Sunday, 30 November 2014

It's the Economy Stupid!

I am returning to the theme of how the dominant economic model that the UK operates by is the basis of almost of our problems and is the greatest barrier to any solutions. It is the dominant free market
economic model that is the driving force behind the increasing Scottish demands for more and more independence from Westminster. It's no use unionists continually telling us that we lost the referendum and should just get over it. It was the manner in which we lost that has caused such an upsurge of indignation since 18th September. The lies, the deceit, the fabled 'vow' that is now exposed as a complete fabrication. Indeed what is particularly galling for Scots is the manner in which it is Labour who are the biggest culprits in this web of lies and mendacity because the Scots have traditionally always looked to Labour to best represent their interests. I believe that they will suffer a backleash from the Scottish electorate that they may not recover from, and it will be fully deserved.

A good example of Labour's inability to offer anything positive comes from that intellectual giant Gordon Brown, who exhorts us to stop obsessing about constitutional change and start focusing on improving people's lives. What this titan of politics completely fails to understand is that the constitutional change is vital in the battle to improve people's lives and is a necessary prerequisite for creating the conditions that will allow us to change people's lives. Where does he think the drivers for demands for constitutional change come from? You see, Brown and his ilk are a major part of the problem and that is why there can be no solutions or improvement under the guidance of the Westminster elite. Brown was the biggest culprit in the deregulation of the financial and economic system which lies at the heart of our problems today. He is completely wedded to the free market model and is completely incapable of providing meaningful solutions. His statements today are ample proof of that.

This is because Labour are inexorably locked into the dominant economic gangsterism. The British free market model is centralist and exclusive. It demands control and is designed to exclude the majority from meaningful prosperity whilst ensuring that a minority are allowed to loot the national treasury at will. We therefore have unimaginable wealth built on exploitation and poverty for the majority. How can anyone be proud of a country that awards fantastic bonuses for criminality and incompetence whilst supporting a system that requires people in work to utilise foodbanks? The free market economic model is both fraudulent and simply wrong. It is founded on a whole raft of incorrect assumptions about economic behaviour and human nature. Should anyone wish me to eleborate on any of these points I would be happy to. What is now certain is that the fabled 'vow' has been exposed as a lie and that what the Scots are being offered is simply a sop as the Westminster gangsters are both incapable of any form of honesty and of relinquishing power and control in any meaningful way. British politics is in a seriously parlous state as it has neither integrity or self-respect. I sincerely hope Jim Murphy wins the Scottish Labour leadership election as he will most certainly finish the destruction of this once mighty party that is now simply a parody. Labour will have to suffer a catastrophe before it can even begin to recover any form of dignity and credibility. It will have to be humbled. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The disease of race and class that is destroying us

We are witnessing truly damning evidence in the United States against the arguments for arming the police, and we are also witnessing the inevitable results of scapegoating minorities, of demonising minorities and ethnic groups and of presenting people and groups as outsiders and of being 'others'.
Another dangerous trend that we see in America that is being increasingly adopted in this country is that, regardless of what the police do they are never blamed nor held accountable. The police in America have a licence to do whatever they want to a black person.

When America enshrined the three-fifths clause in its Constitution that effectively designated black people as only being three-fifths human, they established a cultural attitude towards black people that became so embedded in American culture that it has still to be eradicated today. The three-fifths clause was infamously reinforced in 1857 by the judgement of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case when Chief Justice Robert B Taney argued that the founders of the Constitution considered that black people were "beings of an inferior order and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect". He went on to argue that to consider blacks on an equal basis in law with white people "would give to persons of the negro race, ...the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased ...the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went". This, the Supreme Court argued, was completely unacceptable.

It is such attitudes that produced the Holocaust; the fear of, and the demonization of other people we don't like and portraying them as sub-human. That is the creeping disease that is affecting the UK and is the product of poisonous propaganda and lies by newspapers such as the Sun, the Express and the Daily Mail in collusion with the Tories and UKIP. We are scapegoating the 'others' - Muslims, immigrants and Europeans in general. As I have been writing on this blog the other great target is Russia.

In this country we have had centuries of working people and 'the lower orders' being portrayed as being of lesser value and worth than the middle and upper classes. I would remind you that there are no class, race, gender, or ethnic differences in the birth process. We all enter the world in exactly the same manner. All differences are artificial and social, they are man-made, and I mean man-made in a literal sense as the world is still even today dominated by males. In this country and the US it is white male dominated.

Do not be fooled or seduced by the dominant ideology, it is the source of all our troubles. There are alternatives, and never be conned by the argument that our rulers are all educated people, they may be well-schooled but that is a quite different thing from being educated. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

Monday, 24 November 2014

Our role models, the banking and political classes, so much for the rule of law!

There can be no doubt that the biggest organised crime syndicate in the UK must be the Royal Bank of Scotland. The catalogue of their criminality seems never-ending in the media as they are exposed on a weekly basis for their criminal activities. Today we are regaled with their bare faced lies to Parliament over their colluding to bankrupt companies in order that they can strip their assets for their own profit. RBS have been repeatedly exposed for fraud, theft, illegal financial activities and lying and yet, no-one is ever held to account or punished. As I wrote in my last post, the biggest collection of active criminality in this country is in Westminster, but they are at least not as organised as RBS as they are made up of disparate groups in competition with each other. That is why I suspect that Westminster refuses to act on RBS as they actually do not see that they are doing anything wrong. The behaviour of our financial class and our political class are an utter disgrace and are evidence of the catastrophic leadership that we are suffering from.

A Westminster MP is a pathological liar. That is not a sarcastic remark, it is meant quite seriously. Westminster politicians are quite incapable of honesty and so when they see that type of behaviour from people like bankers then they view it as the norm. That is how the British ruling elite conduct their daily business. We are witnessing the British government telling us that we are facing the biggest threat from terrorism in our history and we are expected to take that at face value from a creature like Theresa May who refuses to furnish even a scintilla of proof for her exaggerated claims. This Home Secretary is one of the most appalling politicians imaginable. How this person could ever get elected is astonishing, yet she has risen to the third office of state in this sorry country and wields colossal but unaccountable power. I say unaccountable because she is introducing a further set of draconian legislation that erodes even more of our liberties and rights without a single piece of sustainable evidence that it is necessary. Now, it may well be necessary but we need to see the evidence. I remind you, the onus is always on the legislator to demonstrate that the legislation is both necessary and required. We must never simply take the word of such appalling human specimens.

I have said before and I repeat it, it is only a question of time before they criminalise simply being a Muslim. Also, one of their goals is to stop radical speakers from being heard. I wonder how long it will take them to get to me? This is what we voted for on September 18th. I hope it was worth it. you have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.       

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Incompetence and stupidity are the default position of a Westminster MP

Not only is the Westminster parliament home to the largest collection of criminals in the country but it also boasts the biggest group of economic illiterates imaginable. As I've told you before, the task of the serious social scientist is to explain the unintended consequences of intentional social action. It is now cheaper for British students to study in the USA than it is in their own country. If the annual income of a family is below £38,000 then American universities are free for British undergraduates. In addition, they may get maintenance allowances. In order to save money the economic geniuses in Westminster hiked up tuition fees to £9000 and have produced a situation where a British student can attend Harvard, the top university in the world, eclipsing both Oxford and Cambridge, easier and cheaper than they can attend any course in higher education in the UK.

On top of that, Westminster's deliberate policy of suppressing wages means that 75% of British students will never pay their student debt, even after the 30 year repayment period. This is the findings of the Higher Education Commission. As a result, despite the intended aim of reducing the burden of higher education on the taxpayer, the government is now heavily subsidising British students whilst being forced to write off billions of pounds of debt. You really couldn't make it up. According to the Institute of Fiscal Studies, the average student debt is expected to be £44,015, higher even than in the USA, the home of free market neoliberal economics. This is incompetence on an Olympian scale. The government were well warned that this was the likely outcome of their hastily planned incompetence, but as with everything else they refused to listen. This applies to both major parties and to the Lib/Dems who ignored their own propaganda about tuition fees to agree to such a system.    

