British politics is corrupt at every level. For an example of that let us consider what is usually taken for granted and never thought to be a form of corruption. Jim Murphy was elected leader of the Scottish Labour Party on Saturday and immediately tells us with every confidence that he will become an MSP in 2016. The tragedy is that he probably will. Similarly, David Miliband tells us that he is 'considering' a return to the House of Commons and says that in the full expectation that if he wants to he will be allowed to.
What kind of political system do we live under when incompetents, corrupt and mediocre non-entities decide that they are entitled to lay a claim to become a member of parliament and expect it to happen? Murphy is an arch neoliberal and an unthinking supporter of Mad Tony. He tells us that he will not be beholden to London and everyone guffaws with mirth. He promises a fair and just society when he was a central member of a government that went out of its way to do the opposite. He voted for war in Iraq and turned a blind eye to torture and kidnapping. David Miliband was a central player in a war mongering and torturing government, the Foreign Secretary who refused to reveal details of his government's involvement in political kidnapping and torture. Both these men were prominent members of the governments that presided over the financial crisis and both demand fairness but refuse to be accountable for their decisions, nor allow the British people to know what they are doing and what decisions they were party to. Fair, in their lexicon, means what they interpret it to be and then expect that we all agree with them. They are both products of a political elite that tell us constantly that no-one has an absolute right to privacy then demand that they are entitled to it as we have no right to know what they did in government. These people are disgusting but are at the pinnacle of our political system. The only ray of light we have is that Murphy will almost certainly destroy the Scottish Labour Party single-handedly. Remember, when Johann Lamont resigned she cited Murphy as one of the main reasons. As I said before the man is barely articulate as he sound like a tape recorder that is set on an endless loop to deliver the same meaningless sound bites to order, a man who spent nine years at university but failed to graduate. He is quite incapable of independent thought, but is being hailed as the saviour of the Scottish people. You simply couldn't make it up!
That these people expect to be accomodated by the political system is not their fault by the way. It is a symptom of the endemic corruption that poses as politics in this poisoned nation of ours, and, as I said, the tragedy is that they will indeed be accomodated. Miliband is the man who took the huff and left British politics when he lost the Labour leadership to his brother. Now that his brother is making such a mess of it he thinks he will return and be welcomed back like the prodigal son. A big spoilt eejit who should be chased for his life for even thinking about returning to politics. When you consider that the two highest jobs in the country are held by Cameron and Osborne and that the Milibands are the only alternative on offer it is enough to make even the most hardened weep. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 15 December 2014
Friday, 12 December 2014
Can't get a bus? It's all these pesky immigrants!!
On Question Time last night a question was asked if Britain was overcrowded and Farage as usual said yes because of immigration and cited congestion, housing, education and the NHS. As a result, the topic switched to immigration and nobody answered the question. I would ask you to consider the following.
The congestion on our roads and in our towns and cities is the direct result of Margaret Thatcher's quite deliberate destruction of our nationwide system of public transport. Thatcher told us that she was going to implement a 'car culture' and that is exactly what she did. A car became an essential for a great many people as their public transport disappeared and, under the subsequent privatisation, the trains and bus services became too expensive. I visit Stoke-on-Trent a lot and it is quite a large city. From where I live in Scotland it is impossible to get to Stoke and back on the same day by public transport. It is also difficult requiring going to first Glasgow, then Manchester and then changing again, and it is also too expensive. I need a car. I would remind you that Channel Four news last year discovered a £1000 train journey in Britain. Thatcher is directly responsible for the congestion we see today and it has nothing to do with immigrants.
