unless we vote how they want us to vote. Both parties have said that they will ensure that an SNP presence in Parliament will have no influence unless it does what they want it to do. I want you to ask yourself who these people think they are? They quite genuinely think that they are the voice of the Scottish people, and the only legitimate voice. If the Scots are too stupid to vote either Labour or Tory then they will have to suffer the consequences; we cannot have a Parliament under the influence of the drunken barbaric hordes of skivers, shirkers and benefit scroungers who go by the collective title of Scottish.
What the two parties simply refuse to accept is that a vote for the SNP is a rejection of the Westminster model of politics and a rejection of Scottish inferiority and second class status. Many people are voting SNP to gain an independence, whether total or partial, from Westminster and that having achieved that they will then be free to vote for whoever they want in a reformed and remodelled Scottish political system freed from the corruption and arrogance of the Westminster elite. Westminster genuinely believes that elections are 'theirs' they are not for the people. The only choice the people must have is which of the Westminster elite be allowed a term in government. Any other options that lie outside of those elite parameters are invalid and must be negated. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Surely there can't be more than one Truth?
It is difficult to watch a news or current affairs programme today without some kind of "in-depth" analysis by some so-called expert on the reasons why young British people become involved with and committed to what are always termed extremist organisations. Well they do it for the very same reasons that other people who are generally regarded as normal join different organisations, many of whom, such as UKIP and the Conservative Party, I certainly consider extremist. The reason is ideology.
Ideas are the most powerful things in the world, much more powerful than bombs, guns and other forms of weaponry. It was ideas and the ideologies that such ideas spawned that drove the Nazis and the Soviet regime to murder and eliminate millions of innocent people. It is ideas that drive what is happening today in Guantanamo Bay. To read our press you would think that torture and atrocity are the sole preserve of Islamic movements, but we have the incontrovertible evidence that both us and the Americans are just as capable of atrocity as anyone else. Islamic State is being accused of wanting to rule the whole world, but the Americans have been quite open about the fact that they also mean to do just that for decades now. However, it's all right for America to bomb innocent people, invade other countries, torture and massacre their populace because they are the good guys eh? If anyone wants to know about barbarism I suggest they read about British rule in India.
The thing about ideology is that it usually provides certainty. Your religion furnishes you with the truth, and of course if you have the truth, then the other guy is by definition wrong. So, the Christian has the unvarnished truth and so does the Muslim. What complicates matters is that the Catholic truth is different from the Protestant and the Sunni truth is different from the Shi'ite. Its the same with political ideologies, for example, very few Westminster MPs begin a sentence with anything other than the statement 'the truth is...' and they are always telling us that what they do 'is the right thing to do'. You see if you have the truth then you are absolved from the tiresome necessity of having to think. You are always right, and I am always wrong, simples. That allows you to defend the necessity of having to prevent the other person from opposing you, because anyone opposing the truth must be a baddie, don't they? So it's OK to torture and kill baddies and enemies of the truth, to destroy their homes, their countries, their infrastructure etc. If you are doing this in the cause of truth then you are actually doing the poor misguided creatures a favour. My problem is that when I consider religion and politics, I am faced with about a million truths and I can never decide which one of them is true. Confusing isn't it? I will continue this thought later as this post is getting too big. In the meantime, if you are confronted with some enlightened and blessed soul who wishes to share their truth with you, take my advice, run! You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Ideas are the most powerful things in the world, much more powerful than bombs, guns and other forms of weaponry. It was ideas and the ideologies that such ideas spawned that drove the Nazis and the Soviet regime to murder and eliminate millions of innocent people. It is ideas that drive what is happening today in Guantanamo Bay. To read our press you would think that torture and atrocity are the sole preserve of Islamic movements, but we have the incontrovertible evidence that both us and the Americans are just as capable of atrocity as anyone else. Islamic State is being accused of wanting to rule the whole world, but the Americans have been quite open about the fact that they also mean to do just that for decades now. However, it's all right for America to bomb innocent people, invade other countries, torture and massacre their populace because they are the good guys eh? If anyone wants to know about barbarism I suggest they read about British rule in India.
The thing about ideology is that it usually provides certainty. Your religion furnishes you with the truth, and of course if you have the truth, then the other guy is by definition wrong. So, the Christian has the unvarnished truth and so does the Muslim. What complicates matters is that the Catholic truth is different from the Protestant and the Sunni truth is different from the Shi'ite. Its the same with political ideologies, for example, very few Westminster MPs begin a sentence with anything other than the statement 'the truth is...' and they are always telling us that what they do 'is the right thing to do'. You see if you have the truth then you are absolved from the tiresome necessity of having to think. You are always right, and I am always wrong, simples. That allows you to defend the necessity of having to prevent the other person from opposing you, because anyone opposing the truth must be a baddie, don't they? So it's OK to torture and kill baddies and enemies of the truth, to destroy their homes, their countries, their infrastructure etc. If you are doing this in the cause of truth then you are actually doing the poor misguided creatures a favour. My problem is that when I consider religion and politics, I am faced with about a million truths and I can never decide which one of them is true. Confusing isn't it? I will continue this thought later as this post is getting too big. In the meantime, if you are confronted with some enlightened and blessed soul who wishes to share their truth with you, take my advice, run! You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 2 March 2015
Russia might be the Tories enemy, but they are not mine.