On another front, the Church of England have described the government's bedroom tax as "unjust, ineffective and deeply unfair." Both student fees and this tax are examples of policies designed to punish the poorer sectors of our society. Student fees are not an issue for the rich and the bedroom tax is not applied to them either as it is only designed to hurt people on benefits. I have written before, and am quite serious, that the biggest recipients of welfare in the UK are the royal family, so why aren't they subject to the bedroom tax with all the spare capacity available in Buckingham Palace, Balmoral, Windsor, etc.? As of now, the dangers to the health service that I outlined yesterday, tuition fees and the bedroom tax are only applicable in the barbarian sectors of Britain outside of Scotland. If the Better Together idiots get their way that will change and we must do everything in our power to prevent that. If the Westminster incompetents and imbeciles are capable of such things whilst we are members of the EU, can you imagine what life will be like once they take us out of it? You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 17 November 2014

Great Britain PLC the sale of the century

I have been writing since I started this blog about how the fundamental problem with our economic and social life is the persistent policies of deregulation that are at the heart of the Westminster neoliberal agenda. It was the absence of any form of meaningful regulation that caused the financial crisis in 2007 and today, seven years later Westminster has still made no meaningful moves to correct this. Just last week we witnessed another series of fines on banking malpractice that takes the global total of fines imposed on banks in the past six years to £200 billion. Yes that's billion. There can be no doubt left, even in the minds of the most rabid right-wing halfwit that the banking and financial community are the lowest form of life on the planet. However, they are no worse than the Conservatives who are down there at the bottom of the swamp along with them. That is why most conservatives are financiers and bankers.

It is beyond dispute that deregulation is a disaster, that it is a device to allow criminality and gangsterism to go unpunished and to transfer wealth from the poorest to the richest in our society. I have been writing this for many years and it has now been confirmed by official data that this has been the result of successive governmental policies dating back many years. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. This is official government policy and it is the policy of all Westminster parties. Today Cameron has announced that he is going to attempt to speed up the ratification of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade deal. This is a signal that the solution to the crisis caused by deregulation is, according to our Conservative coalition government, even greater deregulation.

TTIP is designed to remove existing regulatory barriers to trade between the EU and the US. That in itself is not too radical, but included in this deal is the provision for foreign countries and firms to buy up large sectors of Britain's public service sector, and particularly its health and welfare sectors. Included in these contracts will be clauses that will guarantee that no future British government will be able to recover these services once they are sold off. I have repeatedly warned you that the Westminster parties are going to completely privatise the NHS, perhaps someone will now start to believe me.

This is deeply unconstitutional. It is an essential part of the concept of parliamentary sovereignty that no parliament can bind its successors. Thus, if this deal goes through, no future parliament will be able to reverse this policy and recover what was privatised. This is what you voted for on September 18th, and don't try to say you weren't warned. You voted for another financial crisis, the complete privatisation of the health and welfare sectors, the eventual privatisation of all public services, the transfer of the national wealth from the poor to the rich, the sale of all British assets to foreign companies, and the impotence of your parliament to do anything about it. I trust you feel very comfortably Better Together. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Westminster - Britain's biggest threat since Hitler

I trust you saw the shambles in the Westminster Parliament last night over the non-vote on the European Arrest Warrant. The point of this post is not on that issue but on the degeneration of political life in this sorry country to the point that there is neither honesty, dignity or self-respect left in public life. This will result in inevitable and dangerous consequences.