With respect to housing, once again we must look to Thatcher as she quite deliberately created a housing crisis when she sold off our council house stock and refused to allow councils to replace them. Her stated goal was a 'property owning democracy' as she guessed that people who owned their own homes were more likely to vote Tory, and, trusting in what is laughingly called 'market forces' she forced the price of housing up to its now ridiculous levels by cutting supply in a situation of serious demand. In addition, she falsely rigged the 'market' by forcing up the price of council house rents by an average of 400% in order to make a mortgage attractive. She thereby exposed the lie that poses as 'the housing market' as no such market exists, it is an example of legalised gangsterism. As she also said, home owners were less likely to go on strike and she was right on both counts. Her other goal was the enrichment of house building firms in the private sector. The sale of council housing was the beginning of the destruction of Britain as a civilised society. Again the housing crisis has nothing to do with immigration. Immigrants have simply added to the crisis that was begun long before they impacted on it.
In education the reason is quite simply the refusal to invest in decent schools, teaching staff and infrastructure. There is no overcrowding or large classes in private and grammar schools. Why is that I wonder? Why is it only in the public comprehensive sector that we get such overcrowding and lack of discipline? It is self-evident and needs no further analysis. Schools are always in the front line of the Tories class warfare. Again, nothing to do with immigration.
The NHS? I wrote last time about the exodus of nurses under successive Westminster governments who have deliberately brought the NHS to crisis. You must never underestimate the Wesminster loathing of the public sector and its determination to destroy and undermine it as much as possible. Britain is floating on a sea of money whilst the politicians constantly tell us that there isn't any. The British elite and their international mates are siphoning off billions of pounds every day. If you don't see that then you are living in cloud cuckoo land. There is plenty of money available for transport, housing, the NHS etc if the will is there to use it for what it should be used for. Like all liars and people who are involved in criminality but don't want to get caught, Britain's political class utilise the scapegoat mentality, its always Johnny Foreigner to blame its never our own fault. What we are seeing in todays UK is the result of what we voted for. Britain's problems are of their own making and the result of a quite apalling political class who are motivated by greed and selfishness. But their principal motivation is the destruction of the public sector in order to make vast profits from its corpse. It appears to be a requirement of a Westminister politician to freely give up their common sense, their decency and their dignity. Westminster is totally disconnected, not only with the electorate, but with the real world and has become the real danger and threat to the nation, not our so-called terrorists, and certainly not immigrants. Holyrood has so far escaped the worst of this and I trust that we in Scotland make sure that it does not happen. I hope you are comforted by voting to remain in this wonderful union governed by our wise and humane Westminster political class. If you think there is any solution in sight by voting Labour, then you are truly deluded. But again, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
The congestion on our roads and in our towns and cities is the direct result of Margaret Thatcher's quite deliberate destruction of our nationwide system of public transport. Thatcher told us that she was going to implement a 'car culture' and that is exactly what she did. A car became an essential for a great many people as their public transport disappeared and, under the subsequent privatisation, the trains and bus services became too expensive. I visit Stoke-on-Trent a lot and it is quite a large city. From where I live in Scotland it is impossible to get to Stoke and back on the same day by public transport. It is also difficult requiring going to first Glasgow, then Manchester and then changing again, and it is also too expensive. I need a car. I would remind you that Channel Four news last year discovered a £1000 train journey in Britain. Thatcher is directly responsible for the congestion we see today and it has nothing to do with immigrants.
With respect to housing, once again we must look to Thatcher as she quite deliberately created a housing crisis when she sold off our council house stock and refused to allow councils to replace them. Her stated goal was a 'property owning democracy' as she guessed that people who owned their own homes were more likely to vote Tory, and, trusting in what is laughingly called 'market forces' she forced the price of housing up to its now ridiculous levels by cutting supply in a situation of serious demand. In addition, she falsely rigged the 'market' by forcing up the price of council house rents by an average of 400% in order to make a mortgage attractive. She thereby exposed the lie that poses as 'the housing market' as no such market exists, it is an example of legalised gangsterism. As she also said, home owners were less likely to go on strike and she was right on both counts. Her other goal was the enrichment of house building firms in the private sector. The sale of council housing was the beginning of the destruction of Britain as a civilised society. Again the housing crisis has nothing to do with immigration. Immigrants have simply added to the crisis that was begun long before they impacted on it.
In education the reason is quite simply the refusal to invest in decent schools, teaching staff and infrastructure. There is no overcrowding or large classes in private and grammar schools. Why is that I wonder? Why is it only in the public comprehensive sector that we get such overcrowding and lack of discipline? It is self-evident and needs no further analysis. Schools are always in the front line of the Tories class warfare. Again, nothing to do with immigration.
The NHS? I wrote last time about the exodus of nurses under successive Westminster governments who have deliberately brought the NHS to crisis. You must never underestimate the Wesminster loathing of the public sector and its determination to destroy and undermine it as much as possible. Britain is floating on a sea of money whilst the politicians constantly tell us that there isn't any. The British elite and their international mates are siphoning off billions of pounds every day. If you don't see that then you are living in cloud cuckoo land. There is plenty of money available for transport, housing, the NHS etc if the will is there to use it for what it should be used for. Like all liars and people who are involved in criminality but don't want to get caught, Britain's political class utilise the scapegoat mentality, its always Johnny Foreigner to blame its never our own fault. What we are seeing in todays UK is the result of what we voted for. Britain's problems are of their own making and the result of a quite apalling political class who are motivated by greed and selfishness. But their principal motivation is the destruction of the public sector in order to make vast profits from its corpse. It appears to be a requirement of a Westminister politician to freely give up their common sense, their decency and their dignity. Westminster is totally disconnected, not only with the electorate, but with the real world and has become the real danger and threat to the nation, not our so-called terrorists, and certainly not immigrants. Holyrood has so far escaped the worst of this and I trust that we in Scotland make sure that it does not happen. I hope you are comforted by voting to remain in this wonderful union governed by our wise and humane Westminster political class. If you think there is any solution in sight by voting Labour, then you are truly deluded. But again, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 8 December 2014
Let them eat cake!!
I sometimes wonder if I'm living in a different country from the rest of the British population? Alternatively, I wonder if I'm missing something really important. Official government data shows that since the coalition government were elected in 2010, the NHS has lost 4,400 matron and senior nursing posts. That is not the number of nurses, simply the number of senior nursing personnel. The NHS is on the point of collapse and it is being brought to this state deliberately. Am I the only person who is warning of the government's intention to completely destroy the NHS in order that they can then sell it to the private sector under the disguise of 'saving' it? I have been warning of this since I started this blog yet people continue to vote for the people doing this.
In addition, a report was published today by an All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry called Feeding Britain. This report is based on "the simple but devastating fact that hunger stalks this country." It is being endorsed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Report calls for the government to set up a network to coordinate foodbanks utilising voluntary organisations. The good Bish was reportedly shocked by the plight of the families he met at foodbanks. Welcome to the real world your Archbishopness! I cannot be too sarcastic because he is at least prepared to talk about it and do something. But I have to ask, where has he been for the past few years? Again, this situation is being deliberately engineered by the Westminster elite with the intention of reducing the British working class to a state of modern slavery where they will be prepared to work anywhere for anything.
However well-intentioned people like the good Bish are, they are entirely missing the point. If you want to cure poverty and hunger you have to challenge the people who are purposely bringing such conditions to bear. In addition you could easily solve it by giving people full-time permanent jobs with a decent wage, and make the benefits system serve the people instead of impoverishing them, which is again Westminster's intention. Anyone who doesn't like it can get lost and go live somewhere else, they will never be missed. However they will only be allowed to take a portion of their wealth with them. It is time for the British state to step in and solve these problems, and it wouldn't take long. A properly constituted system of local government would cure these problems in a short time, and the health service could be rescued quickly if the will to do so is there. I repeat without apology, the Westminster system of government is beyond saving, it has to go. It is totally corrupt both morally and politically. If the promised cuts materialise after the next election we could be quite genuinely looking at serious social disorder in the streets as the fabric of the society we live in begins to rapidly unravel.
I fully understand how people can genuinely disbelieve what I am saying as it seems too monstrous to be true that a British government would actually do things like this with deliberation? However, at least the good Archbish has started to notice reality, and I trust that you will too. I have just finished a book in which I explain why, but you will have to wait until next autumn till it is published. All I can say for the present is that you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
In addition, a report was published today by an All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry called Feeding Britain. This report is based on "the simple but devastating fact that hunger stalks this country." It is being endorsed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Report calls for the government to set up a network to coordinate foodbanks utilising voluntary organisations. The good Bish was reportedly shocked by the plight of the families he met at foodbanks. Welcome to the real world your Archbishopness! I cannot be too sarcastic because he is at least prepared to talk about it and do something. But I have to ask, where has he been for the past few years? Again, this situation is being deliberately engineered by the Westminster elite with the intention of reducing the British working class to a state of modern slavery where they will be prepared to work anywhere for anything.
However well-intentioned people like the good Bish are, they are entirely missing the point. If you want to cure poverty and hunger you have to challenge the people who are purposely bringing such conditions to bear. In addition you could easily solve it by giving people full-time permanent jobs with a decent wage, and make the benefits system serve the people instead of impoverishing them, which is again Westminster's intention. Anyone who doesn't like it can get lost and go live somewhere else, they will never be missed. However they will only be allowed to take a portion of their wealth with them. It is time for the British state to step in and solve these problems, and it wouldn't take long. A properly constituted system of local government would cure these problems in a short time, and the health service could be rescued quickly if the will to do so is there. I repeat without apology, the Westminster system of government is beyond saving, it has to go. It is totally corrupt both morally and politically. If the promised cuts materialise after the next election we could be quite genuinely looking at serious social disorder in the streets as the fabric of the society we live in begins to rapidly unravel.
I fully understand how people can genuinely disbelieve what I am saying as it seems too monstrous to be true that a British government would actually do things like this with deliberation? However, at least the good Archbish has started to notice reality, and I trust that you will too. I have just finished a book in which I explain why, but you will have to wait until next autumn till it is published. All I can say for the present is that you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 4 December 2014
How can you solve society's problems when you don't recognise society?
An article in today's Independent is called, "George Osborne is on a mission but I still don't know what it is". If you can give credit to the Tories for anything it is for consistency of purpose and for achieving their longterm goals. Osborne's mission is the same as Thatcher's and it is to bring about what sociologists call 'the weightless state'. Never underestimate the right-wing objective of transferring ownership of all public sector services and functions to the private sector and submit them to the imperatives of profit-making and market forces. However, Osborne's mission in the long-term is doomed to failure because the free market ideology that drives it is flawed and is based on a whole series of false hypotheses. The most fundamental of these is the neoliberal concept of human nature. The Thatcherite mantra that there is no such thing as society is simply wrong and is the result of this flawed notion of the nature of the human being.
The free market human being is an atomised aggressive individual. The free market economic being is rational with clear moral objectives. This being is also self-interested but in the free market universe self-interest is interpreted as selfishness. All of these concepts are wrong. Thus Osborne's mission is founded on a whole raft of false hypotheses and, if you base your programme on a false hypothesis then your outcomes will be wrong as well. That is the fundamental reason why none of the Westminster parties have a clue not only what caused the financial crisis, but how to remedy it. They are all locked into an ideological staitjacket from which they have no idea how to escape. If you deny the existence of society and think only in terms of individuals and families then you are denying yourself an understanding of the human reality. Social problems demand social solutions, you cannot solve a social problem with a series of policy options that are designed for individuals.
However, all of this is giving credit to the Tories and Labour for wanting to solve our social problems, but that is not the case. The truth is not that the Tories do not believe in society, it is that they have abandoned it. They deny society because their aim is not the greater social good, but the enrichment and benefit of a small section of society, the rest of society will have to get by as well as they can on what is left over. It is very difficult for the British people to come to terms with the actual aims and goals of the British elite. They cannot grasp the extent of their criminality as they find it difficult to believe that they would actually do such things, that they would actually use the system of government in such a despicable manner. It is not that the Westminster elite don't care about the poor and the disabled is that they hate them with a passion. They hold the poor and disadvantaged in utter contempt . The poor and disadvantaged are a cost, and in the free market universe costs are a constraint on profit and must be eliminated as much as possible. An example of their thinking is with reference to unemployment.
Free market economic theory argues that market forces operate in such a way that they establish what is known as ‘equilibrium’ in the economy. Equilibrium is balance, and it happens because, according to our free market economic geniuses, in a free competitive market system, the market efficiently establishes a harmonious relationship between the competing interests of individuals engaged in freely trading with one another. One area in which this will occur is in the labour market because, it is claimed, the free enterprise economic system will automatically establish equilibrium in a situation where there is no ‘voluntary’ unemployment. If there is any unemployment it will by necessity be temporary because unemployment will produce an excess of labour that will then result in a fall in the price of labour, ie. wages. As a result of the concept of marginal utility, the fall in wage rates will then create more employment, thus resolving the temporary problem of unemployment. However, the result of this theoretical construct is that any long-term unemployment in the economy must be, by definition voluntary, because the market has inbuilt mechanisms that automatically cure any structural forms of unemployment. Therefore, long-term unemployment is not real unemployment, it is voluntary and therefore artificial, and the result of lazy people who simply do not want to work; they volunteer to be unemployed, the skivers and shirkers, the benefit scroungers of British government mythology. Thus, society cannot be responsible for unemployment as there is no such thing as society, the market cannot be responsible for unemployment as it will cure it by itself if left alone, so, the responsibility for unemployment lies with individuals who simply don’t want to work, and trades unions who interfere with wages and the free workings of the labour market. As a result, both those groups will need to be subjected to the disciplines of the market and must not be rewarded for their selfish and anti-social behaviour. Now, I wonder who we are always listening to talking like that? This is of course simply garbage. This is what you voted for in September if you voted No. I trust you are comforted. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
The free market human being is an atomised aggressive individual. The free market economic being is rational with clear moral objectives. This being is also self-interested but in the free market universe self-interest is interpreted as selfishness. All of these concepts are wrong. Thus Osborne's mission is founded on a whole raft of false hypotheses and, if you base your programme on a false hypothesis then your outcomes will be wrong as well. That is the fundamental reason why none of the Westminster parties have a clue not only what caused the financial crisis, but how to remedy it. They are all locked into an ideological staitjacket from which they have no idea how to escape. If you deny the existence of society and think only in terms of individuals and families then you are denying yourself an understanding of the human reality. Social problems demand social solutions, you cannot solve a social problem with a series of policy options that are designed for individuals.
However, all of this is giving credit to the Tories and Labour for wanting to solve our social problems, but that is not the case. The truth is not that the Tories do not believe in society, it is that they have abandoned it. They deny society because their aim is not the greater social good, but the enrichment and benefit of a small section of society, the rest of society will have to get by as well as they can on what is left over. It is very difficult for the British people to come to terms with the actual aims and goals of the British elite. They cannot grasp the extent of their criminality as they find it difficult to believe that they would actually do such things, that they would actually use the system of government in such a despicable manner. It is not that the Westminster elite don't care about the poor and the disabled is that they hate them with a passion. They hold the poor and disadvantaged in utter contempt . The poor and disadvantaged are a cost, and in the free market universe costs are a constraint on profit and must be eliminated as much as possible. An example of their thinking is with reference to unemployment.
Free market economic theory argues that market forces operate in such a way that they establish what is known as ‘equilibrium’ in the economy. Equilibrium is balance, and it happens because, according to our free market economic geniuses, in a free competitive market system, the market efficiently establishes a harmonious relationship between the competing interests of individuals engaged in freely trading with one another. One area in which this will occur is in the labour market because, it is claimed, the free enterprise economic system will automatically establish equilibrium in a situation where there is no ‘voluntary’ unemployment. If there is any unemployment it will by necessity be temporary because unemployment will produce an excess of labour that will then result in a fall in the price of labour, ie. wages. As a result of the concept of marginal utility, the fall in wage rates will then create more employment, thus resolving the temporary problem of unemployment. However, the result of this theoretical construct is that any long-term unemployment in the economy must be, by definition voluntary, because the market has inbuilt mechanisms that automatically cure any structural forms of unemployment. Therefore, long-term unemployment is not real unemployment, it is voluntary and therefore artificial, and the result of lazy people who simply do not want to work; they volunteer to be unemployed, the skivers and shirkers, the benefit scroungers of British government mythology. Thus, society cannot be responsible for unemployment as there is no such thing as society, the market cannot be responsible for unemployment as it will cure it by itself if left alone, so, the responsibility for unemployment lies with individuals who simply don’t want to work, and trades unions who interfere with wages and the free workings of the labour market. As a result, both those groups will need to be subjected to the disciplines of the market and must not be rewarded for their selfish and anti-social behaviour. Now, I wonder who we are always listening to talking like that? This is of course simply garbage. This is what you voted for in September if you voted No. I trust you are comforted. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Gordon Brown must be a proud man
When are the Westminster gang going to accept that the Scots are not completely stupid and can spot a lie when they see it? Labour and the Tories can tell us till they are blue in the face that they have fulfilled their 'vow' but it is blatantly obvious that they haven't even tried. Under the current proposals that have still to go before an unknown Westminster parliament after the 2015 general election, Scotland will still only have control over 30% of the taxes it is responsible for and a mere 15% of welfare. If this is home rule, or even vaguely close to federalism as promised by the three stooges, then I no longer understand the English language as these people are talking in a language I simply cannot recognise. I will also remind you that Britain operates by the principle of parliamentary sovereignty by which no parliament can bind its successors. Thus, we are not even guaranteed that the next parliament will honour the pledge to vote on the Smith proposals. Should the doomsday scenario materialise and UKIP form part of a coalition government, can you imagine them agreeing to anything that will enhance the powers of the Scottish parliament when they are committed to abolishing it? It should also be noted that whatever enhancement in tax revenues that Scotland can enjoy under the proposals should they actually be agreed, then that amount will be deducted from the block grant that Scotland receives from London meaning that we will not actually be getting any wealthier but will simply be treading water.
What is significant is that even the Tories were quite shocked by the conduct of the Labour party during the Smith Commission negotiations, as they were the main supporters of stripping Scotland's ability to control its own welfare spending and who blocked the devolution of the minimum wage. This is treachery of the worst kind because, as I have said before, it was always Labour who the Scots traditionally looked to to represent their case.
The Tories have been quite open that after the next election they are going to implement another £48 billion cuts whilst continuing to cut taxation. This is financial madness because tax is a government's only form of income. If they cut taxes they have to either borrow more, or make significant savage cuts to already existing budgets. What is going to happen is that there will be such a savage attack on welfare and health spending that both these departments will grind to a halt and Westminster will step in and say that the only remedy is to hand the lot over to the private sector to save it. That is their plan as I have been telling you for the past three years, the complete privatisation of the public sector. In order to sell it off they will first have to destroy it. I trust the people who voted No in September are proud of their achievements and that the grandmaster liar Brown enjoys his retirement. You have been warned and you read it here first.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
What is significant is that even the Tories were quite shocked by the conduct of the Labour party during the Smith Commission negotiations, as they were the main supporters of stripping Scotland's ability to control its own welfare spending and who blocked the devolution of the minimum wage. This is treachery of the worst kind because, as I have said before, it was always Labour who the Scots traditionally looked to to represent their case.
The Tories have been quite open that after the next election they are going to implement another £48 billion cuts whilst continuing to cut taxation. This is financial madness because tax is a government's only form of income. If they cut taxes they have to either borrow more, or make significant savage cuts to already existing budgets. What is going to happen is that there will be such a savage attack on welfare and health spending that both these departments will grind to a halt and Westminster will step in and say that the only remedy is to hand the lot over to the private sector to save it. That is their plan as I have been telling you for the past three years, the complete privatisation of the public sector. In order to sell it off they will first have to destroy it. I trust the people who voted No in September are proud of their achievements and that the grandmaster liar Brown enjoys his retirement. You have been warned and you read it here first.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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