I am convinced that Westminster politicians live in a different universe from the rest of us mere mortals. I was intrigued to read how our imbecilic Foreign Secretary, Michael Fallon, thinks that we are getting close to a military confrontation with Russia. Of course when he says 'we' he means NATO, which is of course a shorthand for the United States. At the present moment Russia has an armed forces of around one million personnel, with double that number in reserve. When the Soviet forces invaded Germany in 1944, they did so with over 5 million personnel, despite having lost at least that same number in the previous three years. Such is the Russian capacity if forced to mobilise.
I have written before that the present crisis in the Ukraine was engineered by the USA. Russia's response was entirely predictable, and, as far as I'm concerned wholly justified. It should not be forgotten that in 1990, the NATO countries, including the USA gave Russia a firm promise that NATO would not expand 'another inch' eastwards. This was delivered to President Gorbachev to allow him to agree to the unification of Germany and calm Russian fears that East Germany would be incorporated into the NATO alliance. Like all Western politicians, the NATO ministers who made this promise were lying through their teeth and now NATO's forces, particularly the Americans, have advanced, not only up to Russia's borders, but in the case of Ukraine, into territory that the Russians consider belongs to them. If Ukraine is accepted as a member of the EU and NATO this would be the equivalent of Russia sending troops and nuclear missile batteries into Canada and Mexico.
I have mentioned before that if you watch "The Nazis; a Warning from History" on TV you will learn how the Ukrainians were amongst Hitler's biggest supporters and how most concentration camp guards were either Ukrainians or Lithuanians. The Ukrainians opposing Russia are perfectly free to do so, however, we must never lose sight of the fact that the majority of them are anti-semitic fascists who fought the Russians during WW11 with many of them losing their lives at Stalingrad and therefore being party to the inhumanity and appalling suffering inflicted on that city and its inhabitants. The Russians have long and perfectly understandable memories of their Ukrainian neighbours. Remember, the Soviets lost 25 million people in WW2. The Russians will never forget that. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, Russia has!
The two greatest military forces in modern European history, Napoleon's Grand Army, and the German Wehrmacht, both came to grief in Russia. Perhaps Mr Hammond feels that the modern British army is a superior force to either of those. My estimation of our Westminster elite is that he is probably mad enough to think that. However, the reality is that the Tories are hiding behind Obama's skirts. Question - Should there be a war with Russia and it became nuclear, would Western Europe escape the effects of such a conflagration. Discuss!
You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
I have written before that the present crisis in the Ukraine was engineered by the USA. Russia's response was entirely predictable, and, as far as I'm concerned wholly justified. It should not be forgotten that in 1990, the NATO countries, including the USA gave Russia a firm promise that NATO would not expand 'another inch' eastwards. This was delivered to President Gorbachev to allow him to agree to the unification of Germany and calm Russian fears that East Germany would be incorporated into the NATO alliance. Like all Western politicians, the NATO ministers who made this promise were lying through their teeth and now NATO's forces, particularly the Americans, have advanced, not only up to Russia's borders, but in the case of Ukraine, into territory that the Russians consider belongs to them. If Ukraine is accepted as a member of the EU and NATO this would be the equivalent of Russia sending troops and nuclear missile batteries into Canada and Mexico.
I have mentioned before that if you watch "The Nazis; a Warning from History" on TV you will learn how the Ukrainians were amongst Hitler's biggest supporters and how most concentration camp guards were either Ukrainians or Lithuanians. The Ukrainians opposing Russia are perfectly free to do so, however, we must never lose sight of the fact that the majority of them are anti-semitic fascists who fought the Russians during WW11 with many of them losing their lives at Stalingrad and therefore being party to the inhumanity and appalling suffering inflicted on that city and its inhabitants. The Russians have long and perfectly understandable memories of their Ukrainian neighbours. Remember, the Soviets lost 25 million people in WW2. The Russians will never forget that. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, Russia has!
The two greatest military forces in modern European history, Napoleon's Grand Army, and the German Wehrmacht, both came to grief in Russia. Perhaps Mr Hammond feels that the modern British army is a superior force to either of those. My estimation of our Westminster elite is that he is probably mad enough to think that. However, the reality is that the Tories are hiding behind Obama's skirts. Question - Should there be a war with Russia and it became nuclear, would Western Europe escape the effects of such a conflagration. Discuss!
You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
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