We have reached a stage in our national life where honesty is regarded as a weakness that merits scorn and ridicule. Last night the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary were exposed as having systematically and cynically lied to Parliament. This was evidenced by the string of MPs from their own party who stood in the House to denounce them for it. One of the traditions of Parliament is that you are forbidden to call another Member a liar. If you do you are immediately ordered to withdraw the remark or suffer expulsion from the Chamber for punishment. This is because it is a cardinal rule that Members must always tell the truth. As a result, if you do lie you must get away with it because there is no mechanism for holding you to account. The result of this is that we now have the two most senior members of the British government who are quite prepared to give promises and assurances that they have no intention of keeping and who refuse to abide by the traditions and rules of the Parliament that they have sworn an oath to uphold, defend and protect. Both the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary had given their word that MPs would have a vote on the status of the Arrest Warrant and that was then withheld. This follows on from the Prime Minister renaging on his election promises with respect to immigration where he gave promises that the numbers would be at a certain level by this time. The Chancellor has also renaged on assurances about debt levels, interest rates etc. and the Lib/Dems famously lied through their teeth with respect to tuition fees.

This is not new of course. The most outrageous liars are the Labour Party as their entire personnel are practiced and gifted liars which they seem to think was one of Mad Tony's greatest characteristics and so worthy of being handed down as some form of gift. This specialism was then put to great use in order to win the Scottish Referendum when the Labour lie machine was seen to operate at its finest.

My point however is that what we are witnessing in modern Britain is the disintegration of morality and the characteristic of integrity. Westminster has abandoned all pretence of moral behaviour and are quite prepared to do anything that they choose if it will get them what they want. However, such behaviour does not go unnoticed and sends the message that if it is OK for our rulers then it is OK for the rest of us. As a result, Westminster has lost its moral authority and any trust that the British people ever had in it. That is why the electorate is abandoning the three major parties. Why on earth should anyone in Britain obey the law, the rules, or respect any form of authority when the people who make the laws, establish the rules and claim the authority refuse to obey them nor display any form of decency? We are witnessing a truly dangerous phase in our history because, if the people take their behavioural model from the ruling model there is a genuine threat of a breakdown in law and order. I again warn you, the increasing likelihood after the next election is a Tory/UKIP coalition. You should be afraid. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Monday, 10 November 2014

You surely don't believe that our government would lie to you? Part 2

If I may return to the question of the right of the state to invade your privacy, I have said that states do not have rights only people have rights. One of the most important rights people have is to be protected from an overweening and misguided state. The method that has been developed over centuries for this protection is law. You see the state is simply a generic term for a bunch of people. We elect governments, who are simply people like you and I, to make the collective decisions for our comfortable and safe day-to-day living that we cannot make individually. The decisions that government make are then administered by another set of people, civil servants that we collectively call the state. These include the police, the military, the officials in government departments, both national and local etc. In order that we can be safe against the massive power that we entrust these people with we erect a system of law, ethics, morals, custom and practice that we call the rule of law.

Government is derivative, that is it derives from a source and that source is the social nature of the human being. The human being is what Aristotle described as a zoon politikon, a political animal. There is no such thing as an atomised individual, our individuality is all conditioned by our collective life, we are creatures of our environment. As a result, government derives its roles and its purpose from this fact. It is there to serve the people it represents and does not have any other purpose, and must be answerable and accountable to the people who entrust the personnel in government and the state with its administration. If the people who are charged with national security wish to take measures that, in effect, threaten the freedom and safety of the public then they must make a clear and definite case for it and receive the public's approval. It was Benjamin Franklin who told us, that if we are prepared to sacrifice our freedom on the alter of security then we will lose both and will deserve to lose both. We must never be fooled into trading our freedom for some notion that it is necessary for our security, that is the methodology of totalitarianism and is the argument of soundrels and liars. No-one, whether a politican or a government, can claim to speak for the people unless they have specifically asked the people, and they most certainly cannot know what is in our best interests.

Governments cannot and must not be trusted. Lord Acton warned us that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and, if the past 30 years of British history tells us anything, it is that British government and politics is corrupt to its very core. All government actions must be demonstrably justified. We are being hoodwinked into thinking that governments have rights over the people they govern and that politicians have a right to deprive us of information or justification for their acts. I have said before, I find that Britain is beginning to mirror attitudes and conditions that existed in the 1930's and '40s and that I detect an increasing fascist mentality, particularly in sections of the right-wing press. We are increasingly applying a scapegoat mentality for the criminality and incompetence of our politicians that is being used as a smokescreen for ever increasing totalitarian methods of surveillance on our everyday activities. What is at stake is our freedom and the rule of law. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

You surely don't believe that our government would lie to you?

