Monday, 19 January 2015

What a wonderful place we are to be better together!

Well there you have it, officially and unchallenged, the top 1% of the worlds population now own half of all the world's wealth. It was the main story on tonight's Channel Four news. I trust people will start taking a bit more notice of what I am writing now as I would like to remind you that I have been warning you about this since I started this blog.

There is no intelligent response necessary to such a revelation as it is self-explanatory. It is disgustingly obscene. We are dominated by an deeply flawed economic ideology, a deeply flawed economic system that has been erected as a result, and by an appalling political class that is in thrall to that ideology. Labour have again announced that if they win the election this year they are going to retain the Tories spending plans. As a result, it will not matter one jot whether you get a Labour or a Tory government because whatever you get will be identical to the other lot and the dominant economic model will once again get the blessing of the Westminster criminals. Despite the appalling state of the economy with over 1million people now dependent on foodbanks, this ideology has not failed, it has delivered exactly as it was designed to do, to transfer wealth from the poorest in society to the richest. It is the British people's misfortune that they consistently buy into the Westminster narrative that they are governing for the nation, they are not, and, since 1979, never have. They are governing for those whom Thatcher referred to as 'our' people. If ever a practical joke was successfully practiced on a gullible public it was the notion that we are Better Together.

I know from experience of talking to many people that they find it very difficult to believe that making the majority poorer in order to make the minority richer is official Westminster policy. I say Westminster because it is the policy of all major parties in Westminster, including UKIP, but with the exception of the SNP and the Greens. It is quite deliberate, as is the decision to denigrate and demonise the most disadvantaged in society, it is the scapegoat mentality. The British consistently buy into the dominant narrative that their misfortune is the result of benefit scroungers, immigrants, public spending and all the other garbage that spews out of the Sun, the Express and the Mail.

The inequalities we see, not only in the UK, but globally, are profoundly unjust, and, as Adam Smith tells us, 'the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society.' This is an economic model that, not only would Smith fail to recognise, but would utterly condemn. As I keep telling you, there is not, nor can be, a free market. The pursuit of a free market is the pursuit of an illusion. Again I remind you, Adam Smith never uses the term free market. Our dominant economic model is a lie and a fraud, and that is why it is so attractive to the liars and fraudsters that inhabit Westminster.

There can be no respite for this country until this economic model is challenged, exposed for the lie it is, and ditched. In tandem with that the political class that supports this model must also be exposed as liars, challenged and ditched. I can see no light ahead except to urge people to vote against the Westminster parties at every opportunity. It is to be hoped that the Scots will cleanse our politics by once again making Scotland a Tory free zone this May, but with the bonus of making it a Lib/Dem free zone as well. In addition, no intelligent person could reasonably vote Labour, but in Scotland I know that is too much to ask. It is to be hoped however that they lose as many seats as possible. We may not have won the referendum, but surely those who voted No must now be deeply regretting it. We can only hope. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 12 January 2015

In May you'll have the chance to vote for your slavery

I have been  writing about how Westminster is determined to destroy whatever freedoms we currently enjoy, and I have repeatedly warned you that one of the ends of this process is the goal of reducing working people to chattels and slaves. I trust you have seen the Tories announcement that they intend legislating to make it almost impossible for workers in the public sector to take industrial action. Should this prove successful it will be extended to encompass all working people who belong to trades unions thereby ending the possibility of working people to deploy the only weapon they possess for their protection against managers and employers who will be in a position to do whatever they want with no redress. The British worker will be effectively reduced to a condition of slavery, totally reliant on whatever their employer is willing to give them.

Many people have taken issue with me over the years because I have persistently maintained this line, but they are increasingly quiet now that it is becoming obvious. British people cannot bring themselves to admit that we live in a country that will do such things and get angry with people like me who suggest that the British are capable of acting like barbarians. But the truth is that the British are not only capable but have a track record of slavery, barbarism and naked greed. The civilising influences on British life have been the establishment of the rights and responsibilities that our governments have been so keen to attack since Thatcher came to power. Our civility has resided in law, on limiting power, on restraining government, employers and selfish interests, and it is all of those forms of restraints that Thatcher and her successors have determined to remove. They have diluted the laws of protection and enhanced the laws of bullying, harassment and worker intimidation. They have removed the restraints on greed, on the power of Westminster, the police, employers and the security services. Protecting yourself, your job, your rights is now increasingly likened to terrorism.

Look at the health service. Every time the government is challenged on health matters it immediately seeks refuge in scapegoats. It is an elderly population, it is immigrants, it is the obese, it is health tourism etc. Nothing is ever their fault. It is never the fault of their policies, of the many privatisations, of the Private Finance Initiatives, of the interminable cuts, of the destruction of nursing and midwifery etc. Blame others, and in the process of blaming make sure you stir in a nice blend of persecution designed to get the general population to vent their hatred on some innocent group or other. This is not unique to the Tories, Labour are just as culpable. This is what you voted for in September. Within the next ten years you will have no NHS, no unions, no job security, you will be out of Europe and Britain will resemble one big police state with cameras watching your every move and the government reading all your emails and texts. Well done Better Together You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 8 January 2015

You have given Westminster the freedom to destroy yours

In its hatred of the state and of any form of collectivism, the Westminster elite, but in particular the Tories, are constantly reminding us of our right to be free to dispose of our own resources as we see fit. This is one of their arguments against increased personal taxation which they view as a cardinal sin against freedom. It is also the basis of their love of 'the free market' an ideal that is simply a concept with no basis in reality. There is no such thing, nor can there ever be such a thing, as 'the free market'.

This brings me to the object of this post. We are constantly fed the notion that the defining characteristic of a democratic society is freedom. That is wrong. The defining characteristic of a liberal democracy is limited government, indeed the limitation of any and every form of power. There can be no unlimited concentration of power in a civilised and democratic country. Freedom is a form of power and is therefore subject to necessary limitation. Freedom is a paradox and what I mean by that is that no-one must ever be allowed the freedom to destroy other's freedoms. This is what British governments have been doing since Thatcher walked into Downing Street. Under the guise of promoting economic freedom she and her successors have systematically stripped away freedoms that took years of gradual and patient construction. Under the guise of economic freedom they have constructed a society that allows for the systematic transfer of unlimited wealth from the poorest and weakest sectors of society into the pockets of the strongest. In order to achieve this they had to destroy many of our traditional freedoms and rights, particularly employment rights.

That is why, before there can be any form of meaningful reform in Britain, before we can even begin to redress the appalling inequalities, the scandal of foodbanks, the demonization of the disabled and people on benefits, we must reform the voting system. It is our top priority. That is because it is the first-past-the-post voting system that entrenches the power and privilege of the party system, the engine that the British elite utilise as their access to loot the national treasury at their leisure.

Freedom is a right, it is to be cherished, protected and defended. But there are no absolutes in human society, and freedom is no different. No-one can have absolute freedom, that is the fantasy of tyrants. How would women feel if men gained absolute freedom? How would blacks feel if white people gained absolute freedom? August Comte told us that 'the only absolute is that everything is relative' and that is a very wise observation. Freedom must be relative, as with power. Over 2000 years ago the Sophist Thrasymachus told us that 'justice is the interests of the strongest'. Nothing much has changed since eh?

I can see no meaningful hope for improvement in the UK as all the major political parties and the bulk of the electorate are still in thrall to a failed and unworkable economic system. They still believe the Thatcher lie that there is no alternative. The only glimmer of hope is in the reaction to the Westminster betrayal of the No vote in the referendum and the fact that the Scottish people are at last slowly coming to see that our leading politicians are actually as useless as I have been telling you they are. You make a serious error in believing that these people are intelligent. I said at the time that a No vote was a colossal act of self harm, but it may yet redeem itself. We shall see.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat