Friday, 30 November 2012

So much for representative democracy

Surely there can be no-one left in this miserable class ridden society who questions whose interests governments govern for. 77% of the British public demand the implementation of the Leveson Report according to the polls. The majority of Parliamentary MPs want it implemented but the Prime Minister says no. Who on earth does this man represent? This is a political disgrace, but more importantly it is dangerous.

Governments are derivative. That means that they derive their existence from the people. The people elect them, pay their wages, pensions and all their expenses. The government's authority derives from the people and the people have the ability and the right to strip them of that authority. Government's are supposed to be representative of the nation. They are not supposed to be representative of vested interests. That the Prime Minister can be so dismissive of the Report of the inquiry he set up and promised people he would implement its recommendations as long as they weren't bonkers is nothing short of scandalous and removes any vestige of authority from this government to claim to speak for the nation. The Conservatives are becoming the equivalent of the Corleone Family.

The human being is a social being who interacts with other people naturally. They create societies as a result of their human nature and they regulate those societies. That is what governments are, regulatory agencies. Their purpose is to regulate society for the peace, security and stability of the population. They have no other purpose. They do not exist for their own right, indeed governments have no rights, only people have rights. As a result of this government, the press will simply carry on as usual and the Leveson Inquiry will end up the biggest waste of time imaginable. Democracy is for sale, it is a commodity as is everything in the neoliberal universe. Government in the UK is fast becoming a danger to the rest of society. Roll on Scottish Independence.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The NHS is almost f....d

Warnings that the Tories are determined to completely privatise the health service are being ignored by the British public because they find it difficult to believe that the Tories would do something so enormous after constantly assuring us that they will do no such thing. As Goebbels said, if your going to tell a lie then tell a big one and tell it often.

A report from the Kings Fund just released shows how 'unprecedented financial pressures' are speeding up the demolition of the service as we know it. They state that because of a combination of financial cuts and policy changes  "signs that the impact on patient care could be felt as early as 2013" and that "the stakes could hardly be higher" with some hospitals "experiencing serious challenges in delivering services of an acceptable quality" Analysing the government's reforms to the health service the report states that "major organisational changes and the loss of experienced managers leave the service in a precarious position" and argues that the core of the government's reforms, GP-led commissioning, will undermine the national system and concludes that  "it is no exaggeration to say that the NHS is heading into treacherous waters, and the risks are high."

What the Tories are doing is applying the Shock Doctrine to the Health Service. Naomi Klein shows graphically in her book Shock Doctrine how the neoliberal policy is aimed at creating crisis within states and organisations that will bring them to the edge of collapse and then using that state of collapse as an excuse to completely remodel them as neoliberal privatised industries. Despite all the promises of the health service being safe in their hands the Tories are bringing the health service to a state of collapse when they will then step in and tell everyone that the only way to save it is to hand it over to the private sector, the same sector that they all have interests in and have their family fortunes invested in. In other words, the financial crisis and the crisis in health care is being deliberately engineered by this government in order to destroy all public health provision and replace it with private.

Once this has been successfully accomplished education will follow and they will not rest until all public service provision has been abolished. The public do not believe this and so it has an inevitability about it as nothing is being done to prevent it. . All that can be done is for people like me me to keep warning an electorate who refuse to see the reality of life in modern Britain..

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 26 November 2012

A fundamental and repeated assertion of this blog is that Britain's fundamental problems are ideological. Britain is bedevilled by an obsession with free market ideology, both economic and political. This has led to a whole set of governmental programmes, beginning with Thatcher and growing steadily under successive governments, that are antisocial and mutually exclusive. It is this ideological fixation that led to our financial crisis and our failure to recover. This obsession with individualism and the free market is evidenced by our elite's love affair with all things American.
We are now witnessing the appointment of a Canadian governor of the Bank of England. This is a man steeped in the North American free market tradition who will approach his job, and therefore the future of the British economy from a North American free market background.

Now, I hope I am completely wrong, but, for the ordinary people of this country this appointment only means more of the same. What Britain needs is a complete change of approach, a complete change of thinking. The free market approach has failed completely, and, as I said in my last post has demonstrably failed, with the evidence all around us every day. We need a massive injection of public investment. A real and determined public effort could be utilised by empowering our system of local government to create jobs. Local government, exercising its traditional functions of housing, education, waste disposal and sewage etc. could, on its own, eliminate unemployment in the UK. There are alternative available in such a crisis, but I have no confidence in a North American to look to such an approach to solve our problems. A properly resourced and managed health service would also be a huge employment opportunity, and these would be real fulltime and properly paid jobs, putting an end to our part-time temporary culture that offers neither future nor hope.

There can be no doubt left now that our Prime Minister and his Chancellor are hopeless incompetents and that the current Labour Party are no better. This appointment may offer a glimmer of hope, but I have no confidence in anyone who is wedded to our dominant ideology. In the meantime the elite continue earning money at levels they can never hope to spend whilst up to half a million people in the UK are getting emergency food rations. It genuinely beggars belief. Welcome to modern neoliberal Britain.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Westminster is beyond reform

I am sorry I have not posted anything for some time but I have been away and was busy. The public should take note of a report in this morning's Observer on how the government have been lying through their teeth to the medical profession and the public over their so-called consultations on the future of the health service. During this time they have been merrily proceeding with their chums in the private health sector to sell off our health service for profit.

Despite the financial crisis, the corruption of Westminster, the press and the police over recent years, this government is carrying on as if nothing has happened. The British really must pause and reflect how our governments and our police have been virtual employees of Rupert Murdoch. We are ruled by people of all parties who still subscribe to an ideology that is not only ruinous, but is demonstrably so. You don't need to know anything about politics or economics to understand modern Britain. The evidence of the failure of free market economic theory is all around you. Yet, our politicians still parrot the same old nonsense that there is no alternative.

What is happening is that our ruling elite are carrying on business as usual in order to loot as much of the national treasury as possible before the whole rotten edifice collapses all around us. They can then make their escape with all the money and leave the rest of us to get on as best we can. As I keep warning, the British are going to sleepwalk into ruin with their refusal to accept reality. The momentum that has gathered to leave the European Union will allow the elite to reduce us to virtual slavery with no human rights to protect us. That is the agenda behind this campaign. Having reduced workers to almost serf like status, with the removal of most of our employment protection, the focus is now on health and safety. This gang of robber barons is determined to remove the very health and safety we rely on to protect our very lives, and the British public sit and nod their heads in approval. I have to say that, in such matters nothing the Tories do should surprise us but the treachery of the Labour Party and its abandonment of working people takes some prizes for sheer affrontery.

Scotland must become independent as the corruption of Westminster has possibly passed the point of no return. The entire Westminster system and all of its members are beyond contempt, morally and intellectually corrupt. There are alternatives, but not within the Westminster universe in the forseeable future.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat. 

Friday, 9 November 2012

child abuse

Anyone hoping that justice will be done over the child abuse scandals that are swirling around the country had better forget it. This is a class issue and if anyone gets prosecuted you can be sure it will be nobody from our elite. It will be covered up, make no mistake about that. The United Kingdom is corrupt from top to bottom and throughout all its institutional structures. If there are prosecutions, they will be token scapegoats to deflect attention from the elite criminals. There will be agreement on this from all major parties as they all have such people throughout their organisations and they all know who they are. Justice in the UK is a class issue and a farce!

Monday, 5 November 2012

We leave Europe at our peril

The Tory hatred of the European Union is reaching alarming levels and is infecting the rest of the UK. We have got to a point where we are now in grave danger of submitting to the hostile propaganda the right have been spewing out over the EU and leaving it. If we do that the UK is finished and the working people of this country will have no protection whatsoever against the creeping slavery that threatens them.

The only thing that has protected the few employment rights left in the UK is the EU. Make no mistake, the Tories are determined to remove all constraints on owners and managers and their ability to do exactly as they like in the pursuit of endless profit. Workers rights are top of their hit list. It was announced last week that they are preparing to scrap most of the UK's health and safety legislation so that workers will have no redress against employers callousness and disregard of their employees welfare. If someone gets killed at work, not a problem, there are plenty to take their place. In addition, we would be forfeiting membership of a trading partnership of some 500 million potential customers and growing. With the constant outsourcing of all services to foreign countries where employment rights and wages are minimal the Tories are destroying the employment prospects of millions of British people and there will be nothing you can do about it. The aftermath of this process is that the British will be prepared to take any job at any wage rate under any conditions. That is what is coming, and make no mistake it is a deliberate process, you are heading for a form of slavery.

For that reason alone, Scotland should vote for independence and English residents should mount a serious challenge to this madness. If they do not, then you heard it here first and you have no cause for complaint because you will be accepting your slavery.