I was pondering the claim by the Director of GCHQ, a Mr Robert Hannigan, that we do not have an absolute right to privacy. Presumably this is to justify the revelation that they have been illegally intercepting privileged communications between lawyers and their clients who are in litigation with the British state, something that is quite illegal. I do not accept absolutes, and so have to agree that we do not have an absolute right to anything. However, in saying that, Hannigan's motive is that he is thereby claiming that the state does have an absolute right, the right to invade your privacy whenever it wants to. 

I do not believe in absolutes because I do not believe in absolute truth. Truth is always relative and we live our lives accepting many things as the truth with the proviso that it may change. I believe it is true that I cannot walk on water and so avoid trying to walk on water in case I drown, but I do not accept that it is true that humans will never be able to walk on water. Thus, whilst I hold it to be true that a human being cannot walk on water, I do not hold it as absolute, because, it is possible that humans may indeed evolve some day to walk on water, however unlikely it may appear at this point in history. As a result, I do not accept that the state has any absolute rights.

I believe, with the Sophist Thrasymachus, that justice is the interests of the strongest. That is why the strongest must be continually restrained and constrained in their actions and ability to impose their will on the rest of society. What is happening in Britain is the result of the Thatcher experiment to remove all restraints and constraints on the strongest in society, with the result that they are increasingly imposing their will and their domination on the rest of us. Thatcher told us that she had a mission to 'roll back the state'. What she in fact meant was that she wished to weaken the state to the point that she and her cohorts and successors could successfully impose their domination on that state, and, in so doing, on the whole of society. She was particularly successful. The British state is today exactly as Karl Marx described it, a committee for managing the affairs of the whole bourgeoisie. What I find hard to accept is all of the ordinary people who work at GCHQ willingly and enthusiastically supporting the states attempts at tyranny and illegality. Lenin called such people 'useful idiots' because, when the state has successfully used these people it will just as quickly discard them and begin tapping their phones and making their lives a misery in case they blow the whistle on all the activities they subscribed to whilst they were carrying out their masters wishes.

If you truly believe anything that the Hannigan's, the Cameron's and the Miliband's of this world tell you then you genuinely deserve all you get. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

Peoiple have tried to destroy the Scots and the Russians before

The good citizens of Lewes in East Sussex felt it appropriate to burn effigies of Alex Salmond, Vladimir Putin and the Loch Ness Monster for their Guy Fawkes night celebrations. At the last minute the were persuaded not to actually burn the effigy of Salmond which was adorned by a large badge with 45% on it, presumably with the symbolism of incinerating all those people who had voted Yes in the referendum,and instead blew it up. What we are witnessing here is the attitudes of the Westminster elite filtering down into the general population. Both Alex Salmond and Vladimir Putin represent movements of people who have had enough of Western eltitist bullying and are refusing to be intimidated any more. They are standing up to the West and to the Anglo-American domination and telling them to get lost and the Anglo-American powers will not accept any challenge to their dominance. As a result, the populations of these nations see such challenges as hostile and unacceptable and immediately regard such people as enemies that must be confronted.

The great Scottish philosopher David Hume described the English as 'stupid and factious barbarians' and it would appear that the English nation is descending into such a position once again. I have written on this blog before that, in my opinion, Vladimir Putin is quite right in the position he assumes towards the British and the Americans. Russia is a nation that cannot be bullied. We seem to be adopting the same attitudes to Russia that prevailed in the 1930s and '40s that Russia is weak, not to be trusted and can be told what to do at the risk of being punished if they don't. Hitler genuinely believed that the Soviet Union would fall like a pack of cards within weeks of invasion. Indeed the Soviets lost 3,000,000 men in the first six weeks of the German invasion and the Germans advanced to within 20 miles of Moscow, surrounded Leningrad and occupied almost the whole of Stalingrad. However, by 1944 the Soviets were actually outproducing the USA in war materials and invaded Germany with over 4,000,000 troops. It was the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk that turned the Second World War. You underestimate the Russians at your peril.

Similarly, you underestimate the Scots at your peril. Despite losing the referendum the SNP are the largest growing party in Britain, if not Europe. They may have lost a crucial battle, but appear to be winning the war. A revitalised Yes campaign has begun planning for the next referendum, and, if Labour lose the next Holyrood elections, they will be forced to adopt a Yes platform in order to simply survive. Remember, it was the Holyrood parliament and proportional representation that saved the Conservatives bacon in Scotland. They too were forced to accept something they bitterly opposed. I repeat something I have told you before, the task of the serious political and social analyst is to consider the unintended consequences of intentional human action. We are seeing the full fruits of that maxim taking shape before our eyes, the future is definitely not what it used to be. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Perhaps losing the referendum was a blessing in disguise

I trust you will note how everything that a Westminster politician does is 'the right thing to do' even when the right thing that they are doing is in complete contradiction to the right thing they were doing a short while ago. It is the same when they tell us that they are acting in the interests of the British people. I am the British people and no-one has ever asked me if I agree with what they are doing in my best interests. I love it when they tell us that 'what the British people want is...' because no-one has ever asked me what I want and I genuinely have never met anyone else who has been asked either. So, how do these people know what is in Britain's best interests or what the British people want when they never make an attempt to find out?

When politicians tell us things like that they are simply telling us what they and their mates want. With regards to public policy, they persistently tell us that there is no alternative when anyone with a scintilla of intelligence knows that there are innumerable alternatives. Despite this, the British people as a whole sit and nod their heads and agree with such rubbish. I have written before about Labour's rising star, Chukka Ummuna. I watched him last night and he sat and simply denied every point that was put to him by three other people about the state of the Labour Party. You see he is symptomatic of the Westminster sickness. If reality does not agree with them, they simply deny reality and invent a new one. That is why Labour, and indeed the whole Westminster system, is in terminal decline. Not only do these people have no idea what is in Britain's best interests, they don't even know what is in their own best interests.

Thank goodness that the German's are standing up to Westminster's bullying and telling them that enough is enough. There are four fundamental principles built into the European Treaties and the Germans are telling us, quite correctly, that they are the red line we cannot cross. The British actually believe that they should determine what the fundamental principles of EU law should be and that those pesky foreigners had better listen up or we will take our ball and go home. I have written constantly about the Westminster attitude that they will not tolerate any form of constraint on their actions of desires and their determination to get their own way regardless of the consequences and the damage that they do to other people. This is a result of the fundamental ideological approach that drives them, the neoliberal free market fraud that passes for rational thinking in this sorry country. They know best and woe betide anyone who disagrees. I am sorry if you voted No in the referendum, because Independence is now almost certain as the Scottish people now realise that these people are going to ruin the country and the demand for seperation will grow unstoppable. I am coming to believe that losing the referendum was actually a good thing as it has exposed the charlatans in their true light. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Monday, 3 November 2014

We are in a genuine crisis of leadership

I was reading a report on the Rochester and Strood by-election where a voter was asked why he was voting UKIP and he replied because the Tory MP for the constituency had done absolutely nothing for them. The UKIP candidate he is voting for is the same Tory MP who defected to UKIP, Mark Reckless. I concluded that the voters in Rochester are getting exactly what they deserve. I mean you genuinely couldn't make that up. It beggars belief that intelligent people can even consider voting for this bunch of nutters, but it is indicative of the alienation of the electorate from Westminster. To combat this trend the Tories are trying to outhate them over foreigners and the EU. This has led to Germany's President Merkel telling the British that if they do not stop trying to alter the basic rights and freedoms of the European settlement then she will support kicking Britain out of Europe. She told Cameron that he was reaching the point of no return. That is strong language indeed from another country's President and we should take careful note. I ask you to consider the implications of leaving Europe for employment rights, pensions, human rights in general, the welfare state, employment etc. Most of our multi-national companies are only located here because we are members of the EU and they would withdraw immediately were we to lose our membership. In addition we would be leaving a trading bloc of over 500 million people and would be subject to EU tariffs and all the barriers to entry of that bloc. In addition, if UKIP get a serious hold on British power they are committed to abolishing the Scottish Parliament.

Rather than counteract the bile and hatred pouring daily out of the Mail and Express, Westminster allows such bullying and attempts to appease it. In doing so, Britain becomes increasingly fascist in character. I continually warn you that we are ruled by intellectual misfits and that the political system in Britain is seriously flawed. We are ruled by incompetents and clowns, causing Will Hutton to call the Prime Minister incoherent, immoral and economically illiterate over his tax policies in yesterday's Observer. I urge you to read his article. I would extend that description to cover 90% of government policies. What gets me is why it has taken Will Hutton so long to see what I have been telling you for some years now? What we are witnessing is the enduring legacy of Margaret Thatcher and her determination to destroy the collective nature of British society and the engine of that society, the welfare state. I had a conversation with a friend of mine recently when he quite seriously described Ed Miliband as a Marxist. That is how illiterate political discourse is in this sorry mess of a country today. I asked him if he thought Miliband was a Marxist, what that made me? However, I am still being repeatedly assured that we are Better Together, so I must be wrong. I am in genuine despair that there is any solution to what I see are our deep-seated problems and am becoming resigned to the prospect of a corporate fascist style Britain leaving the EU and finishing the destruction of the welfare state, leaving us at the mercy of privatised foreign companies who take all their ill-gotten gains out of the country and leave us in a bankrupt mess. When that happens, the Thatcher revolution will be complete. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

The Strange Death of Labour

I have written before about the Greek concept of hubris, self-destruction brought on by overweening arrogance, and that is what we are seeing with regard to the Westminster parties, but in particular the Labour Party. The Westminster gangsters are so confident in the stupidity of the electorate that they genuinely believed that they could win the referendum by persistently lying and that there would be no consequences. I do not believe for a moment that the poll that gives the SNP 52% will be reflected come polling day, but it is nevertheless significant as to the deep hostility towards Labour and their behaviour towards the Scots over many years now, but with particular reference to their performance in the referendum. It immediately became clear that their promises and assurances were no more than hot air to the extent that polls now show that 1 in 4 and rising of people who voted No are now regretting it.

If you watch the Scots representatives of all Westminster parties it is quite a surreal experience. When asked a question it is as if someone switches a tape recorder on and the same stock phrases and responses come gushing out of empty mouths and empty minds. I cannot believe that anyone is genuinely promoting Jim Murphy as the saviour of the Scottish Labour Party, he is barely articulate and is a clone produced by Westminster. I watched him last night on Scotland Tonight when he told us that he agrees with everything Ed Miliband says and stands for, I mean, that is genuine braindeadness. His mate Anas Sarwar is, if anything worse and, in an interview on Scotland 2014 I counted 5 times in less than 5 minutes that he told us he only wanted to have "a genuine dialogue to move us forward". He was quite incapable of answering any kind of question spontaneously. Moving forward is, to such people, moving to their agenda, anything else is moving in the wrong direction because everything they do , "is the right thing to do" because "there is no alternative".

Politics in the UK is in serious crisis, and, as I have indicated before, the ideological thrust in England is moving, in my opinion, towards a form of fascism. The dominant discourse in England is hatred. Far too many sources of information have made the word 'foreigner' toxic. The tabloid press have stirred the embers of fascist xenophobia into a political movement that sees its expression in UKIP and the right-wing of the Tories. They hate immigrants, they hate Muslims, they hate Europe, they hate the poor, the disadvantaged and have a particular hatred for the disabled. As I have written many times, if you persist in the fallacy that there is no alternative, you are embedding a form of totalitarianism in society. If there is no alternative to something then that thing must be, by definition, true. Thus if I disagree with any course of action for which there is no alternative I am again by definition, wrong. The British better waken up. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat