Thursday, 28 February 2013

Our vile elite

One of the abiding characteristics of the ruling elite in the UK is its almost total disconnect from British society and the majority of the British people. This disconnect is not accidental, it is the result of a conscious choice by the elite to disconnect from the society they dominate. They live in and work in the society but are not part of it. This elite consists of the economic and political masters of British society and the managerial and opinion-forming class who support them and advance their interests, and what connects them is their acceptance of, and adherence to, a particular ideology which fuels their contempt for ‘society,’ for British culture, their hatred of the working class and the disadvantaged, and their determination to marginalise and dominate them to enable them to loot as much of the nation’s wealth as possible. In her book, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt tells us that the aristocratic elite in pre-revolutionary France
"did not regard themselves as representative of the nation, but as a separate ruling caste which might have much more in common with a foreign people of the same society and condition than with its compatriots"
This is especially true with regards to the British ruling elite and their circle of friends and associates. This group of rapacious parasites are united by their adherence to neoliberal free market economics which is the motivator behind their social and political attitudes. What these people have done, and continue to do, is to withdraw from the mainstream of society into enclaves where they disconnect from the civic life of the nation. As they withdraw, then that civic life ceases to have any relevance to them and they lose all connection to the reality of modern life in a nation such as Britain. That is why the Royal Bank of Scotland can post a yearly loss of £5.2billion but still pay bonuses of £600million to themselves. They are genuinely completely out of touch with reality. Their sole concern, now that their criminality has been exposed in the financial crisis, is to loot as much of the national treasury as is possible before they are stopped. This is also the principal motivator for the government who not only do nothing to prevent them, but actively assist them in this mass fraud.
As a result, the principal threat to the British state comes, not from foreign or home grown terrorists, not from benefit scroungers or immigrants, not from working people or the trades unions, but from those at the top of our social hierarchy. These people never use our buses or trains, they never use the public education system, they never use the health service, they never need benefits, they never shop in the high street, so they don’t give a damn about what happens to any of the social fabric of the nation as they don’t belong to it. All of the services and the dynamic life of the nation only matter to them to the extent that they can profit from it. They are genuine vermin and parasites, and the tragedy is that the British cannot, or will not, see this and continue to support them and vote their representatives into government. Well you get what you wish for and you should remember that every time you vote.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Anti-capitalist - me??

People ask me why I'm so anti-capitalist and anti-Conservative? I understand why they think that but have to say that it betrays the kind of lazy thinking that characterises so much of discourse in Britain today and the bullying form of discourse that argues that if I am not with you then I must not only be against you, but must be your enemy. On the charge of anti-Conservative I will simply reply by repeating the answer the philosopher John Stuart Mill gave to such a charge that "Not every Conservative is stupid, but most stupid people are Conservatives."

On the charge of anti-capitalist, this question is based on the completely false notion that capitalism is a defined economic system. This is obviously false as there are many variants of capitalism and is symptomatic of the lazy thinking I spoke of. My objection is to a particular form of capitalism, the dominant UK free market form of capitalism that we know as the neoliberal variant. The variant that is destroying the social fabric of the British nation and fuelling hatred for the disadvantaged and minorities. The variant that has destroyed our value system and promoted greed and selfishness as virtues.

Free market economic theory is simply wrong as it is based on several false premises.
a) It has a false concept of human nature, basing its policies on the notion of individualism. Humans are social animals and their individualism is a reflection of their social nature.
b) It is premised on the concept of the rational individual. Human beings have the capacity for rational thought but most certainly do not start from that point.
c) It is anti-collectivist when the human being is a collective being
d) As a result of the above, its theories and policies are essentially anti-social
e) It obviously promotes the concept of free markets when the concept of a free market is an impossibility and is not a desirable thing in the first place.

Modern British economic policy takes it lead from Thatcher's famous observation that there is no such thing as society. This observation is so stupid that it would normally be barely worth commenting on, but Thatcher said it for reasons that were dangerous, destructive and sinister and have had profound consequences that still resonate today, so they must be challenged.

Should anyone wish me to elaborate on any of the above points I would be happy to do so

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

The NHS is officially doomed

I posted in September about the Tories determination to destroy the Health Service and open it up to privatisation. I am in debt to the Guardian newspaper who published an article today outlining how the Health and Social Care Act, passed last March, is designed to do just that. In other words, the NHS is doomed, and its official.

The Tories plans were never published because as the Guardian shows, Michael Portillo, an ex Tory MP and Cabinet Minister, told Andrew Neil on BBC One's This Week in January 2011: "They did not believe they could win an election if they told you what they were going to do." The Guardian goes on to show how an article in the British Medical Journal warned us that

"Entitlement to free health services in England will be curtailed by the Health and Social Care Bill currently before parliament. The bill sets out a new statutory framework that would abolish the duty of primary care trusts… to secure health services for everyone living in a defined geographical area".
But of course nobody was listening or believed them at the time, because after all that nice David Cameron assured us that the NHS was safe in the Tories hands and he wouldn't lie would he? And here is the opening of a report by Harrison Grant solicitors and the specialist barristers Stephen Cragg and Rebecca Haynes:
"The bill will remove the duty of the Secretary of State to provide or secure the provision of health services which has been a common and critical feature of all previous NHS legislation since 1946."
There you have it, the Secretary of State for Health no longer has a duty to provide or secure the provision of health services, and the primary care trusts no longer have a duty to provide services to everyone in their area. In other words, two of the fundamental founding principles of the NHS have been abandoned, its universality, in that everyone who needs medical treatement will get it, and its comprehensiveness covering all areas of health care. I trust the Guardian will excuse me if I simply quote what they say about this
We know how this works because we've seen it happen with NHS dentistry. If you're well-off you go private. If you're poor and there are no NHS dentists in your area willing to take you on, then you simply don't have a dentist. Imagine this happening with oncology, or cardiac medicine, or care of the elderly.
This is not some kind of warning, it has actually been placed on the statute books. This is of course, primarily aimed at immigrants and foreigners who take ill in this country (I am saying this, not the Guardian). But what about British citizens moving from one area of the country to another? What about if you are on holiday and you take ill, will you be refused, or handed a bill for any treatment you receive from another health trust?
Do you still think my description of our government's as evil is a bit over the top?
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Institutionalised Indifference

I have written about how the Conservative Party and their cohorts in government, the Lib Dems, have become indifferent to poverty and to the conditions of the disadvantaged in the UK such as the disabled, the sick and the unemployed. What this signifies is that the UK has reached a crucial point in its historical development where the fundamental purpose of government, the protection and advancement of the common good, is going to be jettisoned by our self-serving profit driven ruling elite.

Governments are, as I have previously said, derivative, that is they derive their existence, roles and functions, from the people of the society they are tasked with governing and who elect them into office for the purpose of securing their safe living and welfare. Governments do not exist for their own sake, and governments do not have rights, only people have rights. The Labour Party under the sociopath Blair and his cohort of fellow war criminals, demonstrated very visibly their utter contempt for the electorate and their determination to follow their own agenda irrespective of the wishes of the citizens of the UK. Their slavish kowtowing to the Americans and the financial classes brought the UK to its knees financially and unleashed terrorism onto our streets. Labour embarked on an agenda of class warfare against the British working class and got away with it because they still call themselves Labour and people didn't really think that they would do such things even while they were in fact doing them. This was heaven to the Tories who have simply taken up Labour's programme of neoliberal economic and political destruction and implemented policies that Labour cannot criticise because they did it first.

The neoliberals and British Tea Party supporters are systematically dismantling our human rights and the traditional role of government by their hatred for the working class and the disadvantaged which is an extension of their hatred for the state and their demands for minimal government. This is the programme that legitimises social indifference in order to establish an atomised and privatised society where everything is judged by the profit motive. As I said earlier, present day British government is genuinely evil, and includes all the three major parties. They constantly parrot the mantra that there is no alternative, which, with only a moments reflection, should betray itself to anyone with minimal intelligence as utter nonsense. The present dominant ideology that rules the UK is not only wrong, it is stupid and anti-social. It denies the very essence of human nature and human social living. It will fail in the long run, but in the long run it may also destroy the entire fabric of the nation if it is allowed to continue to its ruinous conclusion, which is to destroy our communities, reduce society to a collection of greedy selfish individuals, and define the common good to satisfy the private sector for profit. Government in Britain has completely lost its moral compass.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 17 February 2013


When it comes to sport, the English cannot seem to understand why everyone wants to see them beaten. Perhaps their arrogance and their attitude that they are obviously destined to win everything and that everyone else is there to make up the numbers has something to do with it. I was watching the women's cricket world cup and England came third after Australia and the West Indies, in other words, England didn't even make the final. Not to be bothered with such trivialities, an English commentator actually asked the England women's captain that, despite coming third did she not think that England were actually the best team in the tournament? I mean, you couldn't make stuff like that up. That I would suggest is genuine hubris!

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 15 February 2013

Question Time

I must apologise to anyone who bothers reading my stuff for what must appear to be my inactivity over the past two weeks. This was because I have been unable to access my blog for some reason or another. 

I don't know if any of you watch Question Tine, but if you do I trust you note how all spokespeople for our major political parties simply refuse to answer the questions that are put by the audience. Instead, they take the line that they are answering the question that should have been asked, and that it is not their fault that this question was not asked. This is partly explained by the fact that they are incapable of being either spontaneous or honest, and because they can't answer due to the fact that  they are neither intelligent nor informed enough. Question Time is a good demonstration of how appalling our modern politicians are. Before any party politician appears on a programme such as Question Time, or the news etc., the party managers guess what they are likely to be asked on the programme and school them on what they should say. They therefore deliver a prepared party response whether they themselves believe it or not.

The modern party system has reduced our politics to a shambles, and staffed Parliament with self-serving yes people who are incapable of either rational thought or honesty. The only characteristic that unites our politicians is their ability to lie through their teeth without the slightest twinge of conscience. It is now a truism that if a spokesman for our political parties is speaking, and this is especially true for the principle party leaders, then they are lying.

The real culprit in all of this mess is the first-past-the-post electoral system that returns governments with comfortable majorities on a very small portion of electoral support. In Britain, because of this system we vote for parties and we get the MPs that the party want, not who we want. Parties strictly control who becomes a candidate in an election and they must be total yes people or they won't get selected. Thatcher at least admitted that in order to progress under her leadership you had to be 'one of us.'

This therefore produces a political system that is in fact a hereditary system as the party leaders ensure that everyone who succeeds them will ensure the continuation of their policies. That is why, what we are witnessing today is the logical extension of Thatcher herself. The financial crisis, the collapse of the NHS, education, the corruption of the media and the police etc. Thatcher laid the foundations and all succeeding politicians have slavishly built on her foundations, and the biggest culprits were the Labour Party. That is why the only solution available to us at this point in time is Scottish independence. This is actually the thing that will save the rest of the UK as well, as it will force necessary changes. For the present the poor electors outside of Scotland simply do not have viable alternatives.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat